Greetings Yea Forumstards

Greetings Yea Forumstards,

My name is the Operator, OP for short.

I will answer any and all questions.

RULES: You must use my name when asking a question.

> "Am i a faggot, Operator?" or "Operator, are you a faggot?"

If you fail to refer to me as the Operator, you will be ignored.

Attached: Operator Standing By.jpg (224x225, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Operator, why is everyone obsessed with Emma Watson? Is she really THAT attractive? I don’t see it.

> Checked

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (born 15 April 1990 is an English actress and model. As a child artist, she rose to prominence after landing her first professional acting role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series.

Although more attractive than some, she is not as popular as you might think. The same few people that create Emma Watson threads on Yea Forums are the same people replying within them. It's an incredibly small social echo chamber of perverts that couldn't get over their childhood ginger-celeb crush.

Attached: Emma Watson.jpg (640x432, 53K)

Operator, do you feel the same way about Taylor Swift?

Operator, should I pursue my coworker romantically? Work doesn't care about relationships between people. But I'm nervous to ask her.

Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter. As one of the world's leading contemporary recording artists, she is known for narrative songs about her personal life, which has received widespread media coverage.

Taylor Swift is a paid-for / funded-by deep state puppet under deep MKULTRA mind control, also know as a "Kitten," her very existence designed to emasculate growing boys and turn them into sissies. She also hands herself out sexually to the highest [elite] bidders, unknown to the general public.

Attached: Taylor Swift.jpg (1548x1024, 979K)

Operator, why am I not getting erections anymore?

You should tread carefully when trying to get involved with another co-worker, for a few reasons. Aside from corporate policy, you would not want to compromise a career that you enjoy, assuming you enjoy your current profession. I would take it slow, women can sense desperation. Try to keep things casual, take her out for a meal perhaps. If she is on the same page, the relationship will develop naturally. You can avoid the anxiety of "asking her" if you allow things to happen naturally.

If you're nervous in general, have no fear. Bold men produce bold rewards. Sitting still gets you nowhere. You have one life to live, take chances.

Operator, what is your view on child pornography?

Too much porn. Too much jerking off. If you're not jerking off, consider the possibility that you might be playing for the wrong team. Age is also a factor. If you are above the age over 35, see a doctor.

Operator, what do you think about celebrity insiders on Yea Forums? They tell the truth?

No tolerance for such material. It is for feeble minded people. Real men target real women, not child. People who pursue child porn do so because they are incapable of establishing a social relationship with individuals their own age. There is no justification for such behavior. It is the inability to meet and establish a connection to a civilized and mature society. Pedophilia, and variations of; are a mental disorder.

i think any celebrities that use Yea Forums would be on r9k or any board specific to what they do

Operator, what happened to D.B. Cooper?

well said!

That is not OP
Celebrities on Yea Forums are the same people creating the damn Emma Watson threads. They do not tell the truth, ever.

...Seth Rogan however, browses casually.

He lived the rest of his life down in South America. He hitched a ride on a cruise ship heading south from Alaska.

I met a girl online, have met multiple times and we're in love but she's engaged. Operator, should I try to convince her to break it off with her fiance?

Absolutely. If she loves you, and you love her, than you should be honest and do the right thing. However, be warned... If she is will to leave her finance for you, she will also be willing to leave you for someone else. Trust no bitch.

Sorry operator, I expressed myself bad, I referred to the people who talks about them on Yea Forums and that said to know their weird secrets, not the celebrities. Are that guys reliable?

If they are telling a story about how they "once fucked a celeb" than no, it's total bullshit.

However, the truth can be found in subtle consistencies. The most reliable insiders are usually the ones with the most absurd tale to tell.

Ignore what's trending, and focus on that which get's ignored. There you will find the truth.

Operator, are you visualising a bloody battle?

Operator, you mean like Woody Allen?

Yes, exactly. Woody Allen adopted an 8 year old girl that he groomed and later married, still his wive today. A fact that has been ignored and glossed over time and time again.

Operator, what's the real purpose of Yea Forums?

It is a social experiment. They are conducting trials on social influence and manipulation in a market of free-range anonymous ideas.

Operator, do you think the same subjects that are doing this "social experiment" could be also the same anions that, sometime, talks about secrets and inconvenient truths here on Yea Forums? Or there is no connection at all?


operator, i've got an 83 V65 magna and theres a really weird noise coming from the speedo and it kind vibrates, what's wrong with it?

Operator, are you still here?

Operator, I've heard that the Enlightened One or God Avatar is on Earth right now. Is he cute?

Everything is connected. Keep an eye on the consistencies. The truth can be found in what's consistent.

Check the seal around the gauge itself.

Still operating, sorry for disappearing.

The divine would not reveal itself in the shape of a human, for it's entity is not organic, and can not take control of such. If the "one" is here on earth, it will not present itself in a way that appeals to your physical senses such as sight, or touch.

Operator, what if some crazy feminist would make a bomb that makes all the males into sissies (like in the pic). Their cocks would still work ofc. They are now only 2 inches long. What would happen? Would there be less wars? Less fighting?

Attached: 1554496152688.jpg (750x858, 511K)

Ok, and thanks for your services.
What's your opinion about aliens, operator?

Operator, can you tell me why in every fucking thread there are faggots who asks for mods?

Where am i right now operator?

Operator, how do i learn NMR spectroscopy

Operator is gone...

We can tell

operator, there is no seal, it's a self contained single cast unit. what else could it be?

I appreciated his services, I hope he will back soon




How do I get her back operator?

Operator, how do I save my marriage?

whats with this spam nigger shit lately? is kimmo alm back or what?

how to cure depression, operator??

Operator, what is the story behind the falling out between the two former friends? You know the ones.



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