

Attached: national-flag-canada-lge2-56a0e57f5f9b58eba4b4f422.jpg (768x512, 32K)

Attached: mellon2.jpg (960x960, 63K)


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I'll accept more

Attached: IMG_3549.jpg (640x1136, 507K)

She's not sober

more, she's hot

post more

604 AJ

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Moar 705! North bay muskoka? Ive got a few

Attached: tumblr_mtnwgdkZCK1qinz6jo5_400.gif (360x164, 423K)

Another Canada thread.

Someday one of these threads will have someone I know.


shes cute

Attached: Screenshot_20190410-203843_Snapchat.jpg (1080x2220, 569K)

Any 204?

same girl?

Attached: 20170630_211529.png (704x527, 652K)

Looking for pics of girls that went to Eastdale in Oshawa, add Galfgar on kik.

Attached: IMG_0302.jpg (640x480, 92K)

Attached: 21224312_942190775918643_4396308376494014464_n.jpg (1080x607, 72K)

Looking for more of her

Attached: Screen_2019_03_29_14_08_09.png (750x1334, 1.83M)

Anyone got a Dani S from KW?

Attached: mellon3.jpg (2048x2048, 368K)

Attached: mellon6.jpg (468x469, 32K)


Attached: Vr1wTyU.png (192x255, 75K)

204, looking for more of her.

Attached: F785721D-38F3-45AB-80CF-3FD0433D17D8.jpg (1024x768, 82K)

shes cute

Attached: mellon8.jpg (1224x1224, 214K)

Yeah great face how bout some nudes now

I refuse. They are for me

Attached: mellon1.jpg (1066x2048, 170K)

im from 204!
more 204!!!!

Then gtfo, what are you doing here?!

Postin stuff

Attached: mellon.jpg (705x468, 21K)

So do you guys think your province borders will be kept when you're annexed by your collective daddy, or do you think they'll be broken up?

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604/250 vola?


any 867 anons here (Yukon)

post some vic hoe


any 514 posters?

Real talk tho guys, don't put Trudeau back in, please

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send your kik

oh shit i went to school with her


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Have any wins?

No one? Shit.

Hot damn, moar?

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Attached: 8D2F9815-2914-4B1A-94E2-8731CF4B674F.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Looking for more of her

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-13-23-44-51-1.png (1405x2051, 1.06M)

416, anyone?

Looking for Samantha W.

Attached: REQUEST - SW, 416 (2).jpg (640x640, 142K)

Attached: 1.jpg (1002x1002, 93K)


Any 519 woodstock?

any pei?

let's get some 514s

Attached: IMG_4658.jpg (450x800, 38K)

Any Sault girls would make my year


post em here


Attached: IMG_20190209_011312.png (1910x1074, 1.26M)

first name?



Send yours

Who dat?


Last name?

anyone know her?

Attached: 54277355_300844277250606_8635603849273387411_n.jpg (1032x540, 32K)


Worth a shot


Attached: vsco5afcdc4f9a879.jpg (640x825, 181K)

Do you know her?

514 add my kik / darrentill33

Nah man sorry no clue

Damn gg wasn’t sure if you were a 204 Yea Forumsro

more 807 please


Attached: Capture11.png (564x698, 675K)

Any 403 sloots? Calgary

Attached: 1550222237331.jpg (750x959, 445K)

yes more alexa


Attached: tbayun02.jpg (750x927, 96K)

Attached: vsco5a7635a3da9b8.jpg (1600x1316, 457K)

how many other tbay girls you got?

quite a few. got any other swc girls?

Attached: 6318B675-FE0F-4B07-852A-2726D6FB18C9.jpg (1201x927, 349K)

FINALLLLLY one of my Exs show up her name is Alexandra used to be jaden i took her virginity

Post what you've got, don't be afraid

Anyone who knows or has pics of any of these 416 girls, let's chat
Rupi N
Corinne H
Emilie M
Jenny P
Caitlin G
Rachel T
Anna N
Anna D
Estelle B
Katelynn H
Liza D
Celeste K
Chiara N

ive got a few nudes of swc churchill girls. wana trade?

depends on who you got?
can you put some initials?



All Toronto

she was shy when we dated until we had sex then we broke up it was like a month relationship i was her first kiss and sex

Attached: 0cebf0f42d7dc69ca95c487da49433bb.png (936x711, 440K)

2nding this, need 403

Good on ya man. She's not bad

who you got? initials?

were you the one that posted the pics



Attached: 20170403_183724.png (624x936, 853K)

need some sarah p from around here

Attached: Cheesecake 3_Super_Portrait.jpg (834x416, 92K)

Last name? Or a rhyme

Anyone have Newmarket wins for trade?
Kik nytb65

can you post the best you go would be nice to have a look again

Know the area? Does lorne mean anything to you?

14 new states

Don't have anything racy just this stuff

Attached: 20170617_193224.png (526x936, 778K)

did you date her or still date and does she still live in mission

I know Mississauga yeah. Lorne, not sure though

i want JK 204 so bad

what about Park? SS

no no and I don't know. have anything to share?

Any 705?

nah we never sent or took pics only had sex a few times but was pound to be her first how did you get the early pics

Nope, sorry

last name?

well what first name are you thinking of

Who’s got more?

Attached: 94A539EC-5735-4089-B259-E036A4F7BBCB.jpg (831x1024, 134K)

Join this discord!

The server is filled with traps, egirls, and eboys. Features an esex voice channel, multiple bot games, and you can even become a mod just by being active! The link is below, be sure to say hi! Ps: I'm actually Canadian.



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do you have wins of a sarah p in saugas?



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No Barrie/Midland/Penetanguishene?

nah not the same hoe

Attached: mariahlnude2.jpg (640x1136, 96K)

Who u looking for

Who is she? I wanna chat with her.

Canada huh? it's a feminist liberal 'paradise. Ew

who you lookin for
post sam l i got most swc girls


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Anyone, good chance I know em if their in midland/pen.

Like Laura B or Jasmine B

Hot more?
who is she?

anyone got shar from toronto?

Attached: kjh.png (502x590, 538K)

If anyone has hers I will kill for them. 519

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