Be a man. Stand your ground. Smirk in the face of overwhelming adversity. Lift weights. Grow your beard. AFTER you lift weights. Ask yourself why you're consuming soy products. Ask yourself why you're masturbating to pornography. Why ARE you masturbating to pornography? Ceasing doing so, will let your brain heal. It's time to stand proud, again. It's okay to be white, and it's okay to be a MAN.
>this message will repeat until there are none left to read it
Be a man. Stand your ground. Smirk in the face of overwhelming adversity. Lift weights. Grow your beard...
Ah yes... the dildo in a hat again. Pussy knew that the law was protecting him. Protesting against protestors like a whiny bitch. Then he whines that he gets death threats after doing the public version of online trolling... stupid too.
> T. Incel white knight.
a crying bitch as a pillar for a movement , nice.
what church, pray tell, are you with?
>Smirk in the face of overwhelming adversity
>posts pic of comfy faggot smirking at a single old fart beating a tambourine
>long list of gay insecure horseshit advice
M8 i'm such a man it never occurs to me to doubt it, i eat and drink what i want, fap whenever i feel like it and have four children.
Yeah this kid is the spitting image of masculinity
Stood his ground. What have YOU done, lately?
Other than your mom?
Early 2021, a Climate Change ravaged America rings in the re-election of God Emperor Trump.
A Republican leaving the latest MAGA victory rally, waddles to the edge of a steadily rising river. He's too fat to make it across the dwindling January ice, and too drunk on celebratory champagne to swim, and the nearest bridge fell apart from lack of tax-supported funding.
Our Republican sees a Democrat by the water, bemoaning their fate.
"Libtard! I will pay you fifty bucks to carry me across that little stream."
The Democrat looks up at this rotund personage skeptically.
"No way. You'll insult me the whole way across, and make me cry. I'll cramp up, swallow water, and drown!"
"Idiot! I'd drown, too. Use logic, you art degree brainlet!"
"SEE? That's just what I'm talking about! No way."
"I'm sorry I'm sorry. Seriously. A hundred bucks, okay? See? I'm a job creator!"
"Well, I could use that to pay down some student debt..."
And the Republican hopped on. The Democrat strained and strained, but he moved forward. About a third of the way across, the Republican started insulting the Democrat most viciously, with many a "U MAD?" and "Swim Harder, Soi Boi! Pasty little faggot!"
And of course, the Democrat sputtered, shocked; and inhaled a great amount of water, and sank like a stone under the Republican's weight. With his last, bewildered look, he seemed to ask, "Why?"
And the Republican gleefully said:
"PUSSY LITTLE LIBTARblublublub..."
Not an argument.
Damn she's ugly.
good thing i wasn't arguing with you, just letting you know she has my cum on her breath
According to op she's a man, so it's a good thing you aren't attracted to her
she shits in whatever street she wants, the man can't stop her. brave and stunning
Lol thanks for breaking her off, she seems a lot less stressed lately
Calm your angerboner
> She shits in whatever street she wants.
> Is Indian
Swing and a miss
A message so rooted in "purity" should have been typed properly. You seem to lack understanding of the language your newest nation borrowed, as well as the meaning of your message. If one is to stand their ground, shouldn't the ground then be theirs originally? Strange orbits in your stories.
Pilar? No. A symbol of the left’s ability to lie and twist facts to attack even a gawky kid for committing the crime of standing and smirking, while white, at some asshole banging a drum in his face? Yes.
It also amuses me that he is now, simultaneously a white person of privilege and power using his strength for intimidation and harassment of a POC, and a crying little bitch.
The media went nuts about this but no one really gave a shit, but hey that's the point of the media, sensationalize the shit out of anything can to catalyze a bunch of useless culture wars just to perpetuate for profit. Remember when conservatives were obsessed with
>Early 2021, a Climate Change ravaged America
Stopped reading there.
Why would any of us ever trust a kid from a snobby private school who hired a fucking Private PR manager after the whole stupid thing?
We get it, you don't read.
How many times a night do you post “swing and a miss” along with that laughing Ricky gervais gif?
Because muh tribe
>it's okay to be a MAN
Bullshit advice. What does that MEAN ?
Your loss. It's an important plot device.
Well it worked, it pissed you off.
Stay mad m8
>If one is to stand their ground, shouldn't the ground then be theirs originally?
I love this argument. It’s simplistic and childish. It misses some key points such as tribes continually raped and pillaged other tribes. They even committed genocide against one another. Of course peaceful tribes were a absolutely brutalized by western expansion. No doubt about that. But this meme of all native peoples being peace loving environmentalists is asinine.
Also if we’re being technical here, doesn’t Pangea make the land all of ours anyway? I mean we all inhabited it at one time.
>media went nuts
>nobody gave a shit
>Why would any of us ever trust a kid from a snobby private school
See this right here. Way to go with your generalizations and pigeon holing people.
>everyone that is x acts like y
>who hired a fucking Private PR manager after the whole stupid thing?
I wonder why they would hire a PR manager?
>Why would any of us ever trust a kid from a snobby private school
Above is why.
>getting crucified in the media
>hiring PR manager makes them guilty of something
Sure and everyone who is suspected of a crime and lawyers up before being charged must be guilty because innocent people don’t need lawyers.
Cry more
You didn’t answer the question.
So says a magahat-wearing faggot.
Dude I’m not reading your stupid fan fiction. Let it go.
Cry more
>doesn’t Pangea make the land all of ours anyway? I mean we all inhabited it at one time.
Sure. As little mammals.
How many times did I fuck your mom this night?
such poetyr
I never understood this meme.
That kid has a face that you want to punch.
I could never watch the video
Post the fucking right meme. START YOUR GROUND
Was more funny and the wordtwist was a funny new meme. Man why did you change this originality??
shut up shitlib
I just found this, which should be able to penetrate your thicc and dense brain so you can fully grasp the meaning of the image and understand you're a massive faggot who daily chokes on dick.
The US went full retarded. If the hero you need is a pathetic upper-bourgeouse in his 20s who "stood hos ground" (did nothing) in front of a drum beating monkey, this only means the time is ripe to allow China to take your place as the new superpower. As a non-american, I would be glad about it. Chinese are soulless and only care about money, but amerilards are far worst by now. They also care only about money, but the massive amount of retardation from the two only (allowed) political factions is so revolting and repulsing that the yellow chins, who still spit profusely on the ground in the streets like monkeys, are still better than you.
Kys, both magafats and trans-sociopathic liberal schizos. Fuck your country and the shit it produces. Boycott the US. Make them hit the rock-bottom they're finally so close to stomp. I wish to see america fragment in 51 differently polluted wasteland areas. God, only pussy itself gives me a similar boner.
Fucking sink. It's time.
And then? Whos gonna protect you from assrape by crazy dickswinging ivans then? Be grateful or otherwise walk around with a severe rectal prolapse dumb faggot
You failed abortions never protected anyone from anything.
My country has no oil, so I'm fuckin safe. You only care about that, and money, and cheetos, and being repulsive, and fuck your cousins/sisters/whatever other deranged mental illness you think would fullfill your abominable urges.
I would never touch an amerilard if not with a stick. Fuck off, go hit the shower, wash your ass, and stop being fat. These are the only advices worth giving to a yankee dog. Also Russia is far better than you.
Keep worshipping your masters in Israel, that's what you're good at.
That fucking Israel conspiracy theory. God people are simple if they believe in that bullshit.
I don't believe in any conspiracy. The US is full of jews and the US supports them militarly against people unfairly deprived of their own land based on the claim of a stupid religious book nobody gives a fuck about. They will follow you (or, hopefully, take you with them along) in whatever hell or gruesome destiny you both deserve. The destruction of religions is as much important as the crumbling of your cesspool of a country.
Hahaha... that's a really funny joke, user... Oh you were serious... jesus fucking christ, you have shit taste in women, fucking libtard cuck
Who said I was American. Kankersnol
No you're not, but I smell cheap prostitutes, a desolate land dried out from the sea, weed, niggers, mongoloid face features and a scarce grasp of your relevance in the world, which is quite inexistant, while you think you are. Am I right, Klaas-Jan?
Stay jealous nigger
Jelous? Thank god I'm not one of you, you're full of jews as well. Kys, and bring along Belgium with you, it's "nether" lands because there's nothing valuable into it after all.
Blowjobs from your girls were good, tho. They put the condom directly with the mouth. Such skill.
Whats your problem? You hate just everything right? You obviously have some dire life conditions what makes your feelings be so hateful or youre just sick in your brain and forgot to take medication?
You are just a closet nazi. You blame every little insecurity of yours to the joos. Do us and yourself a favor and jump of the highest bridge in your country. You fucking degenerate.
No. I hate Almost everything, I'll give you that.
I'm absolutely average, in my 30s, with a job, a house, a car, a phone, a girl.
I hate religion, capitalism, stupidly rich people, niggers, poor people, old people, kids, girls, nothern europe, spain, the US, France, the US, jews, gipsies, the fact that Keith Flint is dead while you're alive, raisins, shrimps, cheese, waking up in the morning, and priests, in random order.
And I love to troll people on /b. Just as I did with you. :) I absolutely loved Dam m8.
But what I said in the previous comments is the reality, tho. Americans have to accept their own decay.
How's life? Sucking so much salty dick must be very tiring.
>Just stand around
>this is an accomplishment
Learn how to read. Discover books. Grow the fuck up.
None, but clearly you’ve been beating off to her a lot.
Well, that's not true. But you gotta ask your mom for that question of yours kiddo.