>be me
>browsing reddit as am fucktard
>see the new black hole image, honestly fucking stupid
>post a comment about how it’s not that cool and it’s just an orange circle
>get downvoted into hell
>”you must be joking, this is the first ever picture of a black hole”
>it’s a fucking orange circle. Get over yourselves
>fuck reddit
Be me
You're a retard
>unironically browsing reddit
>orange circle bad
>make astronomy great again
>be autistic
>autism autism autism
>autism autism autism autism
>autism autism autism autism autism
>autism autism
>autism autism autism
>autism autism autism
Imagine being this retarded
Imagine being so dense to not to see the great meaning of this picture. An illiterate black hole
I agree what’s the big fucking deal. That’s not even the color of it, they photoshopped the orange in
hahahhaha i think u are about to get raped here again op hahahhaha
but dont feel bad....i do get you....its just a blurry orange donut
but still i think its a huge step foward into science.
I mean is pretty much the equivalent to knowing your wife is fucking a nigger, but not being able to confirm it because she's sneaky, and then one day several of your friends get a series of pictures in a sort of panoramic cuckolding experience while shes fucking said nigger, proving your suspicions.
But agreed, not that cool
i think its more the fact that Einstein was right
>be you
>not understand the significance of the first images of a black hole and the ramifications it’ll have on unified theory.
Penicillin was just some mould on a Petri dish. You have to understand what you’re looking at.
Whereas you are clearly an ignoramus.
Do not breed.
>caring this much about imaginary points
>caring this much about what other people think about your opinion
np i'll give you a picture of a black hole after the next time I visit your mom if you know what i'm saying
got 'em
fuckin 10/10 keks savage roast easy ebola yeet skeet squad goals helta skelta no chill fam
Yeah i can reproduce this exact image in a dark room, with just a flash light, peice of paper and my hand. And they still cant show us 1 image of earth that isnt a composite or artist rendition. Space for fags.
Me cave man! space for fag!
i'm so high I read this as
>knowing your wife is a fucking nigger
>but not being able to confirm it because she's sneaky
I read it fucking 10 times not being able to fathom what the fuck you were saying and when I realised I fucking projectile squirted a mouthfull of beer all over my fucking desk
I posted a non socialist meme about AOC on reddit got 196 downvotes in 5 hours and -47 karma.
Reddit is full of faggots.
Imagine being this autistic
>it’s not that cool
you're an anti-science fucktard
that's why you think this
Are you retarded
It actually means you are a retard, don't post there again.
you're going at it the wrong way
You don't get it cuz you are a fucking idiot. Pick up a fucking book man!
No my mom says I could get a job if I used the brains God gave me.
1999 called fuckface
I'm reading Mein Bäsement right now.
Instantly reported for prohibited content.
Nice going.
not that user but I will literally shove my foot long cock up your quivering asshole
>be (You)
>unironically browsing leddit
Get drenched in cum, nigger fricker
No just dont care about shit pictures from faggot space cause im not 8 years old.
My fucking SIDESSSSS
Looks like the south end of a northbound baboon.
Yep, you're retarded
>I do what the hivemind tells me
Then why are you still alive, just an hero. Nobody would miss you and the universe doesn't need you.
Ok I know I like to fap to dick and all but God exists. And mom says if I just applied myself instead of gaining weight and fapping I could probably get a good job, but first I'm going to have to lose some of this weight because it won't look good in a job interview.
Livings cool. I find things to entertain myself other than faggoty space shit. Gonna talk to me about the new giant trex they found next? Fucking spacefags.
In other words, you're an unsophisticated useful idiot.
inb4 "no"
Suck a fat big black nigger cock
>pic related
So in other words you dry pussy up at partys with dino and space talk. Cool story ross geller.
At least we go to parties, fagflower.
oh look hivemind is mad
because others do not acknowledge the hivemind
Maths can predict and prove things even before an image of this things can exist.
Being this autistic
Space and dino party's maybe faggot. Furryfag.
>I use up resources other more intelligent people could use
Being this nerdy
user there's a big big big universe out there that might help you explain this weird thing called life. You're spinning out with this shit.
my resourcessss hngg
You like the taste of nigger big cums, si si?
I love how 80% of these anti-reddit comments are about losers who got banned/humiliated/butt-hurt there and rushed here to sob-post about it.
2005 called, they want their “XXXX year called” reference back.
that's old af user
nobody thinks that's funny
thats what you get for browsing plebbit like a cum glabber bucket.
oh look hivemind is triggered by social diversity too
this is entertaining before bedtime
sort of
not really
Damn nigger
Totally forgot about goatse
Here, OP. I think this might help.
Nah man contemplating and pondificating our existence is for faggots like dino boy over here
2005 called. You've been ordered to report to one of Dick Cheney's secret camps in another country. Transportation provided.
Finally a proper reveal.
I did user.
Because you're a moldable useful idiot. You're going to end up as a neo-nazi and your mom is going to bail you out of jail and pay for your legal fees for the trial.
Circle looks fake as Fuck
Yesssss nigger cuck jew cyst shlomo
Go to bed you googoo gaga nigger niggertron 1000
You have school tomorrow
Beep boop
It's not, though. It's 20 year old stale garbage.
Oh look hivemind gets increasingly triggered with each reply about how hiveminded and bigoted he is. How will you top this one, user?
Someone's salty they didn't get the logposting they were hoping for.
Hello. I'm black.
The N-word will be illegal within the next 10-15 years.
By spraying my big cums on your fedora you greasy cock fluffing floofer nigger cuck
Beep boop
You're not clever by bringing up a stale meme that might have been funny 20 years ago.
You aren't that clever.
imagine thinking it's a technological miracle to measure enough information to produce a 5x5 image
It's a grainy picture of the light behind the black hole. It's shit like always.
Now I’m just hungry for Spaghetti O’s.
Sure, nigger
No way its 20 years old
Hivemind realizes he is digging into deeper shit with each post now
you could have just shrugged off my rather mild insult, but now you're proving my point in spades :^)
Nigger ew
The word nigger will never be illegal. It's a white man's word. Quit appropriating our culture.
OK that would cost you a week doing community service at an intercity Boys Town.
Come on man HFCS! Processed Italian Cheese!
What's not to like?
>21 billion dollars
Hey guys heres what weve done with all that money.
First off, I’m white
Second off I’m comparing the picture to spaghettios you roody poo piece of trash
That would cost you roughly a week sponsoring an intercity basketball team.
>first off I'm new
yeah it is dipshit
Cool. I can make illegal bets then and get a little money on the side
You're not that clever.
It's not about what it is, it's about what it represents.
Visible verification of a 103 year old theory.
Why isn’t your cum drizzled anus in bed you turd burglar?
Chop chop nigger, get your anus to the stall and lay down in the puddle of cum that your nigger sister horse just came by being fucked my master big black nigger stallion horse shitcock
Beep boop
Then be prepared to do real prison time.
>be fart
>fart fart fart fart fart
>fart fart fart fart fart fart, fart fart fart
>fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart
>fart fart fart fart
>"fart fart fart fart, fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart "
>fart fart fart fart fart. fart fart fart
>fart fart
>I trust obey trust obey
Hivemind continues to prove my point
you could have just shrugged it off babydick
It's not illegal if you don't get caught
You literally could've just said
>be me
>browsing reddit as am fucktard
And just have left out all the autistic shit you did
heres my impression of op
>raaa black hole picture no look like it do in movie!!! me small brain no like!!
LOL!!! Totally lost it.
Thanks, bud.
It's 55 million light years away you fuck...
Nigger, you need to wash your baby dick and go do the pee pee and the poopoo and go to bed sleep
Beep boop
I fucking hate teenagers
>beep boop
uh, faggot this is super cringe
Fucking American.
Shut up Nigger
Beep boop
Oh, good grief. It's taken for granted that if you peruse Reddit, you're a loser normie. So OP was there, and pulled a Yea Forumstard maneuver. That's two errors.
Then OP comes here to admit it (3), and that he doesn't understand what's in that image (4).
OP hopes for sympathy? (5)
Op is 5 times retarded, at least.
I'm not autistic. They tested me for autism, both me and my sister when we were kids. First they tested her and then they tested me. They tested us both for autism first by testing her and after they tested her they tested me. They tested both of us. They tested my sister and then I was tested and they found no trace of autism in either my sister or I.
>Beep boop
yeah um, user that's lower levels of faggot cringe,
though thankfully you haven't reached the bottom yet
You’re obviously acoustic
Beep boop
Go sit on fat big black nigger cock
Beep boop
bad bait
>Beep boop
>Beep boop
Yeah uh, I'm trying to help faggot
this is beyond cringe
Been here for 5 years, I’m only semi-new
>being this much of a fag that both lebbit and Yea Forums hate you.
Wew lad, might as well an hero.
Beep boop
Boop beep
Shut your uncouth nigger cuck mouth
Boop beep
Beep boop
What so you want a completely black photo you fucking nigger
>Beep boop
>Boop beep
yeah uh user uh...
>they photoshopped the orange in
Not that faggot you replied but I’ve been here since 2007. Yea Forums is like /pol/ 2.0
no ID's no retarded flags
At what age were you diagnosed with autism?
Let's not forget that this is the full image
not that user but delete these posts
agreed, they're cringe af
To be honest, it is underwhelming.
can you imagine all the cool shit to do in that sector?
There was IDs til 2013-14
user you might as well post "I'm a huge faggot paint a target on my ass" this is not flattering
you aren't winning you're losing in the eyes of this thread and hard
I miss the dinosaur threads
Beep boop
Prove it bitch
It's important because it proves an over 100-year old theory(General Relativity) as correct
It's also a scientific achievement years in the making, as telescopes across the planet had to almost perfectly sync up to produce this image
user you have a pliable anus
shut up
Can’t wait to see this on r/greentexts tomorrow with 10k upvotes
Op is jealous that a women gathered the data to make out the black hole. How does it feel op that in your life time you will accomplish nothing. Die a peasant die ignorant
underage b&s don't care about that shit tho as OP has proven
You shut up. First I'm going to lose weight and then I'm going to look hardcore for a job so I can move out of mom's.
you'll have 10 dickslaps
Beep boop
Says the niggerfaggot posting nigger cock dripping cum on faggot jacking his baby dick
Beep boop
That's right user, you set those attainable goals.
>Beep boop
get help faggot
>grug no understand sky magic
>grug angry
I can. It'll take about a year to lose weight though because I'm still going to eat fast food even though ironically I won't take a job at a fast food place.
I read it twice like that and was super confused. Didn't make it to 10x tho which would have raped my brain.
Funny cause you talk like one. Enjoy jerking off to your blackhole and sucking neil degrasse tyson Rick
Get drenched in nigger cum jajajaja
Beep boop
Damn good 1 fag
>Beep boop
no I mean it not even trolling you're going to have an aneurysm if you don't find the right medication
you've clearly already suffered brain damage
Goatse, tubgirl and dancing baby are forever on the interwebz. No time exists there.
Damn when did Yea Forums got filled with so many uneducated cocks. We used to love science in here regardless of color, social economic status and culture. When anonymous abounded this place it became a dumb site of retared inbreeds
I feel sorry for you for not being able to understand this.
But a simpleton will stay simple.
now THATS what I call bait
maybe there's still hope for this place
We do. It's some bored faggot trolling.
>they photoshopped the orange in
This is how the flat-earthers think.
Fuck I hate retards.
reddit IS hivemind so yes, you probably do whatever reddit says
like guzzling nigger cum by the gallons.
IDs were a thing for a bit and then they left and came back. And now they’re gone again. I remember when snacks banned moot. That shit was nuts.
>having an opinion on reddit
>actually browsing reddit in the first place
you fucking wat?
Most Americans dont care about this or science. They still believe vaccines are bad orange man good. Also this
Whats wrong with being at either a space or dino party? (Hard to find the duo you speak of btw)
so you're simply a racist dipshit to be ignored
>white knighting a pic of a blackhole
What is this place?
user has a party with his fleshlight
Why it is so important for sience, god damn? Maybe it's just a huge glowing donut, not an sucking asshole in space? It's just a blurry picture and not real sience.
I just got back from a dino party! Literally fucked like every girl there
>using the term "fuckface"
1999 called
you really can't make this up kek
ok zoomer
>be a retard
>do retarded thing
>get mad that people call me retarded
protip: he is
>reddit formatting
gtfo, all of you.
>making a call
Implying it wouldnt be a text with todays tech.
Thats right user, its just a lame orange circle. Now go to bed.
Im here because
>le reddit is down.
How do i save posts i want to save this
Shut up nerd. Go larp or whatever it is you fags do
>be me
>browsing reddit as am fucktard
No u didnt
>see the new black hole image, honestly fucking stupid
No u didnt
>post a comment about how it’s not that cool and it’s just an orange circle
U definitely didnt
>get downvoted into hell
No this did not happen
>”you must be joking, this is the first ever picture of a black hole”
Low quality bait
>it’s a fucking orange circle. Get over yourselves
Sure kid
>fuck reddit
Why didnt you just post this part?
Im literally more than half those. Theres 3 people here maybe 4.
Because it proves that black holes really exist without a doubt.
It's another proof of theory of relativity.
And a whole other bunch of stuff.
Plus even being able to take a picture of it is a huge thing.
I voted for Trump, by the way.
spacing lines of text apart has nothing to do with reddit retard
It doesnt prove shit. Its a blurry pic they say is of a blackhole.
You ppl will eat up anything
Good for you. Helping Dictatorship sounds fun. Insight me on how you love to see democracy being ridiculed by a nation that call themself righteous.
>being this new
This comment is so fucking underrated
no you're a racist dipshit to be ignored
Checked desu
>insight me
Ok ok Mr. Eartisflat.
>this delusional
Can't tell if bait, or fucking stupid
People like to seize on any given moment where they have the chance to lord themselves over you with knowledge you don't possess which they learned 10 minutes ago. Witness the replies here for example.
double lining is a common formatting for idiots who use reddit, hell they still do it on the redesign and it looks all fucked up because the formatting isnt markdown anymore.
and its blatantly obvious that this thread has reeled in the redditfags.
You do realise that I believe exact same thing about you, right?
It is your side that's authoritarian. It is your side that fights opposition with violence. It is your side that is going literally INSANE over nothing. It is your side that uses obvious lies (that average normie obviously can't see through because they are too busy to do 2-minute research).
It is you who's actually against democracy, human freedom and individualism.
Oh and you are literally the person you say you hate the most; all of what I just said, plus you are on the side of big corp.
Wow, where's the upvote when you need 'em
So, every blurry picture of an UFO is a scientific proof for UFOs?
Implying the earth isnt hallow sphere but anyways just cause some dumb cunt shows me a blurry pic doesnt mean shit. Im reserving judgement
My opinion is, as sucky as it is, it’s better than nothing.
>be on Yea Forums since last summer
You haven't been on Yea Forums that long, have you?
>some dumb cunt
Pick 1
Imagine you being retarded
I really hope you are trying to troll.
Now take 5 minutes and think what you just wrote and what's the difference.
Fucking this
I think he made a typo. But theres more proof of ufos than there is blackholes even with this shit picture.
you are an imbicile. The picture took 7 observatories from around the world working in conjunction. It gathered over 1 million gigabytes in data. The pic is bigger than 5x5
There is no difference. It's both just a picture of a round thing, that you can't see clearly.
I'm not sure it's proof of anything. They used an algorithm written by a fat female grad student to get this picture. That's suspicious.
The reason it's cool is because they have a larger non nigger brain that can actually idealize and imagine a place in the universe where that actually is as we speak. That orange circle you're whining about not being "cool" enough is larger than our solar system and I'd love to see you get sucked into it, faggot brainlet. Things in images aren't simply just things in images. It's an actual fucking photo of a blacl hole. There has never been another picture that actually features a real black hole. What did you expect? A fucking pepe meme or some stupid shit? Probably the only thing that would entertain such a childish entitled brat.
Buddhistly speaking, yeah it makes no sense. None of us fags are ever gonna see a black hole in our lifetimes so what does it matter?
you are what's wrong. you are part of the reason why we will have uninhabitable cities in 50 years. Because you and your lot of selfish, narrow minded idiots are to dumb to grasp a bigger piece, yet to fucking proud over nothing to believe something that you cannot understand yourself. We need eugenics.
Imagine having a 21 billion $ budget, gather over 1 Million gigbytes of data and then this....
>omg guys its a miracle.
>not understanding that the black hole is hidden behind layers and layers and layers of gas that requires extremely expensive and complex machinery, computers and software to properly image?
As they refine the technique, the pictures will get better and better.
no i don't, but the fact that you in general prefer pussy over being educated and contributing to the scientific forthcoming of humanity (as if one excluded the other) shows that you are nothing but a mere primate who's only goal is reproducing.
Yeah well youre the entire reason youre a dumb cunt
Buddhistly speaking, it looks like a yoni
>contributing to the scientific forthcoming of humanity
Damn is my sis home from college?
>contributing to the scientific forthcoming of humanity
It's a blurry computer enhanced picture of what it looked like in the past, based on the speed of light.. Calm down.
there's no fucking "always" you dumbfuck. This is the first real picture. they took it by using every major telescope/dish and combining the hundreds of pictures created while earth turned. if you do not find this even mildly interesting i'm sorry, but you are deadweight.
It's a very revolutionary orange circle, still an orange circle lol.
I just read the bumps, redditfags have migrated. I mean it's cool, I study quantum dynamics and astrophysics, so I understand it's significance. But it's still just an orange circle. So everyone calm your tits
>real picture
By real imagine you mean a composite image from data muniplualted by some fat chick whos been given an agenda on how to make it look.
did she enjoy being in the water?
i sincerely wish you had the capacity to understand why we are laughing at you.
a fucking spic i knew it
Good rebuttal. Get red pilled nasa loving bitch!
good point user
weirdly most of the stories today were about the fact that one of the team members had a vagina
Didn't see any of those, if that's true then fuck that.
was something like 5 petabytes actually
imagine being such a faggot retard and browsing reddit
fuck you retard this is the first ever picture of a black hole
why you are so mean kevin?
muricans and their problems
user, u retarded?
Don’t breed you absolute dunce.
you are a bait
by real I mean a picture which is based on measured data.
Before this picture a black hole was a fully theoretical construct. There were several indicators but no evidence. now there is. And it's this picture. Yes it's a composite. Yes it's put together by an algorithm (not a fat chick, at least not directly). Yes it's blurry (cause fucking far away). And yes it looks like scientists anticipated.
This is fucking amazing and you are waste.
>Beep boop
“This is stupid. Heh-heh-heh. It’s probably a govment conspiracy to control us en stuff!”
Puts on tard tv.
This is a prime example of Americans being retards. In the articles I've read, they all have researchers admitting that the light around the black hole has been colorized because in the actual images you cant see shit. The light around the hole isn't on a spectrum that we can perceive.
This guy understands, and I agree with his thoughts. The colorization is necessary.
I can’t wait until dna mapping is advanced enough to show how niggers are inferior. “Seeing” a black hole is impressive but doesn’t effect what really matters.
>This is a prime example of Americans being retards. In the articles I've read, they all have researchers admitting that the light around the black hole has been colorized because in the actual images you cant see shit. The light around the hole isn't on a spectrum that we can perceive.
They used radio telescopes because visible light simply cannot travel 55M light years, since there is gas and stuff in the way. It's like taking a picture with an infrared camera. It still is a real image. Heavily enhanced, composed of ridiculous amounts of data and not showing the scene how we would see it (obviuously) but it's a real image. Theres nothing photoshopped in, which is not there in reality.
>as am fucktard
Indeed you are
Its literally the equivalent of making a photorealistic picture of a tiger using ascii art, except the ascii art was just a bunch of ones and zeroes in the vague shape of what you think might be 5 year old's drawing of a tiger.
>go on reddit
>give your shit opinion even though it contributes nothing and has no impact
>redditards downyvote your shitty post on their shitty site
>get salty and create a shitty thread on the shittiest board on Yea Forums
so sick of all these retards acting like the image being passed around is an actual picture of anything other than a glorified connect-the-dots/color-by-number that used inaccurate data as reference points
Space is cool, what i dont like is how easily they could fake a pic like that and make it on the front page of everything. Who's verifying it's real and how could you verify it. I dont know and i dont think you can.
>a black hole is exactly how everyone pictured it. a literal black hole
soooo what do scientists do with this knowledge now? i don't really get what the big deal is. i'm retarded tho so that probably doesn't help
better details
based butthole hivemind
I need ideas, anons.
Because you are a retard lol
Literally nothing. It started as a meme by a bunch of japs that got a lot of outside assistance and funding solely because retards wanted to "see" a black hole.
The only field of science they advanced was maybe, at best, computer science. Even that's debatable. And on top of all this some MshIT broad is getting all the credit for all this for some inane reason, when all she did was write like 80 lines of code that reformats some of the data, and wasn't even necessary to complete the project, like, at all
we have a picture of space-time being heavily distorded
it would be great if we could see a picture of Earth without manipulation since its not that far away compared with the manipulated picture of that eclipse
fucking kek
The orange circle is the event horizon.
You can’t see the black hole.
Nobody can.
We just trust science enough to believe it’s there.
Actually...this is the photo of how avengers end game is gonna end! Good day
> beep boop
black holes are flat
So basically the vagina found another hole for people to look at, but just because female empowerment propaganda?
i thought i read
>cultural approximation
not sure which would be more offensive
stick to Yea Forums and your cock rate and trannies, OP. The unfolding wonders of the universe are not for you
no, she posted shitty python code on github that impressed a bunch of retards pretending to be above average IQ on reddit enough for them to spam pictures of her for updoots