Feels thread
Is your life doing good? Tell me about it.
Is your life doing poor? Tell me about it.
Share your hopes, fears, loves, woes and dreams
Feels thread
Is your life doing good? Tell me about it.
Is your life doing poor? Tell me about it.
Share your hopes, fears, loves, woes and dreams
my life is certainly "doing", anonymous
i feel tired
Haven't eaten for a week, sleep schedule is messed up from the adderall I'm taking, losing weight better than I planned, my future is bleak I need to message my mentor/ probation officer back but I haven't spoken to him in a month and I know he hates me. Large circles under my eyes but people pretend not to notice or don't care supervisor called me yesterday said that I need to speak up if my boss makes me uncomfortable, I didn't want to tell her that I spent most of my life being called and calling people niggerfaggot everything is going okay but I know it can't be for much longer, I just want to go back to being a NEET but I spent too much time on that already I'm thinking of all the time I wasted as a depressed NEET, it's like I was in prison but worse. I'll never do the things I wanted because I was too chickenshit to do it and now my job is 6 days a week and no vacations ever.
if your cute you can be a live in slut for me
Oh wow, it's active here today.
Somehow Isabelle got rane banned. She's not sure why; there's no appeal option
Make sure to do some self-care stuff, clean up a little around the house, brush your teeth, wash your face. The little things are important.
I'll respond in a sec
rane banned? random ban?
Regarding your workplace, what I would typically recommend would be finding a new workplace, but I know that can be difficult with a record. I always hear good things about welding, they're typically open and the work is fulfilling. It might be best to find a work environment where you don't have to wish to be a neet again.
How much longer will you be with this particular officer?
And do eat, even if it's the smallest thing. I suggest something simple, like bread with butter on it to start out with.
Range banned* sorry. The IP range
oh if its a phone just turn it off and back on otherwise use a vpn but ill assume you've done that dont bully
when i was 17 my parents kicked me out and i was homeless ish in this stupid suburban town until i was 19, moved back with them but i was too traumatized to endure it. now im 21 living downtown in a big city and im still all PTSD-y from my homeless days, but ive chilled out pretty well. im a cook at a bar and get free food that tastes pretty damn good, i have acquaintances and we are all focused on music and stuff so im growing a few projects.
life is boring and depressing, but i dont have to walk into walmart with a big backpack to "shop" for groceries every few days, the weed the people around me sell is good and cheap, and im working towards my dreams.
lifes okay i guess
My life is pretty fine, OP. Not wishing to brag but house in the countryside; couple of cars (one a weekend "toy"); wife has a car too; no debts; plenty of savings ready for retirement; own small consultancy business (although semi-retired); wife works in high-powered IT job; lots of hobbies.
Only issue is that I'm a greyfag and it'll all be over much too soon.
i've actually been making a habit of taking better care of myself. i appreciate your concern
Isabelle tried some things, but decided to take the opportunity to step away from threads.
That sounds very good. I'm glad to hear you're on your feet. It sounds like you know what you're like, and you're making something for yourself~
It sounds like you've set yourself up to be relatively secure even if things get rocky. I hope to approach that point in my life sometime not too long from now.
I'm not sure what a great is though, could you tell me?
I'm glad to hear. I'm around most weekdays at this time, if you ever want to stop by~
oh thats good for them. nice to see you on here doing good. imma sleep before class so have a good night digbyanon
The most generous thing anyone has said to me looks wise was that I look like a human version of Rigby from the regular show and I don't like owing other people. Life is a transaction, I have nothing to give.
It's not the work, the people are super nice and I hate it, people should yell at me and throw things but they don't, they just quietly correct me and tell me I'm improving at an acceptable pace. It's just I spent 4 years doing nothing with my life and the weight of it hurts, I wanted to go out and see things but I was too stupid and lazy to.
The officer is someone who helped me out a lot after I had a breakdown; the courts assigned him to me after I did my community service and we kept in touch until like a month ago when the feeling of being trapped came in again, I ignored his messages and the last one was him calling me an ungrateful asshole and to shape up and talk to him when I'm ready. I dunno what that means but he was the closest thing I had to a friend but I just want to lie down and be forgotten again.
>I'm not sure what a great is though, could you tell me?
I'm this guy
and I don't understand your question. I never used the word "great" and there is no other use ITT
i'm around most days, at most times. except when i'm not.
thanks for continuing to post threads which are not useless spam for as long as you have, anonymous
Sorry, autocorrect got me
it means he is old
This. "Oldfag" has an entirely different meaning, so greyfag (as in grey-haired) shows I am truly very old
>bad english
Life is actually good. Living in Austria, good standard of living. Got a girlfriend, small but nice apartment.
Unemployed though, quit my job 8 months ago, still looking (although I started looking seriously like 4 months ago). 30 years old, chemist.
the only thing this board was still worth going to for and it's gone just like that
but you seem nice too at least
hope you'll be just as nice as her
>be me
>ex gf qt 3.14 9/10 starts following me on Instagram.
>we didn't end up bad, so what ever.
>current gf dumps me after a year of relationship.
>"If she follows you suddenly, you are talking. If you are talking with your ex you are cheating on me."
>FML I wish I at least had a chance on hitting on my ex but feelings between both are kind of dead by now.
digby is pretty cute too. give it time, he will grow on you
I see. Well modern medicine is quite modern, so I am hopeful there's plenty of time yet
>Well modern medicine is quite modern
Indeed, but anno domini OP. I can try to keep healthy (which I am), hope I inherited good genes but I'll never beat the sands of time.
ignorance is the true happines
>Currently drunk
Why is it that I feel like having a gf wouldn't be interesting to me? I mean here I am 27 year old and never had a relationship. I feel like I would hate it.
>Sleeping in the same bed
>Answering to someone about what I'm doing would drive me up the wall.
>Stereotypes about what men should in a relationship doesn't sound like me at all
And yet society has this creepy attachment about women that just makes me roll my eyes. I mean why do I have to? And my family just rights me off as a woman hater. Kind of depressing because I know I'm not.
What am I missing?
Thanks, I dunno why but you managed to pull me out of my ads a bit. I'll call him today, if he hates me and wants nothing to do with me then at least I know it instead of just dwelling on it.
Had to type a long email
Glad to hear you're in a good spot mostly. What kind of chemistry do you do?
I'm sorry to hear that friend, though many would say cutting the feelings is better than hanging on past their due date. It sounds like the second gf might not have been worth being around if that's her reaction off of something you didn't do. Maybe a good time to start fresh, and seek new sorts of people to be around? That's up to you of course.
There you go
same reason why people who haven't tried drugs say that drugs aren't fun, because they've either had a bad experience or never had a experience with it, get a gf for a few months and see if you like or it not, you should never write something off unless you try it first. good luck user.
>growing in my career, so I can better support others in the future. Maybe that could be a good mindset for you?
That makes sense as I'm also wanting to better myself too.
>you should never write something off unless you try it first.
Fair point. I should really just find out for myself.
It's something I should probably find out for myself too, in all honesty.
You should. You'll never really know until you try.
Life in general is pretty OK, but sometimes I have this stinging feel of knowing nobody takes me serious and/or find me ridiculous. It's not actually that important in my day-to-day life, but it is kind of a downer for me.
Hi b/
My life was going kind of ok. Meet this qt 3.1416 un one.of muy classes, I'm a teacher in college by the way, she is the average homegirl in college, Smart but not that impressive, kind and to some degree naive. Instant love, chatting about things by hours, spend a lot of time together in uni. Troubles arise because her dad. Pretty hard conservative, and he hates the idea of his daugther dating a professor, and made constant threats to her about cutting financial support, and even get ride of girls dog. She is lovely, and i can se myself with her si do she. But dad is the worst and by menace he Made her quit messaging with me. I feel like shit b/, don't know What to do, I fear loosing her because her dad
How is digby Yea Forumsro
isp banned after shooting
I broke my pee pee
I fucked my sister once
okay cletus