Sup Yea Forums. How do you deal with a clingy girlfriend?
My girlfriend is amazing 99% of the time. But there will be times when I'm not in the mood and she is constantly trying to get me to cuddle, kiss, hug, etc and it's just really obnoxious.
I've confronted her about this many times and she just doesn't get it. What do Yea Forums?
this is Yea Forums you're asking, you sure about this????
Landon Collins
Thomas Turner
user, this is good, imprint and train
Justin Smith
Tell her you love her. Keep telling her day after day. Do little things for her throughout the day and never bring it up. Then eventuality she'll just leave on her own.
Tyler Robinson
Well, you can start off by shaving your neckbeard off, go to the gym and lose that extra 40kg you have on your belly, get a haircut, buy some nice clothes (business casual, 100$ is enough for pants and a shirt), get some good anti-persperant to stop sweating and get a nice deodorant or cologne to smell nice, brush your teeth do they are white, start going out, meet some new people, get a job, get a car and then you can proceed with finding a girl. You might also wanna visit a doctor because you seem to think your hand is a girlfriend.
Anthony Torres
Wow user you are a pretty lucky guy just tell her you don’t feel good right then also treat her good
Connor Howard
Fuck these retards replying. Set boundaries with your personality. Tell her to knock it off. Do it in a humorous way at first, to keep composure, but show more BIZ if she doesn't get the 'hints/sarcasm'
Jaxson Walker
You're a retard. Have you ever made a dog cum by sucking on his nuts? I'll bet you're the champ. You suck on those sweaty-ass balls and let him unload all over your face.
Gavin Gonzalez
FWIW I have similar problems. Girl I'm with is the most loving girl in the world. Always wants to cuddle and kiss. It's nice alot of the time but there are times I just need a bit of my own space. I'm just honest - I say 'I just don't feel like kissing right now'. Doesn't always go down well but your relationship too.