Boyfriend just told me hes proud to be white unironically, what do i do Yea Forums ?
Boyfriend just told me hes proud to be white unironically, what do i do Yea Forums ?
Have him fuck you up the butt and scream hail hitlor.
Fuck some niggers?
tell him you want to help secure a place for our people and a future for white children, obviously
dose he hate others black Mexican ext
or is he just proud to be white
I dont think he hates others, except muslims maybe
Nothing? Enjoy how good you and him have it and the beautiful white offspring you'll have together.
Make him a sandwich, you stupid fucking cunt.
You should seriously reconsider the path you have chosen for yourself. Is being a liberal feminist healthy for your sanity ?
tell him to quit being a faggot, both literally and rhetorically.
Be proud.
If he was black & said that you know your dumb ass wouldn't care.
The far left wouldn't be where they are if they didn't have double standards.
I mean yeah but that’s different
>that’s different
Explain how, exactly, without using the word "privilege".
How is it different?
2/10 troll, only because people replied
While stroking your little sissy cock, take his huge cock up your ass first and then in your mouth. Let him nut on your faggot face and post result here.
OP didn't think this thread out and has no idea how to reply. sage.
Because one race has made accomplishments while also severely oppressing others while the other race hasnt accomplished much due to the oppression
Why shouldn't he be proud to be white? Would have a problem with a Japanese man being proud to be Japanese? What about a Black man? A Jew?
Meh okay, I can stand behind this point
But still, it's just the same
>due to the oppression
Due to oppression or due to lack of ability? hmmm
Only a fool wouldn't hate muslims.
So, every member of that race is responsible for it, and none of them are allowed to have any pride?
Dump that piece of shit
You can't oppress a people that can't even commit to agriculture. What you oppressing? Their ability to make pottery?
That sure does sound racist.
why shouldnt he proud to be white, is it a problem if people are proud to be black, asian, or native american? If not, than youre racist not him. If it is a problem tell him you think nobody should be proud cause of his skin colour cause he did nothing to achieve it.
You're a better troll than OP
Fags can't have offspring, fag.
Are you hot? post a pic. You can date me, I'm a soy boy, dump that incel.
Shut it, Kike.
It's b8 m8
Whoah, she said he's white, not black, chill with the racism
no it isnt.
fair point.
Immediate context is needed if it's for racist reasons nope out of there but if hes just proud to have European ancestry cause history and culture that's ok. but he should never say that in public or hes gonna get his ass kicked even if it's for innocent reasons you can be proud of your race and not be a cunt about it.
You can have pride of yourself sure, and in my opinion no matter your race is, being proud of it is weird and dumb, but to be proud to be white is especially fucking weird and dumb
Why? Is that what your jewish parents taught you?
That was me (OP) but thanks
>Because one race has made accomplishments while also severely oppressing others
Sorry are we talking about the Chinese here? Or maybe the Arabs? Ohhh or perhaps the Incas?
Every race through history has oppressed any other race it can. That's humanity for you.
all races opressed humans for various reasons. the spanish people where opressed by blacks/muslims for hundread of years, freed their nation from the muslims and accomplished alot.
dont give me that BS - also the colonization developed the colonized world - it was cruel yes, but scientificly and economcly they developed their subjects.
nations in africa and asia wouldnt be as advanced as they are without the colonization.
If the White Race won't be respected. Then it must be feared.
Thinking it's especially weird & dumb for one but not others sounds bigoted as fuck. Double standards are for brainlets.
OP is a fag.
Don’t worry about it
Youre an infinitely worse person simply for visiting Yea Forums
They were poking each other with sticks and selling each other when we found them. There was nothing to oppress.
Pic is a bit harsh, but the truth can hurt. Besides, it's not like whites hadn't already accomplished much before they spread out of Europe. We're just destined to innovate and accomplish.
thats retarded. its indeed stupid to be "proud" of your skincolor but it doesnt matter which one
It's not so much the race and genetics and skin color as it is the heritage and traditions. The only thing weird is how overall hand in hand they are.
Think of it like when an inner city black kid studies and his friends say "what are you, white?"
>what's this about being conquered? lmao
Try again, fag.
That's (((Black Culture)))
is this true btw? if yes u realy have to wake up and do shit against it!
The difference is whites don't run to mummy government for some sort of breeding cap. Just like freeing the slaves, or freeing holocaust victims, or giving minorities rights to vote, once again whites take it upon themselves to do something about it. We know damn well no else will..
No one's even "conquering" whites. It's simply outbreeding. There's nothing better or superior about not putting on a condom.
So if it's hypocrisy you're trying to expose, you'll find none here.
And what race was responsible for keeping the slaves in the first place, the holocaust, and going so long without giving minorities the same rights?
Nice quads. First off it is hypocrisy because why else would you and your white bois club promote white nationalism so much? It's because you know you are losing and being conquered. It isn't the govt of white men who are giving rights to minorities it's minorities taking positions of power to make those rights a priority. You will be 'conquered' ironically, accept your fate loser.
favor him with every hole you have
Bit bullshit really given that "Hispanic" is a linguistic - cultural group which contains a bunch of different racial groups, including Spanish descended whites.
If it wasn't for the Jew's BS they were pulling. For instance the Weirmar Republic. None of that shit would have gone down.
I %100 blame Jews for all the deaths that took place during what they call the Holocaust.
You know what I call a Holocaust?
Who owned the Ships? Who spread the trade?
Do you realize how few whites actually owned slaves? Compared to the rest of the world. We're the only one's whose banned it.
But we don't get thanks... No. We get SHIT on for showing weakness. What we should have done is killed each every single slave in this country.
Have you ever been to Mexico? The spanish descended mexicans also look white and yet they are considered mexican. I know plenty of white looking hispanics that identify themselves as white when it benefits them and hispanic to also get those scholarship perks.
Mexicans are half of the worst Spanish that ever existed. And half blood thirsty human sacrificing savages.