would you consider the following woman as a wife?
Im just gonna write down what I experienced with her in the last 2 years.
I met her when I was out on a birthday of a friend. The first time really partying after the dad of my former gf died from cancer, we broke up because of it. It was 6 months ago.
I was hopeing for my ex to show up, she didnt, I drank a lot. Didnt give a fuck.
The new girl, Nadja, was horribly drunk but the hottest girl from the group. 9/10
I was the fouth guy she did make out with, but I took her to her home for a one night stand. She did blow me outside before we went to her.
We had 3-4 hours sex and she enjoyed it a lot but we both didnt cum because we were to drunk.
The next day I realized that she needed comforting. She was upset about what happend last night, but not the sex with me but the making out with so many guys. She said she wasnt like this. That she never was this drunk before.
After comforting her I gave her my number and left. She wrote a message in the evening.
Fast forward:
We started dating, but I was never really trusting her from the start. After asking she told me everything I wanted to know about her past. I was her first boyfriend, but her 12th guy. Also one of my friends had a one-night-stand with her but he was awful in bed^^ She didnt want to see him again.
She had problems with cumming and could not cum on one of her 6 one night stands, other 6 guys were potential partners which didnt make it.
After some weeks she could cum regularly, by now we are up to 2-3 orgasms normal, really good sex 4-5 orgasms. She is happy :D
Also she was horrible at cooking (vegetarian) and had no plan for life. Classic white hoe is what I thought first, gonna fuck her until I dont want it anymore.