Reminder that being bisexual is not OK and a sign lots of things went wrong in your life.
Reminder that being bisexual is not OK and a sign lots of things went wrong in your life
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bi girls are hot
but being a weeb is not okay
i agree
Degeneracy enable. Because of people like you we have shit like Dancing Queen.
you don't like abba?
You're fucking mental.
You should seek psychiatric help before your delusions get worse.
>Dancing Queen
>not liking ABBA
shit music taste tbh
which visual novel?
reading FSN is a sign that a lot of things went wrong in your life.
oh god i wish i never clicked on that
fate grand organism
that dialogue is so bad LOL
I hope you're happy.
ah yes the awkward caress of her thin girl like walls
that is an amazing translation
why is this game so retarded
is this seriously what fate/stay night is
isn't it supposed to be a riveting anime tale
>mfw a stunted half-person livestock monosexual thinks it can tell me anything
there's a lot of crap that happens thats pretty cool, but the h-scenes are the most memorable part.
think its roughly in the realm of 40hrs to read all of it? Out of that, maybe 30-45min is this level of... "quality" hentai.
Reminder that humans are naturally bisexual and being straight literally stems from societies expectations.
we dont care, have a nice day
Nice projection pulled out of your arse, bishit.
OP calm down lol
Reminder that whatever shit you read that
on is pseudoscience and there are no actual scientific bases to support your thesis fagg
No, bisexuality it's the biggest thread to the Western world, along with the (((aliens))). At least gays and lesbians have a common standard.
Redpill from Yea Forums:
>Has anyone else noticed the big push for "bisexuality" lately?
>Think about it. It's even greater degenerate sexual hedonism that homosexuality, at least they pick a side, and it'll be an easier 'pill to swallow' for normal people.
>Additionally, it's a means to spread HIV/AIDS, traditionally a gay disease, to the heterosexual population.
>No wonder the jews are love bisexual degeneracy so much.
Is this a different translation mod? I dont remember there were these pics when I played thru those scenes
Realta Nua removes the porn.
Ah well if i ever decide to play thru that again, I'll keep that in mind to search for the h patch
>bisegshuel bad lul
>weeb porn
shit bait
Yeah, pseudo-science:
It is and there's a 6-post argument that explain why is harmful to yourself and people around you.
>Western World
Choose one nigger.
Fuck off yuronigger. Enjoy your refugees and aging population.
couldn't care less
straights get AIDS from straight people all the time
the whole ZOG/jew argument is just boring and tiresome
read articles, all loaded
fucked plenty of people, nobody had AIDS, let alone STDs ever in their life
but do you man, whatever lets you sleep at night
only bisexual girls will fuck me. so yeah, you're probably right
>Yang poster
My goodness...
The bag thing, if that pic was meant to represent confusion in your part.
>hurr durr whiter than you mohamud oh no I shit my pants again
Enjoy your
>failing water and plumbing infrastructure
>failing energy infrastructure
>failing streets, bridges, airports, etc
>failing political system
>getting cucked to hell and back by literally every company
>refusing to unionise cause that's muh communism
>dying because you can't afford proper healthcare cause that's also communist
>alternatively surviving and getting bankrupted by debt
>getting outsourced to poo in loo countries and losing your job with literally no social security to fall back on
>getting raped up the arse sideways by Chinese billionaires buying up your companies and cities inflating house and rent prices beyond belief
>opening the door and getting shot by police
>getting your shit confiscated by police
>getting shot at work
>having your kids get shot at school and university
And so on and so forth, I can't be asked to point out literally every single thing wrong with your country cause then we'd still be here next month. Just fuck off you subhuman mutt.
Yeah, I too enjoy all of my freedoms and the fact that I won't go to jail for wrongthink.
>I too enjoy all of my freedoms and the fact that I won't go to jail for wrongthink
He said living in literally the most Orwellian country that has ever existed. The only other state that ever came close was the DDR. But sure. You are totally freeā¢
I don't live in China. By the way, try saying the Holocaust wasn't real.
Isn't there a body pillow somewhere that's missing you right about now?
I don't have that crap, bishit.
its obvious you have an unwashed and used one virgin
Don't make user break out the illegal assault eating utensils. Know your place.
Nice projection, attention whore.
You posted this thread, attention whore
Bisexuals are mentally superior to gays, because they have the ability to indulge in a quick taboo fantasy without permanently altering the way they live their life outside the bedroom.