waifu lover thread
Waifu lover thread
Other urls found in this thread:
i just wanna have tea parties
>Imagine being sono
so many 44 gets itt
>Imagine being a nigger faggot
i dunno what to tell you, if i did, i wouldn't also be bored.
i already can't wait
Ey newfag
hello, how are you today?
very angry
i'm sorry to hear that, what are you angry about?
i wasn't being serious, s-sorry...
That's a nice waifu
Are there any lewds of her?
waifu claim
Make sure to get accustomed with the clown of our threads. Call him a mexican nigger faggot 4 maximum trigger.
still here
what an interesting character...
not cool. need to buy more glue qq
that's ok
thank you
not that you're going to get from me
i'm not very interested in long archives about people i've never talked to, sorry
Just imagine...
Being him...
Hopefully you won't have to deal with this mentally disabled individual.
aw, i'm sorry
nice tripdubs
maybe some other time i'll make a real Tsugu
why is he so lewd?
cause he faggot:s
makes sense
what does a Sono owner do?
Makes sure that the nigger faggot:
1. Knows his place
2. Knows he's a nigger faggot
3. Makes sure he's obedient nigger.
Has worked so far.
thanks, i think
i never thought i would make a real tsugu but then i did, you never know
I mean... imagine sono in 2019; not being a nigger faggot. lmao. His only purpose so far.
trips of makes sense
i'll consider it. i haven't drawn much in my spare time lately
what about being a figger naggot?
>what about being a figger naggot?
I ain't a doctor. But that sounds like a cousing othe nigger faggot aka sono disease. Please seek imediate treatment.
wat is that image lol
what's the cure for niggerfaggotry?
Henlo, how are you?
Death. Or... Citronelism!
i'm good, the thread has gotten a little weird but im relaxing all the same, how are you tonight?
sorry for not saying hi qq
such a terrible curse!
not cool:s
>tfw youi read your messages and they have tons of grammatical erros. Thans alcohol lul
No then no.
not cool:s
i don't understand
Human Dancefloor isn't cool? Sorry about that.
You just know there's a dominant side to Yui.
whats her naem?
Haven't really been following it, but I'll take your word for it. And I'm pretty stoked, finally found a song that I used to really enjoy but couldn't remember the name of
No need to apologize cute
i don't like it:s
i'm not cute
do you want some scrambled eggs?
that's a great feeling, happened to me recently. do you mind sharing what song it is?
do you liek hot dogs?
i guess, i wouldn't buy them but i'd eat them if they were offered
you may not be cute but you're still a cute. And yes please
thats weird
thanks, nice trips
i cant afford to decline food
are yuou fat?
i'm poor
Oh. How poor are you?
am not cute
okay turning on the stove
let me buy you some food
somewhat poor, id be fine if i could budget better.
>am not cute
>posts cute
As in?
I want details.
not cute!
don't you have someone to creep out with your waifu smiling?
Cthulhu fhtagn
does she sex with Maki?
i dont want you to buy me anything sorry
about 15% over the poverty line
In any case goodnight, You know where to find me.
aw, please? anything?
Am I not supposed to talk to more than a single person?
sure buy me a gift for you
i'm sorry.
just don't call me cute.
no, i want to buy you something for you
or just, like, give you straight-up cash.
i really don't want a handout i'm sorry
okay, sorry
its ok, why do you want to buy things for people?
because i want them to be happy
that's nice of you.
im gonna go to bed though, good night
sleep well friend!
I sleep
oh, no, that's right, she's onnadem new ones, them's sunshines and whatnot.
sleep well as well, friend!
yes, friend:s
not cool:s
i'm not bigly on thems love lives
do they play the pianers in that one?
We shall meet our waifus in our next lifetime. :)
gosh, i hope so...
Maybe we'll meet them tomorrow, mortal.
"... I felt the strangling tendrils of a cancerous horror whose roots reached into illimitable pasts and fathomless abysms of the night that broods beyond time."
- The Lurking Fear
They're idols. They sing and dance.
don’t @ me
alright so they don't play the pianers but they do dance
that's cute
dancing is nice
sorry friend
sleep well
hello friend
how are you today?
am playing punch out
jesus that's a huge black dildo she has
is it fun desu?
that's a guitar case
mm hmm of course
I didn't really do much today
I won't be able to edit the meme album because my parents computer has very bad speakers and my brother removed the headphone jack in a drug fueled frenzy
I think I'm procrastinating
How are you?
that's okay.
i'm doing alright myself. just chilling.
do you need anything?
how's art? education?
sleep well
Funny. I once said the same thing.
Ah so this is what the user with the disgraceful Griffith picture meant when he posted to me. To clarify: Not even remotely the same person.
no guns
Like I said I have been procrastinating on accident, I didn't paint anything today because my mind is still going through how I can avoid the problems I had with the last painting, I might try again tonight or wait until tomorrow
I need a life
yes, really cool, the switch is really cool as well
am confused
I would have attached this image
Bleh. it's too warm in my townhouse.
Mhm. Two LL characters can play piano, though.
do your exercises. :)
it's okay, friend. you just need some time to recalibrate.
it's okay, you're already alive so the hard part is done
it is desu! i hope you have fun!
ah, i see... so i was right, they do play pianers!
no shit, friend:s
not cool:s
not cool:(
delet. >:/
why does yui copy orbiter-chan
While I don't condone killing animals. I had a chat with Ika/sono once: It was disturbingly casual both ways.
I don't know what that says about me (though we've been mistaken several times) but I firmly believe that not everyone can be saved. I can deal with the lack of remorse but even the pure logical inconsideration is beyond me. I may not feel but I have no overwhelming desire to cause pain.
i like him:s
not cool:s
Okay, okay I'm going.
i wont post for a while
okay, sorry, friend
Peta kills feral dogs so that they won't breed and create tons of starving puppies, somewhat like a form of anti-natalism
Did Blood-chan ever explain to you why he kills dogs?
Yes. Thanks. Now GTFO imbecile-chan.
one ninth of them does, anyway
one ninth, one hundred, same difference.
what are you up to?
t. dog with Stockholm syndrome
please respond
You don't need to preach to me. We've been acquainted albeit briefly and disconnectedly. It's funny, you guys used to call me Bloodchan.
I'm just saying my part. A whisper into the void and all that.
>You don't need to preach to me
I just asked you a question...
The former seemed pretty biased to a point but I get what you're saying. Yes, I asked even if out of morbid curiosity: Even I can dissect and rationalise things like a monster. Doesn't mean it's right.
die, nigger
let me have your black cock
i'm a psycho
but i'm whyte
>ywn play topless dodgeball with cartoon japanese schoolgirls
die, sand nigger
You seem troubled, and this is coming from a conversation about warped individuals killing small animals.
You make me sick:s
oh, yeah, she does have a fever
Who said I was talking about yours
You know whats edgier than 49 dead people?
1 dead dog
If you are so cool and edgy why does bloodchan get you so triggered?
I am quoting bloodchan
i'm sorry, i assumed
fuck niggers and sand niggers, 1 dog life is worth more than every nigger and sand nigger on earth.
This thread went to shit so fast
I'm not actually defending bloodchan I'm delusional
this thread needs more nudity!
Just shitposting and browsing around the web. I'm pretty interested in this black hole image stuff. Coincidentally, my Astrophysics professor had the lecture for tomorrow scheduled to be about black holes.
first ever image of a black hole my ass.
ayy lmao
So your sense of humor isn't completely satirical but is actually based in your beliefs and upbringing?
Very Freudian
This thread is ruined I'm gonna check if my USB is done formatting
it's okay, friend, i understand.
is there any other way i can contact you? asking for a friend.
black holes are cool!
sorry, i didn't mean anything by it but a crude (read: lewd) joke
stay safe, friend.
niggers ruin the earth, no joke
I'm gonna drink 250ml of vodka to make this thread more fun. brb.
T.. that's a lot.
There really is no way to contact me, unless there is some alternative to Discord
Bad idea mother fucker. Stay away.
Did she just have a massive period
that's hot
she looks pretty pale
she ded now
IRC is my style but I don't think I can do that on mobile
what about the others?
have you tried using the browser version of Discord?
250 ml might be a bir smuch! HAHAHA. I THINk I should drinkg some water!!!!!!
goodness, friend. do you need rest?
soo many of you!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Discord would work on my parents PC, but if you sent me a message I won't know until whenever I check it
Also I don't have a Steam and I don't know anything about Telegram, and, well, I don't have a Roblox either