Hey Yea Forums what makes you guys go on in life? I have another 3 years of college and 4 of uni left and throughout the friends just kept getting smaller and smaller. It's gotten pretty bad as now it's just down to a handful and i can't seem to get out of my state of unhappiness.
>no suicide because of attempted and future goals
>stopped dating after HS
>what do
Hey Yea Forums what makes you guys go on in life...
Other urls found in this thread:
become orthodox
what do?
continue going to college.
certainly someone in your field that you are persisiting is also having this issue.
I wish my friends would turn into midgets. You're doing something right user. Keep at it.
so have a go ya wanker.
I am already orthodox actually; Russian. I don't follow my religion too much but my family insists.
I suppose; but i doubt anyone has my story. My ex fucked me out of 2 years of my life i will never get back, thus me being behind in college (i'll still graduate etc.) and being alone friends and relationships wise.
>most friends either turned to addicts or drop outs
>have 1 good friend left who considers not getting a hs diploma and lives w/ parents in basement playing games all night and day
Fuck my life but i wish i could help him...
Learn how to be content in the moment. "The art of living" is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.
What I am really saying is that you don’t need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that, and there is nothing wrong with you at all.
But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything.
You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.
When you realize this, you are going to be happy. Also, unironically this because you are not, if you hold on to religion for the sake of your family and not for yourself. Religion is not something you do for others. In fact, forget about religion and beliefs until you find faith. To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. As GK Chesterton put it, "Angels fly because they take themselves lightly"
>drop out of college for religion
>gain high status but little wealth
>have no sexual relationships but a high social status
If only
I suppose everyone learns their way, family wouldn't be the only thing keeping me religiously faithful but it's a factor. The other things in life like prayers happening, including a time i did it as a joke w/ a friend and he got what he wanted and random shit is what makes me consider religion as more than a belief. It just takes dedication which right now i am out of, being punched around in life i'm just trying to gather myself a piece at a time.
Meh you see, the only reason to keep living for me is curiosity, I mean, Aren't you curious about what would we discover in the future? what will technology become, see if the world gets better or worse, see a mars colony once and for fucking all, see if virtual reality becomes so cheap everyone can be in a realistic as fuck world.
The curiosity makes me live for the search of info and holy fuck am I curious
As to what do
Take a "year off" or fuck off a semester
As in find decent employment in what you already have proficiency in already and go skydiving or other shit which gets your blood going along always keeping in site the upcoming semester ... including old pals reenforcing past bonds
Beware of starting a family most of all along with general health
Go back to school knowing what shit work is along with keeping stronger ties with friends and family
The idea of doing what you are told is best for others who look out for you but it comes at a cost of what you need on a day to day basis .... this can bite you in the ass once semi-independent you may be left in charge of many more of your own personal expenses /as anything it's a shitty tradeoff
Curiosity killed the cat would be the most famous saying, that being said it makes me wonder if we are truly interconnected beings with a pre-determined future that we can't remember does that mean staying alive you get to live out a moment in detail while when you die you fast forward to a different part? Living always has its perks, but do they mean anything in a world which doesn't prioritize it? If we would've funded space exploration more i'm sure we would've had space travel for all by now, we as humans are weak individually but strong as a group.
if i had hands like that i don't think i could resist chewing all that skin off.
chewing on my fingers is what keeps me going
tbh it looks like a honeycomb thing from bees definitely not a picture that strikes fear in me
in the grand scheme of things. 2 years aren't much to our lifespan.
so i mean you can still persue your dreams.
This guy cont. Also, don't give up on your goals and if these are what keeps you from an hero, good but you need more than something abstract far off in the future.
I'm a 32 year old who spent a decade in pursuit of happiness across the globe, I don't have any friends but I've fucked and did drugs while climbing the career ladder and none of it made me happy. Abroad because it's easier to be a stranger in a strange place than to be one in my hometown. I was never bothered by being alone but it bothered me that I was so fucking low I could've topped myself, but in despair I returned to my childhood faith and I can't be happier. I have a girlfriend now who loves me and I love her, I was never able to love before because you cannot give what you do not have - love is wealth, family is happiness. But even if we have similar backgrounds I can really relate to what you're saying, here for example yes and no, to live a righteous life isn't something you just do, it does take dedication, but what about small steps? I was compulsive liar and ALL of my relationships ("romantic" and other) were built on lies, I was a fucking master manipulator. My biggest struggle was to stop lying and that was something I had to work on, but I didn't have to take time off or anything - I just decided to limit my life to truth and I could see and feel a radical change right away.
Religion, also, is complicated because no one can tell you or preach you into believing - but when you get it, I mean just faith, it's the easiest thing
I apologize for the wall of text but I totally feel you, my dude and if there's anything I can do to help, even if it's just listening, I'd be happy to do so
Just wasted time out of a limited lifespan, only for the worse and not the better. 2 years might not be much, but it's the mental effects as well as social affects on me that adds onto what makes it hard to overcome.
is that Randall?
You could kill yourself OP.
Well, for me at least life doesn't have meaning other than survive and multiply, we're the cells way to create more cells in an universe who's lifespawn its at its 1.34% aprox.
After everything goes void black holes are gonna exist for a time so incredibly large it doesn't even makes sense to mention it and all matter will cease to exist to never be seen again.
So yeah, I preffer to see what happens, we might even turn into gods that can control the universe with ultimate technology or kill ourselves first idk
Yeah, back then when i used to date and make myself go out more i had to build myself upon lies. Lies such as "i love you" to get a relationship that will support me, even if i wasn't attached. Faked love is always worse than real love, even when you manage to "fool" yourself it just doesn't feel right. Maybe i just need to take a grip on my life like you had on yours and re-evaluate everything. It just becomes difficult when i cannot predict whether i will wake up and feel happy in the whole day or depressed, with no reasoning. Sometimes the will to change persists, and i follow, while other times it goes away and i'm left by myself.
Dying from extinction or just having a technological future isn't the only outcome in my mind.. Like i mentioned before it wouldn't be too hard for me to imagine this is just a "simulation" or a "replay" of what happened or could've happened. Life is interesting to follow, and even more so when you question if the decisions you make in it truly make any different overall.
what happend to Yea Forums holy shit
This amount of kindness on Yea Forums makes me believe humanity can go for good tho
I would re consider, although plentiful posts made are kind enough to the subject, we all face it sooner or later.
Yeah ur right, but since we'll probably never know its just not worth wondering, for all we know there could be an entire civilization made out of spaghetti since all probabilities become 100% in an infinite panorama
and, since the universe is probably infinite in all "directions" well, meh, I just wanna meet my spaghetti clone
Nothing stops AI from conceiving a spaghetti universe with overloads consisting of kitchen utensils.
I think this is evidence that Yea Forums isn't just filled with retards. Although I would imagine that these posters have all posted their fair share of bullshit
>what makes you guys go on in life?
hope i always have the hope it gets better
and if not i hope for isekai
Isekai is anime? I never really understood anime or tried to get into it, would just feed the stereotype and probably waste my life away. We can always hope for life to get better i suppose, but it's up to the individual person to make a change for better or worse.
lmao why am I complicating my life with an existencial crisis based on probability when I can wait for Isekai, you my man, are a true legend
Oh and also, part of what makes my curiosity even stronger is the end of one piece
man, you should really get into anime, physics away, it's one of the little things that makes life worth living, try it, you would not regret it.
start with mahoutsokai no youme
Mahō Tsukai no Yome*
It is a cloud.
My uncle is into anime and because of that my cousin is too, it's just weird but i guess i'll try it out. Life just gets busy at times where i can't even open my steam library for a game, let alone see friends or make new connections with people..
Totally been there and you already know it, you can't pretend to a love you don't feel or have, even if you can play the part so convincingly you fall for it yourself - but there's always going to be that discomfort in the back of your mind because lies will never let you go or fully relax.
And yeah, where do you start? What's going to be your motivator, because you're not going to automatically just have it all the time. Not even half the time. On the bright side, our lives in current society does make it a little easier because we're not held accountable for anything, we've been disenfranchised, terminally dispossessed and it is part of what's making us (generations of young people) feel lacking. Lacking a purpose, lacking identity and lacking community.
Find someone to talk to, someone who can give you advice, motivation and a listening ear - I think that's a great help. I had a mentor who picked me up when I hit rock bottom.
who needs friends when you have a waifu
nah but serious now
just make friends wherever you are, even if you don't like people at first or if they look like assholes, they can be great lads, this thread is proof of it lmao
Yeah I have to open up more, even in my current classes i am a shell, not wanting to interact socially with the fear of screwing up. Next semester is my best shot i guess, i'll try to motivate myself to work out more and approach people first, since usually they're on the same boat as me.
Before finding someone to talk to was as easy as ever, it's just that I gave up on myself, and it still shows. I let myself go and instead of making reliable friendships i chose work. Although i know my co-workers more than my classmates, they're mostly a dead-end with drinking and drugs being the stigma around them. Our decisions shape our lives, i guess i do need to look for someone to mentor me out of my own hole.
Well you see, I was on a similar situation, except it was like the ones I wanted to hang out with ignored me, and because I wanted to hang out so much with them I dodn't payed attention to those who ACTUALLY wanted to be my friends
when I graduated I just choose a random school and said "fuck it, im gonna do it right this time" and holy crap did that went well
What would you say you did differently in a different school? Just said fuck it I have nothing to lose ?
Ok yknow what, this went down hill really fast, here's this photo of a dog to cheer you all up
yeah, pretty much, since I was used to beign ignored it didn't matter if I got ignored again, by that time I had videogames and anime to make things easier
How far did you go into anime? I know several people invest into posters and body pillows, compared to what i have (a literal blank room) i wouldn't understand why.
also I live in mf Mexico, we don't have any kind of discrimination towards anyone but our own race, you can imagine how kids are here until they realize they're fucking idiots with
unfounded prejudices
I mean, not THAT far (tho I would like a dakimakura), I just enjoy anime so much I get caught in a story like it's my own life, and suffer after it ends cuz I have nothing to wait for the next week ( ._.)
I see, just following along a plot, seeing that you say you're from Mexico you watch American anime or which?
look buddy, dubbed anime is mostly shit, just watch it subbed, it feels more natural, interesting and it's less weird than hearing an american girl say "big brother" every 17,8 seconds
I'm not saying I've reached a state of perfect harmony and bliss, neither do I think of myself as a teacher or mentor, but I do have some experiences and could at least be a sincere friend, and if you feel like it, shoot me an email at aptrgangr at protonmail dot com
Do with it what you want, no pressure at all, but sometimes it is good to get some sort of consistency
Also checked
Holy shit i did not realize my quads and thanks i will shoot an email, i remember using proton mail before for other reasons though
Start small. set yourself small goals and start with them. after achieving the small goals you've set yourself you will get the hang of it. its the same way als if you have troubles. they spiral and get bigger. the same is for achievements too. so start small and let the spiral continue and grow with it.
i know it may be hard at first but dont gice up right away just continue
all the best
Thanks user, i do try at times to set goals, not too big or small, for myself it's just the dedication i missed. For quite some time i questioned why I should be alive and is it worth even going on..Setting goals could be easy, but getting the courage and will to do them could be a challenge at times.
Kill yourself
I don't see the distinction here, some dubbed animes are bad and so are subbed. It truly depends on the series you watch and what the main goal of the anime is. Whether it's to appeal to a person with feminine like squealing and voices or a much more deeper subject.
Funny and original, I would kill myself if I had a reason to, but it’d just be a waste of a body. Maybe some day..
Just relax and take things one at a time. Everything's going to be alright. Do things that you that enjoy.
I don't know how good ProtonMail really is, but it definitely feels preferable to Gmail in terms of staying safe from CIA niggers. Can't remember what illicit business brought me there but I've stuck with it
Yeah it’s untracked and has more protection than a regular account on top of not requiring a name and phone number for registration and then selling off your data..