What are your feelings on black penis?
What are your feelings on black penis?
Massively overrated & unjustly mythologized.
Most seem to be mutilated.
Pretty disgusting how they do that to babies.
Another Jew with a nigger dick folder lul
Fucking checked.
I have one too but specifically for countering.
There are SO MANY fucking pics of tiny black cocks on the internet.
And all of them are fake, photoshopped by jealous whitebois to make the penises of black men look smaller.
I can tell by the pixels they aren't; I've seen a lot of shops in my day.
your jealousy of black men blinds you, whiteboi.
Implying angry leftists don't shoop them to look bigger... In fact OP's pic is an image of a prosthetic shoped onto another nigger, sideways of all things. Clown World, for reals.
Fucking kek.
Is this fake as well, whiteboi?
Fuck off whiteboi.
Very, have we not had this exchange 50 million times? People are still going to get woke to the fact prosthetics exist.
Kek I can do this all day.
>one being big means they're all big
I have a black friend who has a pretty decent sized dick. But he is self conscious about it using it, because of all the stereo types.
This propaganda is actually to make blacks feel inferior, and not whites.
No, it's 100% against whites, but the modern left gives no shits that it hurts others, as long as it pisses off the white man.
>fucking dynamite fuse right next to flamethrower nozzle
Haven't watched this in years, holy shit is that retarded.
The worlds most overrated cock, I can guarantee that most niggers have tiny cocks, I would know because my sister is a race mixing whore that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up, she will say the most crude sexual degenerate BS infront of a pastor.
Not in the least.
Why would I be?
Well not tiny just average 4, 5, 6, inches like most people.
This is OP, btw. Pure lies.