/BIG/ - Billie Eilish General
/BIG/ - Billie Eilish General
Can you stop trying to market your trash on Yea Forums. It's bad enough having to hear it on the radio.
I lay back and close my eyes every night since the debut of her newest album.
Available on all streaming services. This young queen debuts an emotional creative debut album that cause deep insight and joy echoing throughout your mothers basement.
I fall asleep to her but then her voice wakes me, I only see her of my eyes are closed. I smile as she sings and reach down and unbutton my sonic the hedgehog pyjamas.
I stroke my self making sure not to cum befor he album ends. As I feel myself close I sit up and tech for the vinyl case (pre order now) and cover it with my infertile seed.
Awwwe...Grimes looks so cute in that Pokemon hat and pupper.
Sooo cute like her whisper singing.
Grimes, you're the best whisper singer.
Don't you dare compare my bae Grimes to this middle of the road talentless bullshit.
You could at least post her sextape or something useful.
Is this real ?
considering the fact that she's 17, wouldn't that technically fall under cp
Well, have you seen it?
dudes. I'm just heckling the marketing stooge they keep sending here.
It's hard to tell the difference between the two with all the whispering.
Is she like a NY street corner knockoff?
would you fucks stop shilling so goddamn hard?
Painfully average music.
But you are the marketing stooge spamming Yea Forums daily with this bitch.
Stop spamming
Yes, she gets her feminine dick sucked
This is now a military jet thread.
the only practical application of the teachings of christ
Amen to that!
>listening to the radio
Did someone say BIG?
Honestly I think it's just a single Jew that spans her on here. All the posts sound sort of the same. Kinda creepy.
Eilish Gardens
that guy got hot butt
Holy shit fuck off. No no one cares about your pop rock fag new age music.
Sage as always.
>does not own a car
That pic must have been before her Jew handlers told her to become gangster.
You know who else got a hot ass?
Not Billie Ellish.
the truth comes out!
How bout Enuma Ellish?
For you!