This thread is about stuff found on computers.
This thread is about stuff found on computers
Stop shilling your thread.
Also there is nothing wrong with owning cp as long as you didn't produce it.
Or pay for it, let's be clear.
what am I looking at
this is like degenerate I spy or something
>what am I looking at
extraterrestrial erotica
I used to manage servers for the gov. One small municipality was found to be dling porn and playing mmos instead of working. I kindly visited them and asked them to clean it up. Instead of reporting them, I thought they'd like to keep their jobs. The next year I was no longer in the budget
Define "wrong".
It's eat or be eaten in those government positions, isn't it?
>Use your own brain once in a while.
you do understand that now you look like you are defending CP possession right? am i getting this right?
outdated laws should be removed, and laws have to be enforced. i hate western system because they even legalized corruption. its beyond fucked. that doesn;t mean i will go ahead and allow some idiots to keep breaking thelaw making it even worse place to live than already is. you are correct change has to start somewhere and it should be you, faggot
Downloading cp shouldn't be punishable by decades in prison for a start.
It's ridiculous if you think about it for a while.
The simple act of doing "right click"+"save image" to obtain an image for free, whatever it may depict, should not ruin your life and possibly get you put on a registry with baby rapists.
I'm not defending cp, I'm against it.
I'm disagreeing on your stance that every law should be obeyed without question (even though that's not exactly what you said, that's how it came across)
Sometimes there is more to it then cp. example: that moron earlier who claimed he got a guy killed by reporting him to police and a local biker gang..all because the guy had a loli comic. Then there was the moron claiming morality is the same as law...there's a lot more to the discussion here than cp.
>allow some idiots to keep breaking thelaw
which law? You're going to report all of them? What if I jaywalk across the street in the middle of the night when no cars are around? Are you going to wast valuable police time with that?
I'm going to report this to the police. Enjoy prison faggot.
also check my dubs sweetie
>nothing wrong with owning cp
Of course there is. Cp is the same as if you see a man fucking a tree or a turd: sex with non-sexual objects is just stupid (projecting sexuality on them like pedos do is even more stupid, but that's not the point I'm making). Cp is the result of someone causing emotional harm (and often physical harm too) to a much smaller being. It's the worst form of bullying possible. It's existence is harmful by it's very nature.
If you don't take bribes and join the buddy system, you're removed
>Hey bro, what are you doing on your computer?
>Oh, nothing much, just arguing about the legality of child pornography with anonymous people.
step 1: right-click and save
step 2: share
That's how it works. right? Now how do you stop people from going to step 2?
what about all of the potential step 3's that I haven't mentioned but you know what they might be? I'm talking about escalation just like Marijuana -> Coke -> Heroin, etc. (that's just an example: not everyone that smokes cigarettes moves to heroin but some do..It's that escalation that is the very reason anti-cp laws exist. Consider that these laws are in place to protect those that might suffer from this horrible form of bullying. Escalation: That's my argument.
>not everyone that smokes cigarettes moves to heroin but some do..
you just murdered your own argument, genius
>you aren't allowed to discuss controversial topics
Okay then, NPC.
I didn't murder it, I acknowledged a flaw and addressed it fully:
>not everyone that smokes cigarettes moves to heroin but some do..
Now if this is the level of response thatI'm going to get then I won't bother..seriously I'm sure you can do better..please at least make it interesting for me by making some valid points.
So let's round up and execute all cigarette smokers, gotcha. What if? Amirite?
One of the ways younger people become interested in things is through visual stimuli..I'm personally into blondes because as a kid I saw movies with hot blond women so I'm into that. If we create a society that exposes people to ideas like CP and bullying and even faggotry then that's what society becomes. Like people that are into gangster rap are likely to commit crimes depicted in lyrics. it creates a lifestyle. What types of lifestyles do you want to create for the future?
fuck off grandad
Come on man, you can do better still.
Escalation is a valid point, especially if you consider that sharing is the next logical step after right-click and save. and there are steps after that too.. thus the right-click and save argument has been destroyed..what else do you have?
>People that are into violent video games are likely to commit shootings.
>sharing is the next logical step after right-click and save
The next LOGICAL step is just an ejaculation.
I knew that would come up..obviously not even though the media blew that one up waay out of proportion. But I bet the rise in incest porn has created some interesting experimenters.
name calling. well-played. Please get back to me when you can use your words.
And when you become desensitised and your current fetish isn't doing it for you then you do what most people look for (or create) then share more interesting material
>I bet the rise in incest porn has created some interesting experimenters.
Your betting isn't evidence.
lol you are a dipshit
nor is your response..Do you have a point or are you generally just shooting the breeze here?
I'm not the one making crazy claims so I don't need to provide evidence for anything.
lol rofl lmao
What did I claim that's crazy? honestly you're not making any sense
I'm very sorry that you're actually retarded. Best of luck with your SPED classes.
>Like people that are into gangster rap are likely to commit crimes depicted in lyrics.
My head hurts why does my head hurt
I never said or even implied that.
but while we're on the subject:
"We find that the rap univores, also known as urban music enthusiasts, report significantly more delinquent behavior and stronger feelings of inequity and injustice than listeners with other musical tastes. "
see pic attached.
You cannot compare this to masturbation which results in an orgasm. By comparing listening to rap music to watching CP, you should notice that the latter is an activity that ends up being satisfied.