First time smoking weed

First time smoking weed
Any tips?
>pic unrelated

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go slow and don't overestimate yourself. go easy and just enjoy faggot.

watch something stupid

Smoke as much as you can as fast as you can.

Don't inhale too much.

First time I tried that (I'm a nonsmoker) I inhaled too much and burned my lungs. So I was in pain, I spat all the time and I didn't get high at all

Remember that you're fine. Nothing is wrong, you're just paranoid.

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Get food BEFORE smoking otherwihse you will act like a complete dipshit at mcdonalds.
Also dont do it alone on the first time, get someone you trust you could have a bad trip.
But dont be scared and enjoy

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Make sure you roll it up with about 97% tobacco, and around 3% actual weed. Also, many people will tell you to avoid sticks and stems, but this is a lie to get you to waste pot. Make sure to include all the seeds and stems you can in that 3%.

If you're smoking from a bowl or bong, make sure to use a Zippo style lighter. The flame it gives is way better for weed smoking. If it's a bong DO NOT PUT WATER IN IT!!! That's a common misconception that bong's must have water. Don't do it.

If smoking from a bowl, make sure to NOT use a glass bowl, strictly metal ones. You also need a screen for your metal pipe, so make sure you put no less than 3 screens in, make sure they are straight out of the package, so you know they're sterile.

Finally, if smoking a joint with friends, absolutely make sure you insert the length of the joint about 60% inside your mouth before hitting it. Also, do some preparation while you wait for your turn. DO NOT swallow your spit!!! I can't stress this enough, you want most of your mouth filled with saliva while you hit the joint. It makes it WAY smoother, real smokers know this. Have fun!

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This. All this

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This is prolly the best advice.

I’m sacred of this

take about 15 minutes for it to really feel full effect. Takes about 2-3 hours for it to go away. If you get too high put a few whole peppercorns under your tongue effectively stops the effects of thc in like 5 minutes.

I’m going to be smoking out of a homemade water bottle bong, also why should I not put water In it?

I’m going to be smoking alone sadly, I plan on just turning the lights down low and listening to my Pink Floyd records. Maybe watch some Monty Python

I was just kidding. I was giving you the opposite advice you should really use. Absolutely put water in it. They call them "water bongs" for a reason. I was just joking.

to elaborate on this you're already paranoid or anxious weed just makes you more aware of what you're going through. Don't fixate on it and you're not as high you look your voice dosent sound as stupid as you think. Also buy some fruit that stuff is amazing stoned. Don't fall for the junk food.

Also, make sure you pay attention to the amount of water you put in it. Don't put too much in, because it will come out of the hole you make for the stem.

This is good advice.
Remember to feel good.
Put on your favourite music and eat something you enjoy because it's gonna be 1000x times better if you're stoked.

that might be a little too intense actually. Things like absurd ways of talking exaggerated expressions and the English way of making really densely worded conversations while saying essentially nothing will probably seem over stimulating with weed. Bob Ross is where it's at though.

This is solid advice. I can also attest to the fact that having anxiety makes it come on like a Mac Truck when stoned. I wish I could feel like I did when I was a teenager and smoked, but sadly now all that happens is I get paranoid and hate myself.

One hit is enough, it takes 10-15 minutes to fully kick in. Most first time smokers do it with their stoner friends, try to smoke like they do with a high tolerance and get uncomfortably baked.

don't fucking smoke too much for your first time, its not a pleasant experience. also don't get addicted to this shit unlike me

This is good too. You'll take a big hit, and it won't feel like anything's happening, so you'll hit it again and again, and then be blitzed 15 minutes later. Take a hit or two, and then stop. Wait 10-15 minutes to see how you feel. It takes a while to fully hit you.

Make sure the smoke actually gets in your lungs and keep it there for at least 5 seconds. Wasted too much of my friends' grass cause I was puffing that shit like a cigar when I was a newbie.

> addicted to weed

Weed is not physically addictive. I've quit multiple times with no effects, other than missing it. Haven't touched it in over 2 year because of work. Still miss it if there's a new game or movie I want to check out though.

do a light dose. I found weed therapeutic in the right dose. You can control your own anxiety. This might sound stupid as hell but healthy emotional control is like a muscle you have to use it regularly otherwise it atrophies. You don't crush your emotions down into a little angry pit or fixate on them. You just have to let a lot of them go put it in perspective. So what if your roommate didn't do their dishes whatever? They're probably not passive aggressively doing shit like that they probably just forgot. Learn to sort of see your faults in other people and see people's faults in you. It becomes a lot easier to let the little shit go. Perspective inherently makes us conceited and see things as being connected to us that are not.

You don't have to hold it in your lungs. Just inhale and exhale, the result is the same.

This. I don’t know if I’ll be able to inhale right as I’ve never really smoked before. And also I’m going to be smoking alone so I just gotta hope I guess right.
I only bought like 2 grams, it’s pretty small to what I expected
Oh I thought classic rock was like perfect for smoking?
Alright cool, I’m going to start smoking outside on my porch first (it’s nighttime) then I’ll come back in, so I don’t know if that makes a difference

Were you just kidding about the zippo lighter thing too?

>Oh I thought classic rock was like perfect for smoking
I was talking more about the Monty Python. Floyd is pretty nice for smoking and so is RUSH.


Thanks for caring dude :)

Oh ok, I’m guessing vidya are also off the table?

you should have not said this part, the thread was so epic not knowing who was reading what and how

I was saying the opposite of what I think. I always heard to never use a Zippo lighter if you can help it, because it burns thick with the Zippo fluid you have to use. You can tatse the Zippo fluid if you se one to smoke, and that can't be a good thing. Now, obviously, it's not gonna kill you to use one, if that's all you have to work with then fucking use it. But in general, I always heard to try not to use a Zippo if you can help it.

Alright thanks bro

depends on the game really and the level of familiarity you have with it. I find games in general less scary than watching actual people. There's a more comfortable emotional disconnect. But you're also in control of what's going on to an extent.

don't touch the zippo's flame to the smokable, just hover near it and let the heat catch the herb on fire, but yeah best not to use it too much. Butane burns cleaner.

Well I can never tell which threads are shit posts and which ones are honestly looking for advice, and since I saw that OP was still in the thread and asking questions, I knew it was real. I don't want to hurt anybody at the end of the day, I'd rather help them if I could.

I play l4d2 almost everyday since like 2009, would this be a good choice? I play online of course

That's a good tip. Try to touch just the tip of the Zippo flame to the weed if you have to use one.

Personally, I find that I get a child-like sense of wonder and amazement when I play video games stoned. Everything seems a little more epic, I actually say like "Woah" under my breath when something cool happens. Music and video games are enhanced by weed, I'd say.

I don't know how I'd feel about an online multi-player game while stoned, I usually stick to single player games. I'm playing through God of War HD for PS3 right now, and it's filled with these big sweeping epic moments. It's pretty cool.

I'm just gonna say it, if you can find time to jack off, do so.
Orgasms while you're high is like ascending straight into heaven.

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it's literally just fucking weed the worst that can happen is you get unpleasantly high and have a panic attack

so don't panic, and bring a towel

yeah that wouldn't be trippy at all if you played it that much. You'd just be hyper focused

weed gives me hella boners it's like fucking herbal viagra is this normal

this method is everything though. Take it slow no porn just focus on the feeling. Tease that nut out and it'll be transcendental.

Aight cool
Well I’m going to be smoking out of a homemade water bottle bong, I bought 2 grams, and I’m going to be smoking alone. Any tips about this?
I want planning on it but I guess I’ll try it out

theres fucking retards that can smoke 12 blunts in a row and still be sober
why are you scared

yeah weed causes increased engorgement of erectile tissue in your nose and in your dick (yes it's why you feel you can't nose breath if you smoke a lot) for women it makes their clits almost too receptive but it makes touching their labia feel good.

Weed makes me feel like a kid again.
Everything I enjoy is fucking amazing, everything spooky gives me mad creeps, nostalgic memories feel almost real and food tastes as good as it used to.

If you smoke out of a bowl or a bong, when you light it, be sure to blow hard into it to clear out any old gross smoke. Trust me on this, it'll make it healthier, tastier, and you'll get a much smoother high.

>homemade bong
I strongly recommend dropping $20 for a glass piece from a headshop or $1 for some rolling papers. Smoking out of water bottle bongs is terrible for the taste and terrible for your health.

>homemade bong
Don't make a habit of that, it's bad for you.

You might not get high at all the first time. I knew a lot of people this happened to back in the day. They were usually fatties though. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. Maybe they just didn't inhale properly.

DO NOT put water in it. The water heats up when it mixes with the smoke, and electrolyzes. So you get hydrogen and oxygen, which is affected by the smoke. The THC in the smoke oxidizes with the pure oxygen, which completely neutralizes it.

If it gives you paranoia or bad feelings stay away from it, it's not for you.
t. schizo that still smokes weed eventhough I shouldn't

Use a plunger on your ass, if you have some time

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>smoke weed for the second time in my life
>play silent hill 2
>game looks ridiculously 3d
>feel incredible relaxed and at peace
>3rd time smoking weed
>play katamari
>feel low key horror thinking of launching all these people and things into space and turning them into stars
> comes on
>feel like I want to kill myself

you are a legend dude, made my fucking day

fucking true

don't overthink about hearing-seeing ridicilous things, these happen. Your high will go down if you eat much, so you can eat and smoke again. Putting tobacco in it can reduce the taste and high and will make your high longer, try if you want.
best genre to listen is rap, like wiz khalifa,post malone n other chill shit, you can also try asshole music like monolink etc. or GayFloyd. be sure to drink lots of water. if you chew a gum or eat something like chocolate when u inhale smoke will taste better. have fun

I didn’t know this, is it really that bad?I’m not fat but I’m a little heavy (im finishing up Bulk Season) would this affect me?

Dont forget to jack off

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Inhaling plastic fumes, man.
I'm assuming you're using an aluminum foil bowl, burning foil is pretty bad too.


just relax and enjoy the high. your heart will race a bit at first, you might have some feelings of paranoia, your mind might race with a million thoughts at once.
just chill.
make sure you have something to drink for later, like icy cold water. also you'll want snacks too.
put on some good tunes and enjoy.

2 grams should last you a week or two, being a newbie smoker.

eh for a first time smoker it'll be fine.
if he decides it's something he wants to do regularly then yeah he should drop $5 in a pipe or $20 into a bong though.

>bad trip
dude it's just weed.

Aight, just one thing about smoking alone for your first time is you have so many questions and nobody around to answer them

Remember, no matter how much you smoke:
Weed will never kill you
Weed will never make you go crazy and kill someone
You will never get addicted to weed
Cops aren't around every corner just waiting to arrest you
You will come down gently and before too long

Hit as hard as you can and breathe in like you're taking a deep breath.

and the weirdest thing is once you actually do smoke you're like holy shit what the fuck was I so worried about, I'm retarded.
It's like drinking beer for the first time. You have a million questions but after you take a few sips you realize none of them mattered anyway.

Ok, but what about hasheesh?
Any advices?

it's essentially just super compressed weed.
it wont burn that well compared to weed. sprinkle a little bit of it into your bong/pipe or into the middle of a joint.