Ask a forensic cleaner anything
Ask a forensic cleaner anything
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What is your preferred brand of toilet paper?
that is a nonexistent occupation
How's business?
Do You fuck the corpses?
Whats your favorite meal?
Google "Aftermath Services" you simpleton
3 if you slice them thin enough.
Do you dream of dead people?
I wanted to join crime scene clean up because relatively easy money but if they let shit sit out long enough to get maggots that's just fucking annoying and makes the job harder for no reason. Better get fucking paid more
Charmin ultra strong
Kinda slow during the transition between winter/spring but still getting paychecks
I don’t get to see the corpses, but probably not
Hot wings with a ice cold sprite with a side of ranch
Any one experience that is particularly haunting for you? I guess by now you're insensitive to most shit.
What's the worst smelling smell you've ever smelled?
Magic The Gathering tournament.
Oh you meant OP. Sorry.
Do you keep a personal collection of blood/other stuff from different cases?
Nah, if I stay up for more then 48 hours I’ll start day dreaming about breaking my arm and bleeding to death.
Today we had a severe decomposition. Body was left to rot in his apartment for so long he was almost just bones and slush
>pic related
>ice cold sprite
>didn't say beer
Mormon or fag?
He's here. Mid 20's to 30's. Not great social skills. Probably like cool ranch doritos.
Carpenter here.
What godless region do you hail from that uses cove base in a residential setting? Also you're gonna need new flooring and drywall.
My neice is 14 and just settled her first classes for high school in the fall. She has excellent marks in science and is taking a grade 11 forensics course in grade 10.
Do you have any general advice about particular classes/options that would be beneficial to her?
What sort of salary range might be expect to earn if she's working in a metropolitan city?
A inmate made shit people one time, god awful smell.
That's not his house Joseph.
pretty sure new drywall and flooring goes without saying when the deceased has turned into a slushy
Will need new flooring, his corpse made a death shadow on the laminate
Answer my question Poindexter:
Not gonna lie, I went to one of those years ago when I was in college out of curiosity and the smell inside the store was unfathomably awful.
How do you even get into such a field
more pis OP
show the nasty stuff
dont be a faggot for once
do you have any idea what causes people to die and be left there for so long? family abandonment? how could neighbors not notice that you died?
There's even hygiene rules in most events, last I heard. Talk about living the stereotype.
apply and hate life
Cool. Post more images of jobs
keep it up with the pics this is interesting
Good one. I’d say the line of work isn’t for everyone. But always have a extra pair on gloves and try to make the best out of every situation. You might work a scene where a man was dragged 100 feet by 4 different cars and think “wow he really went the extra mile.” It’s all about having laughter in the workplace. But expect around 43k starting out full time
What's the most effective way to clean up blood?
Of course it's not his fucking house. I asked the region. Do you fucking eat crayons?
I want to hear more about these shit people
Who were they?
Why were they created?
Did they have names?
What became of them?
>no one gives a shit about you in life
>no one gives a shit about you in death
Funny how that happens.
ever clean up a suicide from jump victim?
>You might work a scene where a man was dragged 100 feet by 4 different cars and think “wow he really went the extra mile.” It’s all about having laughter in the workplace.
>"Also you're gonna need new flooring and drywall."
About how long does it take, and what do you use to clean up?
Has your work influenced your views on the value of human life?
>user is such a shut-in that he is unfamiliar with idioms such as "there's yer problem" or "you're gonna need a" when it does not actually imply possession on the part of the person being spoken to
What IS gwunch?
Be broke, get desperate.
It’s usually older people but they move away from their families, don’t engage with their neighbors. The only reason most of them are found is because the smell.
Hydrogen Peroxide is really effective for cleaning fresh blood
Yes, didn’t get pics though :/
You fucked up Joe. Admit it and move on like a big boy.
Is it legal to keep those pictures?
If true, right. Anyway. Knew a dude who did this for about three years. Dumb, apathetic, military dolt who just wanted big cash. I suppose somebody has to do it, and it’s the low-iq, numb and dumb tards who do it. I’m sure if he was pinned in his car bleeding to death he would be crying for mommy. I do enjoy wondering what the backstory is on the decomp pics. No sexual or sadistic shit about it for me.
ever cleaned up the corpse stains of someone you knew personally?
What is the difference between a jump victim and a jump perpetrator?
Yeah nah you simply can't Intuit a common turn of phrase. Please be autistic more quietly.
Looks fake. Explain in detail what this is.
Never ceases to amaze me how many retards on Yea Forums are eager to pipe up with "looks fake" retard commentary on the rare instance something real is posted.
We use them for before and after pictures for our clients.
Fortunately no.
>pic is suicide by razor blade
How do I get this job, I could do that kind of work if it was 43k a year. I literally do not give a fuck.
It’s called poor as fuck living conditions.
Ok. Explain it then.
is that... a finger? weird way to kill yourself
It’s what might be in the blood that scares me.
Not even as much blood and goo when i cut my wrist on glass in the bathroom. (No suicide)
Are you ever worried about accidentally contracting from all that nasty shit? Do you screen yourself often?
it's the blade...
open your eyes
It's a lighter doofus.
clearly a bullet vibrator
Do you need to have some certification to do this line of work?
I've been intersted in doing work like this for a while.
Police, civilians, anyone who calls us when they need a biohazard cleaned.
We get shots annually, screens bi-monthly
Biohazard cleanup classes.
>pic is a cleanup we had to do because this fucker bled too much
what is the most difficult organ to scrape/clean off? if i can hazard a guess, squished intestines on tarmac must be hard to clean up
Does the scent linger in your nostrils/hair?
I thought it said foreskin cleaner
Do you listen to music while working? If so what does your playlist look like
what's the worst thing you've seen working
This. They’re pretty much janitors of human remains.
Ever had an embarrassing fuckup on the job, like slipping and falling in a puddle of someone?
>janitors of human remains.
That's literally what the job is. Would you not also expect them to get paid a bit better for scrubbing biohazard guts as opposed to mopping floors at the mall?
To give you an idea of money wise what OP is making. I work for the state as a custodian. Im clearing probably 30k annually before taxes. 3 years in the field.
Hey OP, share some more morbid pictures before this thread gets buried by porn and suicide posts
Not person you're talking to, but this is a real thing that happens when decompsing bodies are left on porous surfaces long enough. Just like when any other stainable substance makes contact on porous surfaces and is left to sit and soak. The human body is nothing but stainable substances and bone, and when left to dissolve apart the blood, melting human fat and other putrified liquids can become impossible to be scrubbed out.
The shadowy humanlike shape is exactly because the body in question was human anatomy. You can see where the bones, limbs and folds of skin were blocking some of the liquid from soaking in more freely on the floor. You can see an extent of the bloating that occured, and get an idea of how the body lay.
Now stop being silly.
Got any pictures that aren't just cropped reposts from crimescenecleanersinc on Instagram? Or are you just having too much fun LARPing OP?
I used to pick up the bodies for the local ME office
that phrase makes no sense. forensic means researching a crime scene, not deleting evidence.
Ah shit
OP is a fag as usual
OP didnt even change his source either.
Literally all the pics are from the same guy lmao.
LMAO, OP is a fag, every time.
Id heard elsewhere, in a documentary about cleaners, that splattered brain matter was the most difficult because once it dries it becomes like concrete.
Are they right OP, is it brains?
> Did you ever deal with dead kids and did it bother you
Yes and no, they weren't mine
> B A S E D
I fucking love Neil. He replies to basically all of his comments with that exact same energy. Really cool guy and a nice page overall.
What is the pay like and what qualifies you do this, what did you have to invest
Where is the joy in making this up and posing as this sort of person? Where is the joy in lying to strangers on the internet that you will never meet?
You're right but i got enjoyment out of just happening to follow the page and showing that OP is a faggot.
Can't just expect me to let OP go about his day when i know he's blatantly bullshitting everyone.
It's called a death shadow. It's a stain of carbon or some shit and it's hard to remove. See those 4 ovals on each side? That's where the guys ribs on his back sat. The line on the right hand side is the imprint from his shoulder blade.
Here's another based comment of his that i happened to find.
I understand the joy in exposing him, see all i wanna know is how well this job pays. Whether hes serious or full of shit that this is actaully him is irrelevant to me. He does express to many people a part of him that is a attention seeking thot cunt faggot, that has literally nothing better to do and ultimately makes me feel that no matter what i do, i can never be more pathetic and shameful as this paticular op. This is something op needs to consider and reflect on seriously.
Despite this he did get me interested in this sort of job and i will do a lil research later if he or you guys do not to provide brief answers
Neil never mentions his pay unfortunately so i cant help you there. But i suggest just following the page if you're interested and any questions you have about the job he'll answer. It seems like a pretty interesting gig to me and i don't think it requires much to get into so I'd say go for it user.
Its pretty cash m8, no experience needed really, helps but you still make bank
"2016 Salary Information for Hazardous Materials Removal Workers
Hazardous materials removal workers earned a median annual salary of $40,640 in 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, hazardous materials removal workers earned a 25th percentile salary of $32,240, meaning 75 percent earned more than this amount. The 75th percentile salary is $56,210, meaning 25 percent earn more. In 2016, 46,200 people were employed in the U.S. as hazardous materials removal workers."
This job is great for poor edgey 21 year olds, perfect lol
Wow okay looks like i found a new backup. That sounds well fucking worth it. And i guess you'll never have to worry about losing it in the future cause there'll always be spilled blood somewhere for you to clean.
As long as i can listen to music, need muh grindcore m8
Proper workplace music
>Been this new.
where do the maggots materialize from with these decompositions?
>No suicide
Not with THAT attitude
My biggest obstacle to getting into a job like this would be how sick I would feel after smelling that all day and dealing with my mouth watering the whole time. If be anxious every time I got the hangries. Like something was beginning to break inside.