Anyone an idea how to temporary let the dick swollen for about 1 or two hours

Anyone an idea how to temporary let the dick swollen for about 1 or two hours.
Not errected, just thicker.
How about mint camphor lotion or something like that?

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Yes.try this it has worked many times for me take a shoelace tie it behind the head of your dick tie the10 kilo plate to the lace let it hang freely for an hour or will stretch the unit to injury and the swelling uncomfortable but reasonable.i think you will get desired results.dont do it often or you will not get an erection again.enjoy

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Beat it like a whore until it swells up

rub toothpaste on your dick. Works for me

Does that work?

I would love to know because thenfew times I’ve had to be naked in front of people non sexually it’s like my dick wants to retreat into my abdomen, but when I’m at home not doing shit little man is flopping around like he has something to prove

Beestings. I'm 100% serious. This is a legitimate ancient method for swelling the penis.

Wear a cock ring for an extended period before hand.

I know that feel user.

Cock pumps work wonders for short-term gains. Just lotion well before hand and don't exceed 15 minutes at max vacuum.

buy a pump. .its a muscle, train it like any other muscle

Your dick is not a muscle.

Can we get some before and after penis pump pics?

80% wrong

Bump for this

Poison ivy permanently thickens it


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So does bio freeze or icy hot.

Show me the tendons it moves.
Show me what it does when it contracts.

Look up jelquing and find a good forum, I think thurdersplace is still a thing, name might be off.

My favorite one that feels good to me too is you warm up the diddle and get 90%-100% hard then squeeze your kegel muscle as hard as you can and you'll notice your cock swell a bit. Make the national "white power" hand sign with your thumb under your fiddle and press back onto your base as hard as you please, I suggest not making it too uncomfortable. And squeeze as to make sure to trap the blood in you dongle, you can kegel periodically to push more blood in. Don't make it so tight that you are cutting off blood flow but so that blood is restricted from lowing freely.

Hold that for about 30 seconds to a minute and do that 4-5 times for a Max of 5-6 minutes.

Also I saw an user mention a pump, works great in tangent with jelquing exercises for a warm down. I use a pump and enjoy it.

You got a job interview or something?

Before and after pump pics?

The muscle in the penis is Smooth Muscle, similar to what the Heart is made of.

It doesn't grown like what most people know are muscles which are skeletal (ie biceps/triceps). But it being a muscle still can be increased in size and strength by putting stress on the tissue and causing microscopic tears that the body needs to be repaired.

No I always thought that was gay and there were a ton of guys with dick picks on thunderplace(palace? I forget). I had a few after pica I sent to some girls and my now wife but that is long gone.

I started 6.5 L/5.4G

Ended 7.4L/6.2G after about a year of keeping up with it and learing new techniques.

Oh I just realized what you were asking.. not home atm and won't be for a few hours...

Do the WP symbol around your cock hard and if you do what said with the hottest water you can stand. >I usually build up to full other wise the underside of your plans will pull out.<

Anyway just do that and then move your index finger up your thumb about 1-1.5 cm and that's the difference.

The more you do it will have a point because it will slowly grow. And then you keep changing what you do like with a normal muscle (change how you create atrophy) and you will see more growth.

Most certainly is not a muscle and if you treat it as such you will have ed problems