Killing myself. Only thing open is a gas station. What can I buy to kill myself from a gas station? Thanks.
Killing myself. Only thing open is a gas station. What can I buy to kill myself from a gas station? Thanks
buy your favorite snack and reassess your situation
Just slash your wrists with a kinfe from home. Would be free you mornon, Hurry up and kill yourself
Just get a job for 1 month and spend all of that money on drugs and hookers, then tell me if you still wanna die
Gas? Maybe? And also a lighter
gas, you nigger
Gallon of gas and a lighter
But seriously OP, it ain't that bad. Grab a beer and watch a movie or something that will make you laugh a bit...
a lighter
>purchase lighter
>go to gas pump
>douse self liberally
>now you're one of Zoolander's friends
get yourself some explosive belt, don't be a selfish cunt
>be 28
>going to a restaurant
>ordering a pizza pie
>i said no ansjovis wtf
>girl says sorry i say is ok
>eat pizza pie while lying
>go outside wait till restaurant closes
>walk up to girl call her a bitch
>punch her repeatedly in the left eye
>shit stars bleeding she yells "whyyyy whyyyyy"
>take her head and place it above my cock
>let blood pour on cock
>shove it in her mouth NOW SUCK IT
>manager comes out yells WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING
>grab my pistol and blast him twice
>then blast girl in skull with my cock inside her mouth
>let blood pour all over my cock
>feels good man
>escape and go home
>masturbate with her blood still on my cock
a tobasco flavored slim jim
buy gas for your car and drive fast off a bridge or into a building or a wall
Pour gas on yourself and light yourself on fire. It's also free.
buy the station
with titties like those in existence why would anybody kill themselves?
in all honesty OP, it should be pretty easy to buy something in a gas station to kill yourself with, there will be many products and some will work better than others. It depends on your situation though and if you want to go out in style or just disappear. can you provide any more info?
you seem to have failed to recognise the basic scenario of killing yourself, which OP requested. Are you in the wrong thread, young man?
still lookin at dem tiddies
Stick your dick in nothing first, OP
don't kill yourself
someone out there loves you/ will love you
Go in and ask the store clerk if they want to go on a date
If you're literally dead inside it won't hurt to die more
think about your beautiful wife and children user
Mix all the over-the-counter pills together and take them. If you don't die, tell us what happens.
Depends on the state and your pain tolerance. A knife or sharp object will work, just google artery locations. Otherwise liquids are slow and miserable.
Just buy the gas and drink it. Smells good, must taste good
You dumb faggot. How could you think of killing yourself after going out? Just do it at home so no one sees you're ass when you're buying fucking gas and a lighter you nigger.
Op is britfag, no knife.
boomer meme for boomers, i dont want heroin and dirty hookers
I can tell you, youmpass out have crazy dreams and throw up blood
>gas station
It's called a petrol station you traitorous colonial.
how u think about kill whut dat uwu
Uuhhh.. Like.. Uhh.. Gas and .. Gass?
gas and a lighter
First things first. Are you male or female ? And why do you want to kill yourself ?
Find the purest helium and an exit bag. No guns no problems for others
buy 2 bean burritos, sour cream salsa, chocolate milk and ex-lax.. Go home, make a chocolate milk ex-lax smoothie, eat both burritos with sour cream and salsa, wash that shit down with chocolate milk, nigger. Not only will you shit yourself to death but imagine the fucking mess someone will have to clean up when they find your decomposed body with shit everywhere?
I am, of course joking you fucking idiot.