Which brand of handgun do you prefer Yea Forums?
>Sig Sauer
>Heckler & Koch
I own at least three of each, and prefer H&k.
Which brand of handgun do you prefer Yea Forums?
>Sig Sauer
>Heckler & Koch
I own at least three of each, and prefer H&k.
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stop being a faggot and get a kimber
Smith & Wesson
Fuck off.
>patrolling Yea Forums
good job faggot
Springfield and Ruger. Used to like Taurus till my .357 mag took a big shit.
Desert Eagle .50 with explosive rounds.
You call him a faggot then suggest a Kimber.
Never change Yea Forums.
For those that don't know, Kimbers are overpriced by a fuck-ton.
They're the Apple products of firearms.
>Sig Sauer
If it's a newer one I'd wait it out. Quality control isn't what it used to be.
No experience with 'em.
Always heard good things though
Can't go wrong,
But it's so basic and boring
Depends on the model.
Newer models are nice, generation before kinda sucked. (Horrible triggers)
Older models are reliable.
Quality revolvers too.
Only way I'd take a Taurus is if it was given to me for free.
Even then I would never trust my life with it and only keep it as a range gun.
My nigga.
Large though, unless you're going for smaller caliber models.
But even those are kinda big.
Reliable too and great if you're open carrying.
Wouldn't be my first choice for CC however.
Expensive now-a-days
Revolvers are nice for cowboy larping.
But I'd probably just get an Uberti or Ruger revolver for that purpose and save the money for ammo
See above
Only if it's in Gold or Tiger Stripe however.
Gonna go all out then don't be a bitch.
Own that shit.
>stop being a faggot and get a kimber
I have a Kimber. It shoots nice, but it's shit. It's unreliable and overpriced. I contemplate selling it everyday.
Only matte black.
And I can't own guns(because of schizophrenia).
when did you pul the trigger and it not fire?
>when did you pul the trigger and it not fire?
Many times. It stovepipes maybe once every 200 rounds now. Used to do it all the time, but now i have over 2k rounds through it.
My other handguns don't jam at all through thousands of rounds.
maybe you should call them?
Not to mention failure to feed and eject properly.
Finish is usually nice, but that's cause they need to be attractive.
The fit however...absolute shit.
I've felt too many Kimbers that have had the shakes.
Wouldn't trust a Kimber at all.
>maybe you should call them?
Pointless. That is just how they are. Everyone in the gun world knows this.
Beretta, my nigga
That user is probably a noguns who wanted to chime in on the conversation cause he knows how expensive Kimbers are and associated price with quality.
you'd be right if you weren't 100% wrong.
customer support for me has been outstanding
know why? cause ive never had to call them. you obviously do
and you would be wrong as well
Just bought a sig p365 for EDC. Loving it.
H&K'sd good shit, Sig's okay, Glock's shit.
CZ though? CZ is best.
look at all these faggots not saying hi-point
Post 'em with timestamp
Let's see what you got
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Springfield is a .40 S&W XDM. It's my EDC.
Beretta 21 A from my great uncles mafia days