Alright /b post some incest storys
Alright /b post some incest storys
one time i might've had manual or oral or anal or vaginal sex with my aunt or mother or cousin or sister
part 1
>be me
>be part of a family with a mom dad older brother and younger sister
>sometimes fight with my older brother, but also get along and play vidya
>we get along pretty good but he always has to be in charge which is annoying
>play a lot with my little sister, she worships me
>also willing to play vidya and whatever games i make up for us to play
>we are pretty much best friends right up through highschool
>when i go to college we don't hang out or talk all the time but still get along great when i visit home
>we grow up
>nothing incestuous ever happens, we're still friends, there is no part 2
i might have
but i didn't
no story, but would you face fuck my mom? y/n?
gross, no.
stop living like a disappointment and you'll stop fantasizing about things that would disappoint her if she knew them
8/10 you got more?
Your not showing me that you deserve more. Why upload a single Greentext that everyone has?
Was the shit maybe cash?
Anymore ?
Is there a higher res version of that? I cant read it on mobile
Just enable desktop site
Turn on version of Yea Forums for PC you fuck, best advice you ever got