rekt thread
Rekt thread
Hmm never seen that before.
not rekt
not rekt
the fuck are you doing op
Good thing the ambulance was right there.
faggot detected
any married man knows this is 100% rekt
What a weak fucking thread. Looks like I'll have to save it.
>dad is a cop, son is a neet who plays vidya all day
>dad berates son for being a failure
>dad pulls out gun for dramatic effect
>gives gun to son saying "you are already killing me so just shoot me so you can do what you please"
>son an heros
>dad turns to smack son thinking the kid shot at him and missed
>both parents realized what happen
>parents break into interpretive dance
What's going on here? What's the shit falling from the ceiling? And what's wrong with white shirt's arm at the end?
Look at those pussies acting like they cared. Fuck 'em! Kid made the right choice.
no eye contact dude
Insect drones clean up the frozen corpses of their own kind after a cold snap. Insects are fascinating creatures in that they keep their hive clear of corpses.
Yeh, definitely saved it. That being said, this webm breaks my heart every time I see it.
that mans life is gonna suck if he knocks that controlling cunt up
That wasn't a hero, that was suicide.
This is it for now. I'm going to have dinner.
When you're this moronic.
they got drunk, passed out and froze to death
Anyone got any autopsy stuff?
Offer a better sacrifice to the dragon next time and this wont happen
now that's a powerful bull being agressive
>kid is alive
I know that feel
their surveillance camera who analyse every thing, beat them at situational awareness. what a strange country
pls kys.
Dust being blown off in front of the camera from the concussive waves and he's putting a shirt on
>be me
>boutta rob some faggot
>brb gotta fix my tshirt, gonna get a pepsi
>he fucking killed myself after i trusted him
>fuck this im tired
>wake up
>mfw old cunt stole my fucking glock
I wonder what it's like living in a country like that?
This shit is so confusing. I slept outside in -30F weather in high winds with just a windbreaker and some jeans/tennis shoes a few times and I never even got frostbite. Fucksake, I walked 6 miles through 2 feet of snow in nothing but boxers and a t-shirt in like -15 and only got a mild case of frostnip. How do these people legitimately freeze to death? Especially when there's buildings and shit around that they can huddle on from the wind, like how fucking weak are you that you're body is so longer capable of one of it's basic functions? Fucking Celtic masterrace I guess.
Just kys
Bitch I might
>religion of peace
nerve gas
the miracle of life. thanks God, praying right now
Guy is robbing jewelry store and gets wasted by owner. Dust is flying around from the gunshot.
Terminator T-1000 true form revealed
why did i open a rekt thread during my morning coffee
Didn't expect the twist ending
youre full of fucking shit. that's why.
prayer doesnt work god doesnt exit
Terrible to see the horse get maimed and probably killed like that, sad, but holy shit that's intense.
they dont show you this shit on discovery channel
>guys we must respect their culture
is this why half there country hjas aids?
>not naming it 'close the gate'
kys newfag
poor doggo
Darwin approves
I fixed it
the dumbest thing is they're kicking him barefoot and with sandals, there's only one fucking guy smart enough to get an axe.
>Muslim Rock Concert.webm
I ain't, you're just a faggot pussy who's never lived above the Mason-Dixon line. Up until -30 shit isn't dangerous and all you need is a decent dinner and a windbreak to survive a night in even that.
Based elephant
bmw + a russian = bad manners
I hate old fucks. I hope it was an agonizing death.
not rekt
that guy gives zero fucks
he's alpha as fuck
old fuck dindu nuttin tho
I saw an interview with them one time, can't find it again sadly. They had some pants on head retarded belief that when you get knocked out the kidneys ascend to the chest and you have to get them back down by jerking off the guy. No joke. Africans are retarded. I bet the 'medic' was just a closet homo.
Kek'd user.
Driver of that car is getting the death sentence
around blacks...
Somalians. Can spot em from a mile away.
just relax
The way she folds up like that always gets my dick twitching and then I had to leave the thread to fap
you have no idea what you're talking about. Stop trying to sound tough, kid.
nobody cares, go away.
Thats detroit
I was part of the NCIS team that investigated this as part of a much bigger federal investigation involving the use of nerve gas. The guy you see killed was carrying a 50 pound canister of highly compressed nerve gas. His plan was to use it inside one of the trains to maximize casualties, however, he did not expect the previous train which didn't stop at the station. The vibrations caused the canister to rupture on its side, propelling him at an initial velocity Vo of 45mph. The speed combined with the still propelling gas caused him to hit the sign at over 60mph. The sign was well designed and tested for these type of situations so it suffered minimal damage. However, unfortunately for the deceased, human bodies are not designed to withstand that type of impact, resulting in what we see. The canister also disintegrated on impact. Nerve gas quickly dissipated, however, tiny amounts reached the second guy in the video, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him crazy enough to want to jump onto the tracks. We do not see that in the video, but we can see him approaching slowly.
Typical fucking chimps
>you have no idea what you're talking about
Nigger I spent 2 decades in the coldest part of the US. I know exactly what I'm talking about, and I'm sorry you're such a genetic failure that your body can't maintain homeostasis when you've got a minimal amount of calories. If you seriously think you're in danger of freezing to death at night because it's below freezing and you're not jacklayered in tundra gear, you might just be a faggot pussy.
I rejoice at every nigger death I read or hear about. A vile species that iss a bane to humanity.
>Golden Gophers shirt
Why does this not surprise me.
Exactly I slept in a barrel of piss it was -45° in a best Western parking lot.well leave it to my Greek/Cherokee blood.
Never argue with a USA Negro. Either avoid in entirety or approach with all weaponry fully loaded and start shooting when in effective range.
Imagine the stench.
wtf are you an edgy 12 year old visiting the site because "muh grandparents house"
why the three ladies look like they were expecting something
why? one child per family, this goes along with the population control gvt policy, better luck next time.
Feral beasts should be shot and killed when they behave akin to barbarians.
thats not nerve gas dumbass
I'm glad these are all CGI, my friend said this place was weird vut you guys come up with some messed up stuff
The sooner that sub-species is removed from the planet the sooner more resources can be devoted to advancing the human condition.
Measure twice, cut once
So those guys standing around leaning against walls really are holding them up
I never knew
That was cool, what's the story?
nerve what stupid nigger
>Would Fuck.
>The nerve gas pole strikes again
Wow, you must be very smart.
Anderson Paak?
longer version
Alcohol thins the blood. causing you to freeze to death faster
He's napping
Just "new."
Never thought I'd feel bad for the guy who's stealing stuff.
>thins the blood
Alcohol may inhibit blood clotting, just like the blood thinner coumadin. Neither thin the blood in the way you're thinking.
Was that a knockout or it's just the whale that went out of air?
No bullshit, I used to work for the same company as this dude.
This is the most hardcore shit I’ve seen in a long time
>thins the blood
This is why you dumbfucks freeze to death, because you're dumbfuck pussies.
It's actually cheaper in China to kill someone than injure them. They won't even get jail time.
we really are just bags of hotdogs arent we?
I cut this Niggers fucking head off.. Then I'd ride around with it on my hood.. Nigger fuck@!!@@
You should do the same
christ it would be so nice if we could go back to hanging them from trees
their pole touched the powerlines and they electrocuted themselves
Surprised this fake shit isn't on CNN right now.
i was waiting for another train to mowdown the crowd
my god. human life really is worth nothing in china. his own mother couldn't give a shit to pick him up after birth
man, communism sure is a wonderful system that creates a beautiful society
It looks like it didn't break.
Lucky dumb whore.
Her foot looked like a pointer on a wheel of death game.
I'll never understand the logic spiccs. If they wanna do it for "culture" then so be it. If that was my culture I would just... you know... not do it. Atleast they make good videos for us.
Wow no one gives a fuck
this is unbelievable. this can't be true that these people are so insanely apathic
not to self: don't fight a black guy if you don't want to be jerked off by him
You can tell he wanted to punch that bitch
nope. it's nerve gas produced by CIA drones
Ambulance waiting in advanced
Feel bad for the horse
still will get a lot of replies from newfags
>we have so much to learn from them, it's an equal exchange!
That didn't really look like he died instantly, looked like it took 2-3 seconds? Or is that just the body reacting, would that hurt?
did you notice he's hitting him with the wrong side of the axe? i mean does he believe that hitting that man on the spine with the dull end won't kill him
Goddamn I would like to be a nigger just to be able to kill niggas.
Holy shit gooks
That's not even rekt either you pissant
>but the size of the rope was exactly the height of the building!!! how did it go wrong!!!
most likely this was in ukraine during the euromaidan protests or during the (still ongoing) civil war
>implying communism made them that way
You don't have to pretend you're not racist here.
yeah he fixed it, but now they´ll have to clean it
You are the definition of a faggot. Fucking kys. The only reason you in particular would be able to survive in that temperature is because the amount of fucking lard youve accumulated from eating nothing but big macs smothered in butter and bbq sauce has created a natural barrier against it like a walrus.
i remember the chinese media portrayed this as proof of how chinese are empathetic people, as it appears she 'saved' her child
jussie should've hired those guys
Based sourcenon
is he trying to kill himself with a butcher knife?
Elephants never forget
How it feels to chew 5 gum
Fucking horse getting what the man should have.
Pisses me off every time.
Webm's you can smell
That wallpaper move
Her little hopping makes me wish her kid actually died.
In this case the woman was fine. China has an epidemic of people who try to fake getting hurt and sue. She wasnt hit hard by the first car and was faking it. You can even see her lift her head at one point to check if the driver stopped. Sucks for her her dumbass got hit again.
why do they do that when they're in a panic? some sort of dumb female reflex
whether she faked it or not, passersby literally did not even flinch about that woman, and any normal human being would be aware that she was at massive danger of getting run over again
I never saw this long version. What was the story?
The audio version with the King of the Hill theme is best.
it fucking stinks of summer in here already...
Sauce, pls
>Like a record, baby
Having a bad day there fella ?
Too stupid to stock fire extinguishers?
Or just too stupid to grab them when a worker is on fire?
Alcohol makes you pass out in a snowbank, causing you to freeze to death.
>Let's hit them with twigs instead of grabbing the dogs by their collars and separating them.
first of all, do you think the boss of that company would waste more than 2 dollars on safety equipment? there are literally another billion chinese from where that guy came from
secondly, i think molten metal literally spilled on the guy, did you notice the fire actually got stronger after he lied down
parents break into interpretive dance
Hey man, nice shot.
Great thread !
Even some new material !
I came.
Imagine being injured or dying in this way only to have an American like me shake his head and say "dumbass."
"All right, been wanting to jerk him off all day, here's my chance!"
gr8 b8 m8
it is the thing the cam is sitting on that moves i think
So satisfying.
horse more like hearse
Matt LeBlanc's new show looks hilarious.
Dump her ass. She's the type that will never get off your balls.
-30*F with 40 mph winds is more like -70*.
Frostbite would set in 5 minutes.
you are the biggest faggot tryhard I've ever seen jesus christ
Chinks being smart was just Chinese propaganda, wasn't it?
it's easy to find a few geniuses when you have a billion people
The brain itself has no nerves. When you get a headache you're feeling the blood vessels in it.
But NO manner of death is "instant", even if you aren't conscious the body will always take at least a minute or two to die. And after that, who knows?
Read a really horrific SCP story talking about your consciousness never actually leaving after death, and you being able to feel yourself rotting. To the point where your matter kept getting distributed out & you could still feel every part of you regardless of where it went.
Being able to feel buzzards & shit eating you, then feeling what they ate being digested in each one simultaneously.
Nightmare fuel.
The OS who experienced it & came back voluntarily ran into containment with pic related to get pulled into its pocket dimension where time is different to be tortured forever rather than experience actual death again.
They wanted through.
pfffft, like a stack of tires was ever going to stop a tank in the first place
>But NO manner of death is "instant"
I'd wager that being in the blast radius of a nuclear fucking explosion would be pretty "instant"
>being this retarded that you post idiotic, guttural responses of the youtube community-tier
>not even comprehending the sort of derangement you have to be in to be able to casually drop a still birth out of your uterus with such ease
you ever have a rotting corpse inside your body and be able to think clearly? do you know the mortality rate of childbirth, and near-death experiences altering your mental status?
Time is subjective. Under the wrong conditions a second can feel like an hour.
>probably killed
The thing got fucking disemboweled, what do you mean probably?
When you're this obtuse.
I think it's a blood spurt.
>your consciousness never actually leaving after death, and you being able to feel yourself rotting. To the point where your matter kept getting distributed out & you could still feel every part of you regardless of where it went.
Being able to feel buzzards & shit eating you, then feeling what they ate being digested in each one simultaneously
d-delete this
Chinks provide so much comic relief from the many stupid ways they cause their own deaths.
They are just pissed off because they were born black.
Nigger physics.
I want to fuck Foghorn
damn those other guys just let it happen, rip hobo grandma
I feel so bad for elephants.
Just smart enough to understand what huge cunts we are, not smart enough to figure out how to do anything about it but rage at us.
Like fucking monkeys
"Oh God damn it!"
Howard Stern used to play James Brown's, I feel Good, and dub over the Woman screaming when he shot himself over James Brown's scream.
This was R. Budd Dwyer, PA State Treasurer, he got caught cheating and committed HariKari
on Live TV
It's "dog". There's no fucking G and O at the end.
IIRC it happened on a snow day, so a bunch of kids saw it happen live on TV watching at home
Heh. She thinks she's hot.
>HARD rock
Fuck off you lying cunt.
>reversed a scoop slam into a ddt
this is somehow actually the most rekt thing in the whole thread
and he has nobody to blame but himself
You're going to be an old fuck too someday, if no one kills your stupid ass first.
>STILL tries the door on his way out
A shame being this stupid isn't constantly physically agonizing.
shouldn't have laughed, but i did. it was just so casual how he tossed the kid into incoming traffic
dude is impossibly chill for being on fucking fire
Awww, did your parents make you visit your grandpa while you were watching your favorite fortnite streamer? Poor wittle thing!
Afraid to click it, what is it?
This one isn't even funny, it's just fucked up.
Worse than niggers
Of course it's nerve gas!!! It's all nerve gas! Everything is always nerve gas you newfag
If you grab then they are going to bite you. Just let them do their thing like vile creatures as they are.
No fucking different than chimps.
Wrong. South America.
Quit setting me on fire, you fruitcake
Also 1
>human life really is worth nothing
Science is science. You can't defeat it.
funny how all the filenames are racist af
mentally subhuman retards who collect this shit
>muh master race
This is a staged video, there are many like it
>gets fed to Roman
Stfu, internet tough guy.
Diversity is strength
oh man are you in the wrong board if you get triggered by that, please fuck off
Fuck you. You want to cry racist, you robot? Go back to red_dit.
you know what this video needs?
more watermarks
>around axe
>never relax
The dumb ones just stay home.
this is the rekt thread
the "you raff you ruse" thread is over there
holy shit, any story?