Why do liberals hate Mike Pence so much?

Why do liberals hate Mike Pence so much?

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Because of his shocking outlook on existence.

Why do you hate him, question asker?

he's an extremist. why do so many retards worship extremists in american so much? op probably loathes oac and can't imagine why anyone would like her. same fucking thing. we need to pay more attention to moderates and appreciate them more. peace out retards.

They're projecting the Christian hate boogeyman on him. Pence and Buttgag got along fine in Indiana, but there's suddenly a feud because it's politically useful to Democrats

isnt he catholic? dont they fuck boys?

Trump is just a Republican of convenience, Pence is an actual social conservative.

No he’s protestant

He's a closet faggot who does nothing.

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Does it matter

He reminds them of their dad

AOC is probably a far-rightist in your commie country, yurofag.



that just another form of catholic

Actually you might be on to something there

i'm an american you idiot

>Libs hating pence
How to hate things is literally all they know.

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Commiefornians aren't American.

cuz hes not a muslim sandnigger

Because he was a crappy father to Hank Hill

so anyone that doesn't like pence and doesn't like oac is a commie? kys moron.

>How to hate things is literally all they know.
Haha, oh boy..

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>commiefornian confirmed

ooops! i guess you feel stupid now!


He's pretty far right. And I mean far right. Anti gay marriage, anti interracial relationships, anti trannies, that shit.

I agree with all of that though

Do you hate me too?

because it looks like his hair is painted on

Why do you think?

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Do you have evidence for the interracial thing?

>Anti gay marriage, anti interracial relationships, anti trannies, that shit.
I'm with pence on this one. People with mental illnesses shouldn't be encouraged.

I mean he kind of caused an AIDS outbreak in Indiana because of his push for abstinence over sexed in schools

almighty DANZIG

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