Oh look, it's the entirety of Yea Forums

Oh look, it's the entirety of Yea Forums

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Frens is considered racist now. honk honk.

I may regret asking. But drinking milk?

we are racists, it’s not ironic
once again leftists can’t meme

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someone probably saw gomad+ss (gallon of milk a day + starting strength) and thought it nazi reference. Honestly it was a meme before /fit/ got full of /pol9k/soi influx. But a lot of them like that diet like and wind up looking and acting like Jason Blaha

hold on goys, I need to finish making this comic to impress my wifes boyfriend.

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If I were one of your parents I'd probably want to kill myself. Violently.

>I may regret asking. But drinking milk?

Black people are more likely to be lactose intolerant.

why not just kill your kid and start again? Who ever suspects parents (at least when the kid is grown anyways)

Clown posters BTFO, How will they recover!

>Ends a question in a period
Who writes this shit?

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Pretty much everyone but whites, indians, and vietnamese have high incidence of adult lactose intolerance

the last one is a statement though
can you even reading comprehension, nigger?

>implying its actually Yea Forums

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If only you faggots weren't so completely focused on what the white kids are doing & paid attention to like any other fucking race's racist shit for once.

how is /sci/ /pol/'d? last time i went there they're talking about elon's newest rocket or the black hole picture
swap /sci/ with Yea Forums and the pic is accurate

I'd personally replace it /fit/ but that's just me

b-but mommy, they're doing it to!

Kek, never happen, because only whites can be racist, which is ironically a racist statement in itself.

>consistently refusing to acknowledge it exists anywhere else
This is why you faggots keep losing elections.

im not refusing it, of course all races have racists. other people also doing a shitty thing doesn't make your behavior less shitty, retard

But when you only call ONE of them out all the time & ignore the rest, OF FUCKING COURSE it's only going to make theirs worse.

I'll only acknowledge this when Jussie Smollett gets called a racist.

The definition of a conservative is someone who completely lacks self-awareness.

I’m on neither of those convoluted sides. The fact alone that memes will forever make fun of something is purely a waste of time while at the same time people who are easily offended never take the time to enjoy life like they should. Pick your poison wisely.

you're losing the war of perception. just letting you know!

to repeat, someone else doing a bad thing doesn't make your behavior good, that's something you learn in fucking kindergarden

Microbial life on Pluto can feel the irony of this.

No. But it dilutes the strength of this when only one kid ever gets in trouble for it despite both doing it in the teacher's face.
The kid who gets in trouble will never learn jack shit.

because the kid who gets in trouble just points at the other guy instead of realizing/accepting what he is doing is bad.

We can circlejerk about this all day while you still keep pointing at the ONE kid, and not the other.

alright, tom also did a bad thing
now fucking take responsibility for you own behavior, kevin

See how easy that was?
Now if we could just get everyone else to do that, maybe there'd be less mass shootings.

now you do your part and realise doing a racism is bad
if that idea gets spread around, it might actually reduce shootings, unlike your retarded "but i'm the victim here" bullshit, which is what neo-nazis feed off of

Soy/10, would mock.

>unlike your retarded "but i'm the victim here" bullshit
Yes, ignoring the actual victimization here, when not one fucking person has acknowledged there were people unjustly demonized by the Smollett hoax & just keeps crowing on "the ACTUAL victims of these red hatted demons nobody will believe now" is going to help.
>doing a racism is bad

You don't need to be his parent to kill yourself
I suggest streaming it live for all of Yea Forums to see

The whole problem with everyone & all of this is fucking nobody wants to admit fault, ever, because that gives "the other side" a "win" in their minds.
Everybody just waits for "the other side" to do it first (and then they'll likely just jump all over them for it instead of doing the same).
We're going to go extinct like this, and deserve to.

ok libtard

it doesn't have to be this way, but i'm sure it will be
some day a fascist dictator will think that the next stage after Zyklon B is Teller-Ulam, and we're all fucked by a gigantic nuclear flash of ethnic (and molecular) cleansing

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Well, not like we don't have about 6 billion to spare.
Earth would breathe a sigh of relief if there was any kind of mass culling.

and the dolphin/octopus/parrot civilization in a couple million years will wonder why there is so much uranium in a specific layer of the ground
the biggest achievement of humanity will be making fucking flipper ask a couple questions

If fucking with stupid people is wrong I don't want to be right

Kek, and their biggest threat will be the plastic fish that result from us overfishing the fuck out of the seas while introducing a fuckload of an inedible, unnatural substance.

come to think of it, the oceans are so fucked that the next intelligence will either be parrots or whatever mutated abominations our nuked create

The dinos won in the end after all.

Stuff like this reminds me of that report fox news did on anonymous about a decade ago. It's just people drawing conclusions from stuff they've heard, instead of have first hand knowledge of.

i mean at least it's not fucking arthropods taking the cake, but still

The whole reason I'm not allowed to be rich is I'd spend half developing a way to use deep ocean thermal vents to smelt metal, & the other half teaching dolphins & octopi how to do it.

they can't travel that deep into the ocean though, right? i think the potwhales or giant squids will win it all in the end

he's better looking than your average btard

You know what else white supremacists do?
Eat food. And drink water. And breathe air.
You should probably stop doing all of those things as well. Don't wanna be a nazi after all.

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i always love when right-wingers quote orwell not knowing he's a socialist

>drawing a strawman to make a point

Why are pseudo-progressives such morons?

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What makes you think I'm a right winger, you communist trashfire? Is it the fact that anyone to the right of Stalin just looks like hitler to you, or is it merely the fact that you're a sanctimonious retard who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground?

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