Pokemon Box
Hump Day; Anime made me late
Requests Welcome
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lost all my porn, help me out with some gardevoir pls
Hehehe, there's always one.
Out of curiosity, was it lost, or deleted?
Either way I'll post some~
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lost, my 7 year old hdd shit the bed and was unreadable
all good now though, bought a new ssd
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Man that sucks. Be careful with an ssd too though. They're fast, but they'll wear out too if you write to them too much.
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I'll crank up the post speed a little to help you recover
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Let me know if there are any other poke you need to fill your stock with, otherwise I can keep going with garde
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this picture inspired me to get let's go eevee
...well I mean I can't afford it right now, but I'll get it eventually
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A bump would be appreciated so as to not lose the thread~
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Back to posting, queue got stuck with a duplicate, sorry
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hola boys and goys
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Oh hey there, been a little while. And that's a cutie
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yeah havent really been in the mood for threads lately. probably a mix between risk of rain 2 and stress
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Aah, I really need to pick that up. A friend just got me playing League a little bit again though.
Sorry to hear you're stressed, things going alright?
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oh yeah its just that time of the semester again
Oh, I hear ya. I sorta decided to skip this semester while I get acquainted at my job.
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This concludes my ability to post the gardes
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Well I do hope things turn out well for you with school
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Requesting male pokemon on female trainer
One last bump for another successful Box.
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And time for bed
Night box
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