Come home

>Come home
>Find this man inside your wife
> Gets pregnant by him and says he was better and bigger than you
>calls you a pathetic white boi

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when are you gonna post a pic of yourself so we can see the pathetic bastard behind all these posts

Throw him under a pacer train.

Film it while I make her say "thank you" and I say a variation of "say it again" or "Keep saying it"

go outside of the house
burn it down
put his ashes in my dick hole

You know, /pol/, maybe not everybody is as obsessed with black cock as you. Just saying.

I go talk to his dad and let him know that his son is an asshole. Oh wait

Divorce wife she doesn't get shit because I have literal proof of her cheating, she gets AIDS from nigger, dies, I move on to someone else

>put his ashes in my dick hole

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I may say to myself, "This is not my beautiful wife."
I may say to myself, "This is not my beautiful home."
And I may ask myself "How did I get here?"

Lmao, this

>she doesn't get shit because I have literal proof of her cheating
doesn't work like that in the states when it comes to alimony. All she has to say is that she supported you for "X" years by being a house wife and putting her own career on hold (as if the lazy slut would get off her ass) and bam - instant alimony. Particularly if the judge is a female.

But for real... jerk off

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

Cheating doesn’t mean anything unless you have a prenup.

This is truth. In most states, cheating has essentially no bearing on divorce proceedings or alimony. You will almost always be paying alimony unless you have a prenup.

Source -mom is a divorce lawyer

Well because this is Arizona and I get home after dark, I get to shoot him in the face with my 12 guage, and it's concidered self defense. My wife is a small tight Korean woman, so she's clearly going die from internal bleeding from his massive penis. I get to collect life insurance and home owners insurance and win!

Shoot them both in the head as soon as I found them. Go out and find me a good White Nationalist wife.


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not to help out the shills but i think that these threads would be so much more effective if they were not outrageous bait

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Not in Texas. No alimony ever. She could try for split of assets, but we still have emotional abandonment laws.

Live in a small town in Kanas with a pop of around 200 white ppl and no niggers for miles. Sheriff has been my best friend since grade school, we do all sorts of illegal shit together. They'll both "disappear" and nobody will say anything because we don't like interacial couples round here

>find this man inside your wife
that is factually impossible because my wife doesn't have the correct amount of dimensions for that to happen, and even if she did, she's not a whore

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Absolutely 100% bonafide based. This is the America that the greatest generation fought to defend.

i would laugh and divorce her leaving her as a single mother
cause we all know his nigger ass isn't sticking around

also her black baby would make it really easy to clear her out

Yeah OP what this guy said

Shoot him while he is fucking say i though he was raping her, your story i implies i would let them finish. If it does get to that i would just kick her out as my house is in my name so wouldnt be that worried about it. Plenty of arbys in the world.

and it's a shame because i love ir porn :(

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Shoot him for being in my home, then shoot my wife with a separate gun and claim it was him.

Shoot him, shoot wife.
Immediately call 911 acting panicked and remorseful while crying and tell them I went into a dissociated state of rage.
Act like I don't remember anything because of dissociation.
Get charged with murder or manslaughter.
Hire great lawyer, continue sticking to dissociation story.
Continue sobbing and showing remorse during trial.
Jury feels sympathy.
Jury either declares me innocent, or I get manslaughter but with very small punishment.
Be good boi in jail if the latter.
Get out in 1-5 years.

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how does a corpse keep talking?

answer me that newfag

Get on my knees and kiss his foot as he's obv the alpha. I'd ask him to clap the shit out of my mom

Damn straight. Come from a long line of service men all the way back to the revolutionary war. Though I'm not a member, the klan is quite popular around here. In fact my closest neighbor is a member. Great guy!

Love me some Arbys

Kill them both and take a walk to the local mosque just in time for prayer

divorce her, take half the shit, tell her once you go black your a single mom.

Laugh at her as i can divorce her due to cheating and she now has to raise a dumb nigger kid alone as he's not sticking about to bring up the brat.

raise the child

Fuck off hershel

I'd be very upset. We both put so much effort and time into our relationship. I wouldn't cry at first. I'd be really angry and just not say a word. I'd pull out the suitcases and fill them up. Probably with no logic in my anger filled mind. I'd walk out of the house with enough clothes to last me a few days, may laptop, and anything I needed for work. In the car on my way to my mother's home I'd call my boss and let him know I have a personal crisis going on and need a week off. He'd be understanding even if I didn't give him too many details. Next I'd call my mother. It's a 2 hour drive so I have time. I'd tell her what happened and probably would break down crying while trying to get the words out. I'm such an ugly crier. I can barely talk. I might even pull over. My mother would be so heartbroken. She's pretty fragile to begin with having had my dad die a few years ago. I'd spend the rest of that time driving wondering how did things go so fucking wrong and weird. Crying. Pounding on the steering wheel. I'd shut my phone off. I don't trust myself when I'm this emotional. Cheating is one thing.. maybe.. MAYBE it's possible to come back from that... but the pregnancy and insults would be an absolute end to everything we had. I'd probably get drunk.. my mom would make me dinner. She'd hug me a lot. We'd cry together. She'd tell me that it will be OK.. that if she could survive my dad dying, I could survive the death of this relationship. You're still young and you have time to find someone else when you are ready. My sister and brother-in-law would come over. We'd all cry it out. Tons of hugs and lovely words. I'd hang a few days there until I could put myself together and call a family lawyer. Discuss next steps. I'd sit on my laptop and come up with a plan. Consider all the things small and large that must be disconnected when what was a beautiful marriage comes to an end. The home, cars, finances, emotions, love.. all of it.

Dead Nigger Storage

Can't get shit if she's buried in a remote forest.

Seriously, /pol/? Dreaming again of getting reamed by niggers? Pathetic losers.

now I gotta watch Pulp Fiction again.

This. Except "accidentally" shoot wife too with buckshot spread while trying to save her from nigger rape. Also plant knife on nigger.

Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was...

post niggers on Yea Forums

blame the jews

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I don't think I'd talk to or see her except for in court and even then I think you can avoid talking all together. I wouldn't try to hurt her. I learned over the years that the most painful revenge is leaving someone without giving them a chance to explain.. make amends... or know anything about me. For me, it was final after she spoke the words.. for her.. it may or may not be. I won't give her a chance to communicate or observe me in any way. I'd want to just go totally liquid with the finances. Sell it all and let a judge decide who gets the bigger slide. At this point I just want to move on. I don't really have a strong attachment to money or shit I've bought. I'd eventually get back to work. A pale circle around my finger where a wedding ring used to be. After the divorce case settles I'd take a long trip. I'd buy a motorbike in Vietnam and travel all over Southeast Asia with a 1 week expedition backpack, a new camera, and an open mind. I'd sail in Halong Bay... hike around Angkor Wat.. make new worldly friends.. sleep with beautiful asian women... get drunk.. and set off for the next amazing adventure. After 3 months and 4 countries I'd finally come home with a deep ruggish tan, some facial hair, a few pounds lost.. and maybe a new tattoo. I'd meet up with old friends from home. Chat about my big adventure.. talk about how I'm looking to get back to work soon. I'd go hunting for a condo. No more yard work for me. Like a duplex in an old rehabbed brick factory with high ceilings and wood floors. I'd shave my face and interview for jobs in my new suit. I wouldn't take the first offer extended to me. I'd really look for a good job regardless of compensation. Some days I'd feel a little sad. But, I know that time will heal. I take the offer for the new job. I'd put up pictures in my office from my 3 months in SE asia. Maybe flirt with a beautiful single colleague. Maybe get a crush on her and take her out to dinner. New start

Don't have a wife, so if I came home and he was in my house alone ... I'd grab the 12 gauge


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Divorce wife and make her and her bastard baby die in fucking poverty, lol

>thinking user actually has a wife

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Insert words of hate while kill nigger dead , no mo breaffin , no mo hawt beatz, never wuz kangs , just dead nigger storage from here on out

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