Heres a game: Post a screenshot of what you are listening to just this moment.
Then guess the others age and job based on their posts.
Ill start.
Heres a game: Post a screenshot of what you are listening to just this moment.
Then guess the others age and job based on their posts.
Ill start.
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont give a fuck about ur age and ur job, but good choice of music
Optional: guess the gender too
35, male, coder
errybody up in here a dude, women don't exist on the internet
>phoneposter thread
Mid Twenties, some kind of desk job
You are just a faggot for listening to that industry plant
>hunchin over a desk
Pretty close already, but not quite there yet. Gender is tru tho (lmao as ud expect )
thanks bro, glad to know you respect my sexuality
Boomer or zoomer? Which am I?
Still at work so not really got a choice. Also, just screenshot ur fucking screen its not like you're being left out.
19, male, student
20, male, unemployed or independant
Probably some mid 20s loser who recently moved from his parents.
Occupation:full time homosexual
What do you think?
hail stan is fucking great
It is, love the album
32, male, event management or something like that?
Im actually curious
Don't think anyone will guess correctly
Around 19, female, unemployed or kashier
All of it? Damn
Good taste, my dude.
thanks man, sick song
True. Is there more of that in your playlist?
Either 19 or 25, still working fast food
Pretty close - 21, female, studying/part time job
My guess too id say rather 18 or 19
Lmao u from germany?
Kinda, that playlist has not got a little out of hand and there's like 2000 songs in haha so mixed bag really
Nope, slovakia
First of all: lmao.
Second: around 20, female, office job
You are just a faggot for listening to that industry plant
27, business owner
Ah ok wouldve surprised me for a sec i thought my ex started goin on /b xD
Gave me a good heart attack
24 retail, but birthday is next month so I'll accept 25
i kanda want it whats ur spotify username?
What do you mean by industry plant?
Not a real artist, the industry planted her, made her famous, for more money, Billie is a slave
Linked to fb so don't really wanna say haha, but search for the playlist name and you should find it, its got 9 followers so look for that one
Tbh i think its kinda lit.
well, just similar music taste I guess :D
And so the epic quest for quality music began..
does this count? this shit slap hard
And same age and job ^^
good luck friend, i'm sure you'll find it, if you don't lemme know and we'll find another way
just went and previewed this album and a few tracks off the others, that electric guitar was a massive mistake in my opinion. If they don't continue the emotional arc they're going on by moving from deep emotional anger/repressed hate to thrash angst and then continue to some conclision, they're going to die
I think the same. They too generic .-.
19 autism weaponizer
This one?
30 and you’re a professional cocksucker
Oof phone wont let me post any more screenshots. I think i found it tho
listening at work rn
50, male, engineer
My gramma
you are a 25 year old, probably edgy, male is my guess
ah and job, construction worker or something like that. Maybe coder
Beats are sick, but the vocals sound like hes having a seizure. I mean its not even the same rythm.
Between 16 and 21, female, work in retail
21, student (something artistic/creative?)
Gender i cant tell but probs male since Yea Forums/b
The song is Brain damage sorry for bad screenshot. Im still kind of a newfag
Male, 22, 3d artist
what do you shitlords know about music anyway
Do your worst
25, male, mechanic
20-23 female student with retail side job
25 male independant artist
29, Male, Skilled Construction
This thread was a good one. Thanks Yea Forumsros great fun.
damn, been busy for a bit, if you read this I hope you found it!
Yeah i did find something made by someone with initials JG. Is that it?
ye boiiii, thats the badger
Thanks a lot listening to it now
Big time fag
like i said its a mixed bag but enjoy
like 30
Wanna say 25, some retail job
holy shit man age pretty near but Im not working. Pretty nice
14 year old
čakaj hej ale to si prvý ktorého vidím. Zdravím Yea Forumsratu
Professional gimp
You're all welcome :)
im yretty confident to assume his/her IQ too. Probably round 90-95
making kebabs in germany
It's french rap
Not applicable
knew it
Acctually 23yo tranny nursing assistant
17, theater fag
yikes they let mentally deranged people around the sick and vulnerable?
I'm quite popular with the patients ill have you know
Apparently my bedside manners are top teir
this man enjoys nigger music. Urgh
not music but probably the unofficial podcast of Yea Forums
Early 20's, probably retail & studying?
Are you still a teen?