Bully me
18 year old on hrt because of /r9k/ and anime
Bully me
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kill yourself like that other kid did live on youtube
you look too manly to transition op get actual therapy and try again.
Youtube is jewish user
I‘m okay with just being a slightly feminine boy though
u look cute, post butt please
Hi bro nice adams apple
so do you actually like girls if so why transition and make your penis useless? Or are you a faggot?
I‘m a fag
do this like your friend here
I don‘t have a gun and can’t get one
ah well at least that's a bit more understandable, but now you're limiting your dating pool as well still. Anyways, kill yourself faggot.
it's easy to get one.
I'm sure your local nigger has one for sale.
um...I really just wanna suck you off
you're hot
alternatively piss off your local nigger and get shot, especially the ones wearing their "special colors"
his dick is going to be useless soon, why bother?
this too if your too pussy to do it yourself/don't have money
Nah maybe in a few years
Not really
I‘m from germany, so ideally I just walk around in a skirt and get shot by shitskins
Not really, I‘m on bica not cypro.
Do you know something referenced in this tee-shirt
du bist eine Schande
Uhh nope
I will buy you a plane ticket anywhere in the World if you promise to give up the HRT crap and just remain a male.
You know you are gonna get old and become a fucking abomination regardless of how cute you think you look now
>get old
I don't think so
If your from Germany it makes it easier actually.
Depending on where in Germany go to an area that got shelled heavily by the Reds or Allies, find an explosive (probably a mortar or bomb dropped from a plane)
all you gotta do is dig around a bit in those areas
you'll come across one eventually
then you whack it with anything you were using to dig or a hammer
it's also quick and painless
Good luck.
Under no circumstances should you have your dick amputated though. Just don't do it. You will regret it. You'll be left with a literal wound that wants to heal for the rest of your life, it'll destroy your sexlife, you'll get no pleasure and very little feeling from it and it won't even look good.
But you can still be a girl with a penis.
you arent gonna be an edgy teen forever
one day you will realize how much you fucked up
i wish i could see your face then
>bully me Yea Forums
>hey reddit look what those assholes on 4th channel said to me but I'm strong I can do it
>edit: spanks for da gold :3
Fuck off tranny.
I was implying he was gonna an hero...
Honestly, just quit the porn.
If you're like me than you've watched too much which combined with some mental trauma and self-hatred has spiraled into this fetish.
Remember who you used to be.
Fuck me, I'mma go an hero now
Don't do HRT, you're cute as you are.
You can maintain the femboy look as you naturally look fem with longish hair. As long as you don't drink coffee, do alcohol or smoke. You'll look good even in your mid to late 20s.
You're actually pretty cute, soft/round facial features for the most part and nice eyes
Super kissable face for a boy
Obviously can't judge your body though, do you have any pics, preferably in cute clothes?
Ich weiß krautanon
I don‘t really wanna go anywhere, thanks tho
Actually you age better than a female on hrt, you never become more masculine looking it‘s a myth.
Maybe in the east
Not planning to
Not like I‘m planning on getting old
God no I hate reddit trannies, and least I‘m self loathing
Epic killing myself
I stopped watching porn months ago user
I like having boobs and stuff
rede nicht mit mir
You want us to bully you ? Start by posting your tits along with a timestamp, you fucking cocksocket !
nice the east is were the reds were.
It'll be much easier to find nice explosives then.
You might even get lucky and stumble across a chemical explosive.
Godspeed op
So, are you going m2f, or f2m ?
sorry dont mind the degenerate underages on this board. Post your butthole and timestamp so we can start asking real questions.
iss mal ne banane ey
You are not gonna kill yourself you fucking retard. Stop assuming you will to justify your retarded decisions. Its a slippery slope, trust me
>on hrt because of my bad life choices and mental illness
Fixed that for you.
Show us your bung hole or GTFO faggot
does it keep you honest?
Aus welche Stadt kommst du?
Sag lieber schnell bescheid bevor ich es selber herausfinden muss
Show us boobs, butt, and feminine penis.
1-2 stunden von Stuttgart
you can still turn back
guter junge
Warum? :(
That‘d be gay
/lgbt/ says I‘m a girl
I have a penis
I attempted before
Okay fine
I look pretty meh in girls clothes user
y-you're a cute boy user
Wo hast du die Russische Wodka her?
Bully me for my shitty skin
And what do genetics say ?
Von Ruski‘s
Thank you user
Those are the most boring-ass girl clothes you could find and that's a boring shot too
You look like you're decently thin at least in terms of your arms/legs, get something to wear that shows yourself off more
What made you wanna be this way?
Boobs sorry no timestamp
i wanna bully that butt with a spanking
Anime, being a fag, Yea Forums, attention
Genetics say I‘m a boy
That's not shitty skin that is HIV you have AIDS.
Fuck saw the first signs on another trap a few weeks back, looks like it has passed it on to all the others.
Would still fuck
amk sieht richtig hässlich aus
There is no help for you. I blame the leftist faggots who allowed this
Lol no, I got myself tested + I‘m a virgin + the last time I used a public toilet was ages ago
Imagine wanting to be a faggot in a country Rammstein made great.
A lot of Germans talk like this nowadays
post butthole i wanna cum
Kaposi Sarcoma
Google it, these are sores caused by HIV
I hate it though
Cuz literally paranoid, used french public toilets once
I don’t have hiv user
cute, would love
You shaved your chest and it's obvious you are a dirty unhygienic bastard, if there was anything on your hands or skin when you did so then you can become infected.
It's so fucking awesome how Darwin's theory works, the weak die off and the strong and fit, both mentally and physically, survive.
No worries user we will write you up a Darwin's award when you are gone.
Thanks user
I’m big on hygenes, I shower about twice a day and wash my hands about every 30 minutes or whenever I touch something that could be dirty.
>le lenny troll
dial it back your putting too much into the troll and using eddit spacing
You can actually give him that award once he makes his dicklet useless because the theory of evolution is not about dying or surviving, but rather about being able to produce offspring before you die, which user will be incapable of if he continues what he's doing right now
Post your dick already user
>I’m big on hygenes, I shower about twice a day and wash my hands about every 30 minutes
Vielleicht ein bischen zu viel des Guten. Damit bekommst du deine Haut auch kaputt.
Vodka zelenaya marka, mmm zaebis!
You kinda look like Daisy Taylor, you'd become a real qt
Well maybe some day I can get something like a womb transplant, I’m dating a older guy though not sure he could reproduce then.
Uhhhh cheeki breeki?
Idk I’ve only been on hrt for like a month though
what changes have you experienced so far?
Not being bullied enough in real life so you want the internet simulation as well? Pathetic.
Boobs and skin getting better mostly, also lighter eye color and smaller chin.
no way I imagine thats really surreal. Does it turn you on seeing your body change into a female body? How far will you go with HRT?
I mean I'll make fun of you in the right ways if you want, but I'm not sure you can get me to mean any of it. You seem like a keeper!
Yea Forums spacing newfag
Get a fucking mirror and stop listening to your faggot friends.
Is this yours?
4 chan
Wont last long, enjoy your HRT while you still can the International Psychiatry Associations are drafting new guidelines where dirty betas such as yourself will be denied them. Get a life, wash you dirty bastard and stop thinking the reason you could not get a gf was because you are a fem
what's it to ya?
unless you're OP, then yeah it for sure is (me, not mine... one of my fiancees [yup] took that a couple days back) but yaknow you could identify yourself with more pics just to be friendly :3
That is original Yea Forums spacing, lurkmoar newfag
I have 3 mirrors and no friends
I’m buying my stuff on the internet user
Nah I'm not OP but you're cute
You're cute
They’re pretty cute user
What after-shave do you use to cover up the horrible smell of cock cheese from wearing one of those?
fuck off shill dont you have blacked threads to start
You look like you belong on /r9k/
Poor kid sorry about your dad
Don't kill yourself in 5 years
Buy some soap while you at it.
I so have soap
id fuck if your not a trap
Show your cock
Start with apostrophes and work your way up to traps.
Hmmmmm well let's see... For starts, I shower enough that my dick doesn't get cheesy. Second, if you're getting married to me you should basically like my dickcheese lol. Third, I actually don't wear the thing full time like most people do; for me it's exclusively so I can cum soft when I feel like it. I'm very much a switch, and top when I feel like it cause I like seeing other people get fucked and squirm and feel good, that turns me on.
Thanks for the kind words though!
It's me, cool thanks! It's accidental I swear...
True, preciate it but yaknow I'm kinda just trying to tell OP they're a cutie too anyways...
who even uses apostrophes
>like my dick cheese
i swear to allah ill bathe you myself
> Uhhhh cheeki breeki?
V rot ebal
haha I'd enjoy that, but also you missed the point of A) I clean myself and C) I don't wear the thing full time so that wouldn't happen to me anyways
but yeah you can bathe me for funsies if that's what you're feeling
ok that sounds pretty adorable
are you op or new im confused?
If that's you, gonna need those soles.
new fuckoff why are you confused? I'm pretty clearly identifying myself as not OP... haha I mean I think so too! Just like, who would wanna put all that time into washing me for fun?
I rather lay you on your back, kiss you and slide my cock deep inside your pussy hole
its fun to wash people though
Now I'm going to feel greedy asking for more after you already delivered.
got kik or disc?
well I'm not gonna complain
yeah of course, but you haven't earned it (:
This motherfucker playing hard to get.
don’t you play hard to get
now post kik or disc
more like playing lazy
if OP or some cutie wanted that shit I'd be all over it, but it's just not worth my time for most dudes
no, you are cute.
what if i’m a cutie
prove it and get info I guess XD
do i really have to post my pic here
your ONE pic? color me not super impressed
you shouldn't be so worried about taking a pic right now and posting it (: people aren't the brightest, it's not like anything happens with them (except you get jacked off to, which I don't hate)
you got anymore sole pics?
fine then
It didn't need to end like this..
how simple minded and impressionable do u need to be in order to let r9k and anime get you on HRT? are you that disconnected from the real world that you listen to r9k and cartoons?
Would you also just talk to me user
I don’t really wanna lewd I’m just lonely and bored
It does user
Yea I am, also like the attention I get
posted my pic now gimme kik
I’m not I’m OP
you have a nice feminine looking face and frame but if you did more with clothing, hair, makeup etc. you'd get more attention and be even more attractive
i’m asking you, op
who would you rather, though?
depends, you op?
cause them I'd prob talk to, lewd or not, but just cause they earned it by being a cutie and seeming cool
Makeup is hard and I have no idea what to do with my hair, but I should probably get some cuter clothes atleast.
My Discord is Something I guess#8192
Are you by any chance this guy?
I am
if you think you are sick then search for l0de (with a zero) on live leak
this sick fuck needs to gtfo
Hair is nice actually but I mean you can always try accessories, they look crazy cute on traps. And there are tutorials for make up, I think it would help alot.
Yea Is hould get into makeup, idk about accessories what kind should I even get?
You got any other pics OP?
in reality I'm a bit clueless because I'm a cis straight dude, but I am good friends with a trap who uses scrunchies, side pony tails, bows etc. and looks super cute
Pick up the clothes faggot
I mean for a trap I‘m fucking clueless myself, all I know is don’t wear tight shirts if you have big shoulders and what skirts you should wear.
lel discord me I guess...
send me a pic of anything not in this thread of you, not lewd or anything just like so I know it's you and not the rest of these thirsty fucks
wth is that 3' long thing and what do you do with it?
Tranny here...
"Becuse r9k and anime" arnt the best reasons to transition
Transition can help tremendously with dysphoria but make sure you're doing this for the right reasons
Bifag here, would fuck until prostate orgasms.
You're a faggot and deserve molten aluminum poured down your esophagus. Everyone posting positive things about you are in a jew induced trance that when they awaken from anything less than suicide would be a dishonor.
you cute, and already pass. do not keep going to this hellhole, it will destroy you
Wow, there's literally no way to ever attempt to change your gender "for the right reason". You're one stupid mother fucker, kid.
It's clearly already destroyed them you blind fucking slug.
If you are a dude you look damn cute.
You could easily pass.
There is
If it helps you mentally
I used to be unable to leave the house becuse i felt soo bad, didnt go to school, stopped talking to my friends becuse my voice was gross
I just spent all day in bed, i barely ate
Now im able to hold down a job, i have friends and a boyfriend
I feel like life is worth living again
If thats stupid i guess im the dumbest around
Pathetic mentally ill little fucker. Gl
don't make me laugh while my peepee is hard you fucker shit
Gah, you were pathetic then, and even more pathetic now.
Can't wait until you're hurled into an endless abyss of deserved torment and suffering.
Sure whatever
But atleast ill have fun till then
I'd explain to you why that's incredibly fucking stupid but you'll have millennia to think about it in hell.
>Believing in the magical bad people place
And im the stupid one?
I think hell for you would be less of a place of explicit suffering and more of a place of realization.
Don't put yourself down like that. You're beautiful just the way you are