Somehow we need to turn her hand gestures into a sign for white supremacists just like the ok sign
Somehow we need to turn her hand gestures into a sign for white supremacists just like the ok sign
Other urls found in this thread:
So she basically Photoshoped a black hole.
Is this another hate crime hoax in the making?
Or cultural appropriation of some kind?
We have to some way to trigger the outrage brigade like the guy that wore the shirt when he landed a probe on the comet
I would like to put my penis in her black hole
Covering up her mouth with at least 2 "W's"
Gotta be something to make of this.
White Women?
stupid bitch uses a mac. i thought for a second she was using notepad++ and coded like me--here's today's massacre in cobol and haskell--but then i realized she's a retarded mac user.
this has potential.
"It is a clandestine sign to the ones in-the-know that she is proud to be white and will not race-mix"... or something like that.
White women create black ho's
it's done covering the mouth to symbolize she cannot speak this freely in her current environment.
A clandestine sign that white women are the only women capable of accomplishment?
This might be the gayest post I've ever read. You use notepad++? Give this faggot a phd! You write code? Whooptie fucking doo, welcome to the club. Fucking cs majors.
Her fingers form V's, not W's, you tryhards.
Imagine being this braincel
shit like him make me embarrassed to be a cs major
Ah yes this thing that nobody remembers was a very important historical coup.
>nothing but ERRORs in those windows
This is like that twatter post of the chick "On this day we code" where the zoom in of the screen showed all nonworking gibberish.
Why? Seems boring to do the same shit twice.
The development of the racist algorithm that made it possible to see black hole as they really are, was led by a white nationalist computer scientist Katie Bouman while she displace a minority at MIT, due to bribing the admissions board.
>the racist algorithm that made it possible to see black hole as they really are
I can dig it
> T. Incel virgin who will probably shoot up a school tomorrow morning.
Spread rumor that she was involved a a hate crime against Muslims by putting bacon on the door handles of a mosque.
something about it not being discovered by a jew
You don't have a penis
Sit down flattie
Did you mean the type The? just lol faggot
This looks like bait.
It sure smells like summer in here!
Can't stop me from dreaming!!!
You don't even know why we say that.
So we can get it to be like 2 v's and a w?
Weissen volk vereinen
She probably didn't write a single line of the code herself. Probably all done by her team who are very likely all white or Asian men
The butthurt is strong in this lil one
Yes this is very good German lol. Do that.
I Don't see you doing any brain storming. I guessing you need a brain for that.
I am not a nigger. Nigger
Yeah probably.
Your comments are just as predictable as your one inch cock.
HAWT!! Sauce?>.
Niggers lie you know?
So why are you lying?
Lol you don't.
gib young Stepf gf
Sabrina Lynn
I agree with this statement.
Sure, kiddo.
ITT: Triggered neckbeards jelly of someone who has achieved in 29 years than they could manage in 50 lifetimes.
I'm not lieing.
You passed my test though.
Gets BTFO about a dumb reference nobody but the most closet of faggots remembers, just post post posts to soothe the seething lol.
You are owned and you cannot stop replying XD
Dear Motherfuckin' Diary,
Today, someone replying to OP was not a faggot!
Join me kiddo
Go back to tumblr
What even is English? XD XD XD
Becoming even more owned he pretends he cannot read. Continues to regress. Will shit his pants as a sign of defiance soon. Will continue replying and corn cobbing.
I don't think it's jealousy; just overreaching to get comeuppance for the absolute faggotry of bringing a scientist to tears because his shirt (that a female friend made him) triggered people & ruined the best day of his professional life.
> Lying
Kill yourself.
what? we're talking about science lady. what is this shit?
Something unfair happened to a man so now we have to do something unfair to a random, unrelated woman to make things even.
Another guy who can’t handle smart women. #maga
oh we already pay them 70 cents on the dollar. let's just leave it be and not poke the hornets' nest too much.
Victory Vor Vhites
this is what you're upset about...
That's the whole reasoning behind letting whites be the only one it's okay to talk shit about now, though.
> okie imma maek da blackiest hole
> initiate askdaMacbookprotocol
> "here have a donut hehehhe i mean... beep boop i see you have 128 updates can i assist you?"
A massive object that absorbs or bends rays of light is supposed to make a literal visible black hole....
Well shit
Yes, me explaining what's going on equals being upset.
Cool it Montecristo.
Wrong target then. 0/10 coverage and sheer fucking laziness.
uhhhh why are we talking about it then if it's water under the bridge?
uhhhh why are we talking about it then if it's water under the bridge?
Been here since 2004. Not going anywhere now, roody poo fag.
I cant believe people think this image is remarkable in anyway
Tell me when they get a hd picture and not a orange blob
Jesus christ, I explained what the shit about the shirt was, for fuck's sake.
And? It's not appropriate when they do it either.
Pretty accurate actually, considering she had an entire team of professionals under her command who all have lifetimes worth of experience.
So yeah, it would take me 50 lifetimes to do what her entire team of lifetime experienced scientists could do in 29 years.
I'm working on a photoshop where dylann roof is doing this shit, don't let the thread die
If I'm a nigger (as you claim) then I can do no wrong, and all infraction of the law are excused, as I'm a protected class. Perhaps a case could be made for why YOU should kys?
more like the ashamed white supremacist dude in the background that cannot stand a woman/maybejewish being successful...
t. quadmind
>maybejewish being successfu
Ok chumly
Just fucking make her Queen duh
yeah nevermind this looks legit af
It will never NOT fucking kill me that THE SHIRT WAS MADE BY A WOMAN.
This constant selective knee jerk reactionism is going to extinct us all.
you trash had nothing to do with her!
Back in my days we wrote code in a shitty line editor. Why the fuck does it matter?
K, we are both niggers. Now kys.
Through history many civilizations dissapeared. Odd are we will too, but at least the mystery of their disappearances will finally be know
No, one of us is s nigger that is projecting. The other knows the reality of the situation.
Test - if you interpret laws by consensus. You might be a nigger
Somebody needs to engrave "DON'T GIVE WOMEN VOTING RIGHTS" into a piece of metal.
> Stupid bitch is using a platform known for access to Unix tools
Get back to crying over your internship and come back when you're not replaceable by some Pajeet
So you are the nigger? Because you are so unsure about your dick size.
Good thing you don't care at all lol.
Many stones.
Future finders will hide or destroy many of theses. To ensure the message be conveyed, we have to go large and many. But in these end time who will have time and money to produce the now illegal hate speech?
See why warnings don't get passed on?
I couldn't find any nudes of her, only sets at Zishy... Have I missed something, or is she only a cocktease ?
I don't, I for one welcome the darkness.
Stones can erode though.
But point taken.
>you are so unsure
Yeah, I'm unsure.....ok
Cool. Let it go.
lmao the code this guy chose to demonstrate his superiority is a multiply and a weird sum function............
13 year old fat white nigger confirmed. Thinks he’s part of some elite club. Will cry until he gets the last word. Will post more gibberish about how someone is “seething” when it’s clearly him doing the seething.
You think darkness is your Ally.
>using notepad++
your pretty basic arnt you
kekd. genius
Glad we could finish this pointless conversation and ended with a positive compromise.
That's such childish reasoning it makes me sad. Katie and her team did something astounding. Keep your little feuds to yourselves and respect this amazing feat. Or at least be happy for someone else just once.
13 isn't old you retard
Yes, I find its best to humor dangerous people
Me aswell, nigger.
implying she did any of the real work. lmao
the bitch did .01% of the work and takes credit for the whole thing. what a cunt
Except shes a scientist, not programmer
Should i laugh or cry?
3 Ws whites will win
Turned sideways = kkk
but muh diversity agenda
Even better. The parts she did commit to the project look as if she didn't even code it. The comments at the bottom.
For Katie:
cd /Users/klbouman/Research/vlbi_imaging/software/hops/build source hops.bash
run this file from: /Users/klbouman/Research/vlbi_imaging/software/hops/eat
Why is there comments "For Katie" on how to run it. LMAO
hey guys let's make fetch happen!
>fetch doesn't happen
Of course, it's very similar to the sign used in Mad Max Fury Road, by the totalitarian white-supremacist regime. They were all white, and they even painted themselves white, and upon death they wanted to go to Valhalla (of course a white-supremacist ideology).
So what she's doing is already a sign for the Aryan race and the end of all inferior races, it's just not widely publicized yet.
she worked on an "optional" part of the project, no algorithms, no mad science, just some sort of data converter, and it looks like she didn't even do the work on that haha
The dude in the background finally finishes the code and gets the first images of the black hole. Takes a deep breath from the weeks of work he has into this.
She brings it up on her mac screen.
>Guess what guys. look what I did. He he.
wtf her face looks like 6ix9ine
This. This is why you don't believe fake news.
So many dog whistles
>computer scientist
>I have no face
69 looks like a girl anyways lol
The development of the racist algorithm that made it possible to see black hole as they really are, was led by a white nationalist computer scientist Katie Bouman while she displace a minority at MIT, due to bribing the admissions board.
it's news selling. more people click the link if it supports what they like. if it was just a picture of a conference room full of middle aged dudes, CNN wouldn't make as much money from the article.
this is how news works. don't get worked up at the headline, read it for content and understand the material. you are exactly as bad as the people that think this is "an incredible accomplishment for womyn everywhere!"
Kek, somebody post the pic of the Google doodle of a diverse team of women & minority scientists next to the photo from the press conference of the actual scientists that were 100% white males
>first image
>of a black hole
They literally put into the headlines that space is fake and you sheepfags still believe it.
The whole fucking internet is covered in photos of this girl who was part of a team and got some fucked up shitty "photo" of a black hole. If it was "George" and he was a balding white guy in his 40's... absolutely no fucks would be given about George.
Lmao @ your life
Mac is shit but at least it's kernel is a POSIX compliant UNIX system.
Get real and program on Linux or some shit if you hate mac so much. Windows is absolutely trash and you should be ashamed for being a pot and calling the kettle black
At least one can get a Win system without taking out a second fucking mortgage.
How many blackholes did you picture?
How often were your projects world famous?
The bitch has nothing to prove, she's could use a tablet because "computers are hard lol" and she'd still outmog you.
> 2019
> still using nontotal functions when programimng in haskell
>At least one can get a Win system without taking out a second fucking mortgage
Linux is free wtf do you mean. Yes Mac is expensive but you are literally paying for a shit operating system for development
Looks closer to being a Jewish symbol than White a white one. The closest thing I can think of is the dude's father from Evangelion.
Or, maybe, try to achieve something meaningful in your life? Maybe then you won't feel the need to ruin successful people's lives. You're no better than chicks who cry rape.
Waiting for your contribution to the world...
back in MY day, we used Key Cards. You little spermazoids got AI making code for you now. Real men write in Fortran.
P.S. Your grandmothers pussy tasted like peaches with a hint of salt.
ow. that'll leave a mark
Did anyone else notice the "big reveal" announcement team had zero, and I mean z-e-r-o niggers on it?
Made me wonder if they were not there because they objected to the term "black hole"
She was only there because it was her black hole they were imaging.
just say 'black' hole is racist and they should make a new name, like equality hole
I second this. Can't wait until a supermassive equality hole swallows us all.
>diversity hole
The hole of friendship tolerance and equality
What a dumb whore. Typical women taking credit for everything. Did she forget that git logs and keeps track of everyone's work?
Guys, she's literally Jewish.
how can anyone say that it's a black hole when nobody has ever seen one to use as a reference? she could put pretty much anything up there
the two w's could be World Wide but I'm stumped on the J
Planes aren't even coming in from the correct angles. Edgelord who made this is stupid as is the user who posted it
It was the photro of my anus at nigght when I was hangover
Maybe a unity hole
Equality is nice, but black holes unite everything. Usually by force!
nice eye bags u fuckin nerd LOL
of course it's not an attractive girl who discovered this shit, attractive girls can't do anything but post on social media
Should put a couple rails and a straw by old boy in the back too
Tell me about yourself, OP.
So you live with your parents or in your own home?
Are you married, have a girlfriend?
Do you have a job? Is it full time? Is it retail or food service?
also, I see an M with the fingers under her nose
>giving the fucking code monkies credit due to the actual scientist.
he lives in an underground bunker that's stockpiled with military grade weapons
All the real science and discovery is still being done by men, despite what the liberal media is trying to tell you about girls and STEM, etc.
Most Patents are filed by Men, most Scientific Papers published are written by Men. This is simply a fact that the left can't make go away with their "muh diversuty"
"Ok guys we gotta make it look like a grill discovered it"
You don't actually understand the significance of this image, do you?
Why is she credited for this, even though she just did light janitorial work in the code while the guy who wrote 850k of 900k lines of the code isn't mentioned?
Andrew Chael.
Two Ws crossed together. White x white. Promoting white babies. You get my jist
Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
In perfect isolation here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
They're trying to sell a paradigm
Why do right wing hate smart people?
Why is Yea Forums so anti-intelligence ?? In the old days it was full of smart people here.
Now its full of right wing stupid fags with a super low IQ.
Before the jokes and memes where much better. Now its only /pol/ right wing shit all over the place.
Why not leave politics out of Yea Forums
It's already a symbol for OP is a faggot.
nice reddit spacing faggot we're not about to let this nerd bitch take the credit for something many men have worked on for years, I bet all she did was open the image and pretended to be surpised and happy for the pic, all to forward 'girl power'!
>Anarchists are right wing
Go away shill
>Why do right wing hate stupid people?
Aren't female scientists required to show "Tits or it didn't happen" when they publish papers??
WTF is the scientific publishing world coming to??
Poor George
just slap a swastika on the screen instead of the black hole and call it a day, if triggering social media zombies is what youre after
>Go away shill
Here Here
Or put a complex scientific formula that ends with "= Hitler did nothing wrong" and post it on Twitter.
even Boy George?
Seems you where too stupid to understand these kind of projects require a huge team to do.
Other people do know this.
Fuck reddit. I just wish the old more leftish Yea Forums was back. The fucking right wings do not belong here with their Christian faith shit and low IQ. U just fuck off. You dont belong here.
>You where
lmao nice one idiot, for sure not taking anything you say as fact
Every year I feel myself browsing Yea Forums less and less. The same thing has been happening on Yea Forums. It used to be fun, but these days it's what feels like literal children being edgy for edgys sake.
The days of Snacks and boxy and the live streams of the magazine rack are over. The genuinely funny and interesting jokes are over.
Secretly you do. But your too pussy to admit. Typical right wing scum that does not belong on Yea Forums
>Literally hundreds of people(mostly men) worked for a decade on an idea a guy had 20 years ago while facing criticism that it wouldn't work.
But hey we gotta fill our feminist agenda so let's give all the glory to the girl, white men had enough already
>Browsing Yea Forums in 2019
>Referring to anyone here as an anarchist
I'm not going to call you a retard, because I have no way of verifying that.
However, I believe with full confidence that you're unintelligent. I'm sure of it.
Shut up no one needs your stupid "woke" bullshit
White women still labeling destructive things as black. White womens still remain an enemy
Yeah, but it would be funnier to fake some kind of white pride thing and let the SJWs run with it. If we're not stirring up their pot, what are we even doing?
Based and redpilled
> Your a retard
simping to women will be the reason we go extinct
once you take womens rights away we can get back to actual progress
>inb4 incel
>inb4 who hurt you
sure you are
Damn, I thought I was getting to see her butthole. So disappointed.
Yea Forumstard, very similar, but different
> Imagine being this new.
god this website is absolute trash I'm so happy I don't browse anymore.
It's like society would have to move heaven and earth to make any of you happy and every day up until that happens you be cyncically criticizing everysingle event that happens.
Oh lady gets a nice lil pat on the back
"fucking bitch" "What a cunt stole all the credit"
Can you guys be happy about anything? Even that picture about the lady and that bridge collapsing it's like you all live in a bubble. First off no one in reality cares about that bridge second of all too assume that in either of these projects one person is responsible for a single point of failure/success is very naive.
If any of you want to leave this place. Start submitting job applications as fast as possible and keep yourself busy with that and then when u have gainful employment save up money for a certification. When you have this certification make friends at your high paying job. That stuff usually keeps me busy and off this site thank god.
>Oh lady gets a nice lil pat on the back
no you retard, the entire narrative in the western world is that "muh wamanz do everything now" when that bitch just presses a button to compile an image
if men weren't such pussies thinking with only their dicks and had kept their pimp hand stromg, we wouldn't be dealing with all this bullshit
If she needs to learn her lesson the hard way then so be it, who are we to stop her?
Don't worry, I'm sure your 20billion/year in tax dollars goes to a good cause in "space" exploration.
personally think we shouldn't start putting grants towards science and technology, pulling the money from military and welfare
> If any of you want to leave this place
Already did, friend. Now i just browse Yea Forums to fap.
Good to see someone else with a head on his shoulders.
See you tomorrow
I'm all for science and technology, but NASA has not contributed a single thing to society in the 61 years they've existed.
>thing that nobody remembers
Wrong, bucko. I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I very distinctly remember when a guy who remotely landed a fucking space probe on a comic got called sexist for wearing a shirt with cartoon women on it, that his FEMALE artist friend drew, and had his career fucked in half.
Meanwhile, you're all over here like, HURR DURR, WHITE CISHET MALE BAD, HE HAD IT COMING!
Fuck your myopic bullshit, you professional soyboi.
>not a poc
>patriarchal organizational achievement
Status quo maintained
Nice armhole shot! I'll be saving this to my fap folder!
I lol'd
This is why corporations mostly hire women now! It costs less than employing men.
noods pls
No, they hire them because of Affirmative Action.
Oh man you must get all the "woke" pussy with all of your "wokeness"
People like you are the perfect example of the dunning Krueger effect
Imagine being this fucking insecure. Holy shit
Cutting nearly 30% of the payroll budget out seems like a great business move. Besides, as long as we're shitting down the lives of accomplished scientific figures for shitty reasons, we have to be inclusive, right?
insecure or proud of what hes doing?. i read it as him being proud and a bit pretentious, which i have no problem with since if you're being productive you deserve it.
However it sounds like youre projecting
the fucking jew nose on this one
Mac book pro is cheaper than Microsoft Surface Pro
Come on guys, don't be butthurt. It sucks that this awesome achievement by her has been turned to agenda, and somehow women elsewhere who didn't do shit feel somehow it was their doing, their fight and so on, but it is not the chick's fault. She earned it, just let her have that win.
The command paths contain her github username tho. Might have been a quirky way of documenting her own progress.
While I criticized everyone for claiming he single-handedly or was lead in making this black hole picture happen, I'm starting to feel very sorry for her.
She will get so much hate trough something that she had no control over and she didn't do anything wrong.
She did her job, and was existed to see the result and some weirdo posting a pic of her and now everyone hates her to unjustly taking credit or absolutely love her for something she didn't and didn't claim to do.
i feel no remorse, its the byproduct of constantly trying to force a narrative down our throats.
you shit on a guy for landing a probe on an asteroid for wearing the wrong shirt. we didn't make the ruels just playing by them
Yeah let's doctor the most shared photo in the last few days. I am sure there are no duplicates they can compare to.Which one of you morons keeps coming up with these retarded ass ideas?
I would like to put m penis in there too
Hey everyone. This guy codes. Pretty impressive, right?
No we don't. Fuck off, incel.
The only people forcing a narrative are the neckbeard fucks telling you the feminazis somehow control the world. Stop being a sucker and actually live your life instead of blaming how much it sucks on other people.
completely ignore my points to go on your own rant, gg
>the machine on which I write my text matters
you're an idiot, I use all big 3 OS and I have no problem using macs for coding, if you honestly believe VSCode + a keyboard works fundamentally different on a mac than on Linux then you're a dildo in a faggot's butt
Nobody is gonna believe that stupid. You’ll need a cadre of real white supremacists to make the “gesture”
Excellent point
>you're a dildo in a faggot's butt
Fucking why?
Boy sit the fuck down you’re embarrassing yourself
This. Make the bald cunt in the background show it to the camera "subtly" would make for a lot more convincing "prank".
You feel no remorse because your brain isn’t fully developed enough to survive in a society.
>mgtowcels colorized circa current year
>everyone hates her
No they don’t stupid. Everyone knows her role, she worked on an algorithm needed to decide the data from the satellite.
elaborate ?
this post iritates me, not because of your attempt at insulting me but rather the fact that your insult is so generic that i saw it coming from the second i saw the thread
Interlocking Ws cuz easier than Ks
Hey if that's the same chick she cleans up well
Oh I thought they said they found a black ho. I'm like yeah so what?
Two Vs make a W tho
>this post iritates me, not because of your attempt at insulting me but rather the fact that your insult is so generic that i saw it coming from the second i saw the thread
What's the point of insulting people who don't understand you? Thanks for letting me know you're assblasted, it's so rare to receive confirmation.
Only a white supremacist can find the blackest black in a sea of black
>What's the point of insulting people who don't understand you?
mac users aren't retarded, faggot
wait--- COBOL ???!?!???!???!?!?
then why do they call W "double u" instead of "double v"?
because english is a fucking hipster
> Saved
Remorse is a social function for a social species. In order to survive humans have to be able to exist within a group. Remorse is one of the ways group cohesion is maintained. Since it’s inevitable one person will step on the toes of another, remorse exists to placate the offended party. You express remorse, you are given forgiveness group cohesion is secured.
The fact that you feel no remorse is because you are a defective human who is missing a key part of what makes humans successful.
>Saved, or should i say robbed?
>white editor background
>default cmd
>garbage entry level code
>more errors
I also code on Windows and it fuckin sucks, but not as much as you and your shit.
Bad cropping of the large image. Under the nose, the seat is missing, angled cuts around the hair.. just mediocre at best.
>not using an ide like a caveman
thats why your code is shit
yes user, they are.
if you feel no remorse without justification, id agree with you, i justified my stance but you took the surface level of what i said and tried using it against me.
your bullshit won't pass here
That's more the face of "We done fucked up. We can cover this up and no-one will ever be the wiser!"
how to get all credits of the project by doing only 10% of the work by Dr.Katie B0ssman ((not clickbateman))
The point was that you see her face. The "object" was presented on every newsfeed imaginable
The finger s all "form little k's meaning kkk white supremacy
is there shadman porn of the blackhole getting rimmed or something weird like that already?
"White Winners"
What's that welfare bullshit good for, but keeping the scum alive and reproductive, we'd be way stronger and better of without? Half of welfare expenses into early education and the other, along with all that NASA tier thrown away wealth of those, whose support this nation stands upon, for tax reliefs to those it actually makes a substantial difference and to reduce the restraining burden of debts, instead of feeding our children and own future to the ever growing hunger of the Jews interests on our wellbeing.