The year is 1971 you're a citizen of the United States, a healthy young lad fresh out of high school. How do you avoid the draft?
The year is 1971 you're a citizen of the United States, a healthy young lad fresh out of high school...
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I'm gay...also I got a broken leg
I kill all of my brothers. The only son in a family can't be drafted, after all.
I permanently damage my leg because I'm not gay .
Tell them to fuck off and shoot any trespasser on my property. Kind of like today
gay bone spurs
Have my dad paid off a doctor to claim I have bone spurs.
Bone spurs coz one day I want to be a useless pathological liar of a nazi enabling orange piece of racist dogshit president
Flat foot.
Is that true for present day too?
Be from a wealthy white family and have a college education.
Have sex with Freddie Mercury
If I was fresh out of high school I would have wanted to go
Imma be a draft dodger and move to Nelson BC and open a health food store
Live off the land like my American ancestors and sell fridges.
Enlist voluntarily, you fucking cuck.
Its hard to fight gooks with sleep apnea!
Be a girl.
The same way Cascias Clay did.
They cant draft me if I apply to be an officer.
join Air Force or Navy, both of which would take you if you joined voluntarily. Or National Guard which in some places had a waiting list.
Smash my leg with a sledgehammer
suck dick
You can't get drafted today. But even if one was instituted, you can get a deferment if you're the only son.
Get daddy to pay a doctor to say I have bone spurs
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senators son. It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one.
not that war you wouldn't. I was a 6 when it got heavy and 15 when they were pushing helicopters off ships so they could evacuate more. People came back from that war fucked up, and I mean really fucked up physically. Back then they could save you, but they couldn't fix you. All these guys with just horrible shit done to them. And no one wanted it, no one. To know you're that ruined for nothing has got to suck. Most that saw actual combat have been dealing with PTSD since - it never goes away. And back then, no one talked about it. Most of my brother's friends went, even the tough guys came back jacked up.
college. if you went to college you could get a draft deferment.
U mad or upset?
>implying id actually sign up for it in the first place
didnt on my 18th, now in my 30s and never did, wouldn't back then either.
The physician's own daughters admitted he did it as a favor to Fred Trump.
>I was a 6 when it got heavy
What was jungle combat like? Did you check out any underground tunnels?
I'm not American but a friend of my dad got drafted for the army and the way he avoided it was pretty simple:
He didn't sleep for 3 days straight and he smoked weed the entire time and watched war movies. he put on his dad's old uniform and went over to the psychological exam. He told the inspector he was goddamn excited to go out and kill some mutherfucking ragheads.
Bone spurds
Tell the draft board that I didn't spend years getting a master's degree in chemistry to waste my life playing soldier with subhumans who can't even spell "chemistry."
I've got really bad asthma, I smoke, I can't do high impact shit because my knees are double jointed and i'm my parents only son. Fuckin' sorted.
when some g man finally comes to my house to tell me i need to report for military duty, i'll yell "you'll have to catch me first!"
and then throw sand in his eyes and run out the back door, go to a friend's house or something
i would repeatedly stick my dick in the barrel of every single gun i came across until they discharged me
Based af
Don't because I'm not a pussy.
>Inb4 false flag (which is true)
>inb4 die for Israel (may be true)
>Inb4 half you faggots love to see our enemies killed but don't contribute
>Inb4 larp.
Believe what you want.
Lots of "nationalists" on this board love to see the sandniggers get killed but won't do it themselves. So what do you want? Dead sandniggers or people dying for Israel?
>inb4 jew because I'm of Scottish heritage
I go and fight for my country cause I'm not a Pussy Faggot Millennial
>Scottish heritage.
Alba gu brath.
I'd definitely fight to get rid of Pakis to of bad the only thing I'm good at is shooting pretty straight.
As stated here I can't really do much because of my knees
Ptsd was so prevalent during Vietnam because at the time they didn't really understand conditioning like they do now. They did to an extent like using the drill to inoculate the recruit against hate, but it wasn't as advanced as it is now. And they didn't have the support of society. The society that sends men to kill must also be the society to welcome them back. I'm an iraq/Afghan vet and I know I'm doing as good as I am through tribal support. Vietnam guys got fucked. And that's not ok
I don't feel like fighting monkeys in trees because they decided to be communists.
I live in America man. Don't know shit about tradition other than my name. And maybe you'll make a good sniper one day. Just don't expect any mercy if you're ever caught. Not like you're running away anyway kek
The smoke of communism must be snuffed before it becomes a spark
True. But there was almost no way we could stop the whole country from being communist unless we did Hiroshima the sequel.
My older cousin did it! He was drafted in 1972. When he reported he REFUSED to take the Oath of Military Service. Officer on hand threatened him with Arrest. He told him to go fuck. Said he REFUSES TO VOLUNTARILY SURRENDER HIS CIVILIAN STATUS. - There was nothing they could do, escorted him out the back door and told him to never come back and not tell anyone. They were PISSED.
Enlist, you fucking pussy. Join the phoenix program and spend the rest of your life up to your eyes in hookers, CIA cocaine, and sweet, sweet murder.
If it’s the same me as the one today I’d be exempted due to my bad leg
A healthy young lad fresh out of high school without a bad leg.
>He told the inspector he was goddamn excited to go out and kill some mutherfucking ragheads.
Or you could try littering.
Or move to SF and suck cock and turn up to draft with your boyfriend.
Or join the national guard.
Can I has me sum of them bone spurs?
I fucking volunteer to go fight like hell even though i am an only child . You know what they say . NAPALM STICKS TO KIDS
Yeah man my knees look like a fucking ostriches'. Doubt I'll ever go into the army. I'm no hun. But I might go over if shit picks up in Ireland, toicfaidh ár lá and all that shit or if shit gets really serious and the E.U comes a knockin' ill fight for Queen and Country.
You should try and look into family heritage though. It's all very interesting. If I kill almost everyone in my family I could become a Duke. Maybe not because I'm a Catholic.
King is my last name. Know anything about it?