nobody will ever give a fuck about me. i never even hugged a girl and i'm fucking 28 years old. i have fucking gray hair now. who the fuck is going to hug a 28 year old gray haired virgin.
nobody will ever give a fuck about me. i never even hugged a girl and i'm fucking 28 years old. i have fucking gray hair now. who the fuck is going to hug a 28 year old gray haired virgin.
Honestly, nobody. You know what you have to do.
It's true. Renting a hooker also supports the local economy.
Or you could dye your hair.
i've tried reaching out to hookers. they always think i'm full of shit and a cop.
Maybe not a chick like the one in the pic but I'm sure someone out there will touch your dick eventually
Well user, the most important part of finding someone that wants to hug you is being someone that you would want to hug.
First you need to learn to accept who you are, the good and the bad, and then do your best from there.
I've struggled with some pretty serious self-loathing over the years, and the truth is life never really gets perfect, even after years and years of struggle. Life may never be perfect. But can you find another human being who will treat you like you matter and live happily with? For sure.
Just make sure your standards (for yourself and that person) recognize that as humans, we are imperfect, and that the only thing we can do is try our best.
there's only ever been one way out for me.
That girls hot. Follower her on insta
i genuinely do not believe it will ever happen.
your mom will give you a hug user. I will give you a hug too! look up there's more to life than sex.
Why hesitate? Why ask people who you estimate to be no higher in life? Do it or grow some fucking balls.
>But can you find another human being who will treat you like you matter
i don't believe that i can.
have you tried tinder?
what's her insta
Roll up with your dick out. In my area hookers ask to touch you first to make sure you aren't a cop so I'll usally have it out so they touch my weiner
Go to an Asian massage place
nobody will give me a hug. i will remain in this empty bed alone like i have my entire life. not by any will of my own.
yes. i swiped right until it ran out of people. i got 0 matches. not even bots. nothing.
Win the lottery & you'll be amazed!
there definitely are no hookers in the street in my area.
there are none in my highly conservative area.
I remember when I hit bottom I felt pretty close to the same way. Foreveralone but not in a funny way, more of a very literal and soul crushing way. Unemployed, isolated, alienated by even family... Pretty much just living life in an unending gray sleepwalk with moments of painful clarity highlighting a sad and tired existence.
But, there are basically three options. You can end the pain, live with the pain and let it get worse, or try to do something.
The last option is the one with the best potential outcomes, so why the fuck not try it?
user, I've had sex with about 15 chicks plus a whole bunch of times that I paid for it and I barely get tinder matches. Practice on hookers. Itll teach you the value of pussy, which is about 150 to 200 dollars.
What town do you live in. I'll find you one. I'm a pro.
post a picture of yourself
What city do you live in? You just dont know how to look.
I'm 24 and headed in the same direction.
i'm not going to post face and city, so pick your poison.
how many girls have you asked out you crybaby cumboy? i thought only teenagers had soundclouds?
Post just city. I can help the most with that, and you probably already know if you're ugly
i don't perceive that as having the best potential outcomes. it'll just get my hopes up and crush my soul again.
post face. im curious what you have to look like to be a 28 y/o virgin.
also, do you read?
Believe me, after a decade you'll think having tried and failed will feel much, much better than never having tried at all.
no idea how to get hookers to work for me.
yea i thought i was going down a similar path then
That's why you need to tell me the area you live in so I can find you an establishment that will suck you off. I have experience in knowing what's legit and what isnt.
i don't know how many anymore. it's not relevant. and yeah i'm socially retarded, most likely only teenagers have soundcloud
pocatello, idaho
i'm sorry but yeah that guy made a good point. i already know for a fact i'm ugly as fuck, just know it has to be pretty fucking bad to be a 28 y/o virgin.
no i don't read recreationally.
Ur completely full of shit
>Renting a hooker also supports the local economy.
top kek
Not really. Lots of ugly guys get laid. Easier if you're willing to fuck ugly chicks.
why would i post face and then city? so the fucking cops can arrest me in 2 seconds and i get to go to fucking prison as a 100% virgin because i was stupid enough to dox myself in public for the world to see??
there's a significant difference between "ugly guys" and how disgustingly unattractive i am.
you should read. the primordial symbols and themes of humanity can help you transcend your destitute, ugly existence.
i recommend bolaƱo and camus
Call and Google the ads for 2082426578
This place is a pretty safe bet. Heres what you do.
Shower before hand, it's just basic decency and make sure your ass and junk dont smell like shit.
Bring 200 in cash.
Keep the house fee, 60 in your pocket and the rest in your wallet or a separate pocket. They wont try to rob you, it's just better for negotiating if they dont see how much money you're handling.
You know the place is offering more than massages if the mamasan or masseuse asks for the 60 up front.
Any sexual massage place will also ask you the universal code question of "have you ever been here before" You can answer yes, or "not this one but a lot of places just like it" Dont just say no. It's a form of handshake.
Ask about a table shower and take it. Makes them more comfortable if they get to wash you off and also feels good for you. If everything I just stated comes true, when changing in the room, take your time and dont rush to get under the towel. Most places the girl will just walk right in on you, and if your standing their naked like it's nothing when she walks in, that puts her at ease that you arent a cop. If it's not a sexual place (I'm about 99 percent certain. this place is) worst case is she says sorry and walks out of the room. Tracking so far? When she has you get on the table for the massage put your hands all the way up against the edge of the table, and when she's massaging you she may rub up against them giving you c a chance to rub her a little (more signaling) otherwise just enjoy the massage. Make happy noises/sighs when she is massaging around your thighs and ass. She'll eventually wipe any oil off of you then start doing a very light tickling massage with her fingertips around your ass and balls and stuff. After she flips you over ask what's available, offer the rest of your cash for sex less for hj
Is that the Stamford Grand hotel in Glenelg. South Australia?
i'll look into it. worried it's a sting operation.
It's not, it's a real store front, and on Yelp, and they post ads. Cops dont rent out spaces and hire an entire staff of Asian chicks just to sting lonely guys. Those operations are always them trying to get the workers by acting as a John. If you did get caught up in something, unless they barged in on you with your dick being fondled, you're good as long as you keep your mouth shut. That's also why you follow the protocols I laid out for you, and font just ask for a handjob out of nowhere. By letting her walk in on you naked, you can be sure you aren't getting "stung" as cops wouldnt do that. It's pretty low risk. And they have reviews on rubmaps. Fwiw I've done this over 30 times at about a dozen different places in several states. It's always the same.
Also, must warn you, the girls usually look nothing like the pictures and are about 40 but asians generally age well and they stay in good shape. However, I honestly prefer a good massage with happy ending to sex as it's all about building up my pleasure. One thing you learn very quickly about sex with women, is that most of them are very lazy and demanding, and unless the girl has an unhealthy obsession with you sex can be a chore. Literally chilling and getting a massage and an hj is better than the labor of sex any day of the week, even if the lady isnt a super looker. Skill > looks