What do you think about having to get up in the morning to go to work?
What do you think about having to get up in the morning to go to work?
the fact that im unemployed and dont have to worry about slaveing away for 8 hours at a job i hate
It sucks. I'd rather have a night job.
depends on your relationship with the job elaborate on the example giving a broad example doesn't give us much to work with
I think about having to raise my son on my own... it sucks, but I gotta fucking do it.
I work graveyard 12+ hrs 6 days a week and sleep
>taking pride in being a parasite on society
I thought that too until i got a night job. my sleep schedule eventually flipped around till i was still waking up just in time to get to work and staying up late afterwards.
Hate it. This is a universal truth that anyone would agree. Anyone who likes waking up early for work is a psychopath
i'ts some ol BS.
>Good thing I can be late, smoke a bowl and a cig and drink coffee before I clock in and then proceed to smoke every 2 hours.
Imagine being this much of a degenerate loser. I hope you don't reproduce you fucking scum sucking sack of shit.
Yeah me either, that's why I nut in the shit holes of beautiful women. I'm dunking on this quality of life shit, truly blessed.
I get up hours earlier than I need to go to work in the morning. Why give work your best productive energy? Use that for your dreams.
work night shift. then you wake up at night to go to work
I couldn't give a shit what time I had to work, yeah early starting shifts suck and all but I like to look at it as at least I'll have the money to keep a roof over my head, gas in my tank, and food in my kitchen. Y'all are lazy fucks who probably still live in their parents basement and don't know how this such thing as functional society works.
>i'm content with being a wage slave because society has taught me to be content with doing what it tells me
imagine being this cucked
You're fucked, and yet never fail to amuse me with all this "cucked because you actually have a handle on your life and can support yourself" bullshit. Go collect your EI check already faggot
>you are cucked because you have no money no skills no motivation
>tfw you cucked your goddamn self
>work a regular 9-5 kind of job
>post on Yea Forums about wagecucks and pretend i live the neet life
I don't. I start work past noon. It feels good to stay up as late as I fucking want. Sucks for you wagecucks having to sleep early just like when mommy and daddy told you it's bedtime, as an adult you now have to force yourself to turn in early, lmao
Waking up between 6:00 and 7:00 and rushing to get to work is the absolute wost.
I actually wake up earlier (5:30 at current job, 5:00 at my last job). Yeah, waking up earlier means less sleep, but it is a much better way to start off the day. You can take half an hour to just relax before heading off to slave away.
The people who truly have it the worst are those who have to wake up at 5:00 and rush because they have a long commute.