God-tier Black Metal thread
God-tier Black Metal thread
literally anything by darkthrone or leviathan
Leviathan is the greatest black metal project to exist
That guy's stuff was crap before he went to prison.
Literally no one thinks that
Its a bunch of skidbags recording in their dads garage with a Dora The Explorer tape recorder retard.
Literally no one listens to black metal anymore except a few edgelord emo neckbeards.
It’s one guy
Filosofem was on my top 10 list right up until I found out Louis Cachet[ AKA Kristian Vikernes AKA Varg Vikernes is a manlet.
my negro
First Ulver-album.
I used to listen to metal almost exclusively, but I grew out of it because most of it sounds like complete shit with such an emphasis on technicality that it completely overlooks musicality. No: you are not listening to modern day Vivaldi. One day you guys will get past your early twenties and realize 98% of metal is complete garbage, just like every other genre of music, and the only way to have good music and also have variety is to dabble in every genre.
The first three ulver albums are god-tier
*static TV noises*
Metal is meant to be enjoyed sonically as much as it is meant to be appreciated technically; if you never realized this, you never truly understood metal.
"It's not just a phase, mom!"
Before you embarass yourself even more I'll let yiou in on something. Metalheads are not nearly as enlightened or intelligent as they like to think and, any remotely intelligent person has more going for them than 90% of metalheads.
Metal is as deep as the individual chooses to explore it.
eyyy good sht
unrelated good sht
not yet checked out
>i dont like my Trivium box set anymore and its everyone elses fault
why even exhale with the intent of inhaling afterwards?
Some paysage d’hiver albums straight out put me to sleep. I really like this one though.
Leviathan is an amazing example of black metal at its finest. It’s a one man project from America.. The album Massive Conspiracy Against All Life is so enthralling, so is the first album and the most recent one.
Who gives a fuck. You don't sound any smarter because your posting this on fucking Yea Forums go back to r*ddit.
Pic related one of my favorites.
Immortal rules
The best black metal band until after Hammerheart