>Let's make a bunch of cards that
have buzz words and edgy jokes and call it humour

Have you ever sat and listened to someone read out all combinations at the end of a round while trying to keep the same energy in their laugh for the whole time?

It so forced and bland. It's fine for normies but for anyone who has even a slight sense of humour that isn't based entirely off Facebook minion memes the novelty wears off fast.

>Shock humour is the lowest form of humour

Attached: Change My Mind 09042019131625.jpg (800x800, 237K)

Attached: DeDjZGbXUAAFKdD.jpg (890x889, 90K)

>unpopular opinions
>threat level midnight is the worst episode of the office
>this whole "I love booty" trend is annoying and wrong
>beef is an inferior meat
>tattoos and piercings are actually pretty cool
>especially stretched ears
>the Chevy LT1 is a shit tier engine built to fail
>the red hot chili peppers suck goose shit through a tall straw
>so do the foo fighters
>light roast coffee is better than dark roast
>south park was never funny
>most of California is actually filled with level headed individuals not the sterotype of SF and LA
>cajun/creole food is best food

it's fun the first time for a bit, then it's just stupid and boring

>Have you ever sat and listened to someone read out all combinations at the end of a round while trying to keep the same energy in their laugh for the whole time?
It's almost as if someone won 'funniest' and the others 'aren't as funny'
Hate the game, hate the concept, hate the shock value, whatever, but don't go full retard trying to analyze laughter.

Apples To Apples is superior anyway.

It's the forced laughter of trying to make out that All combinations are hilarious and edgy when it's clearly forced

I can smell it

Seems like someone knows what to say to have his dick wet at college. Go on buddy, it won't last forever.

not really. 31 year old dude here. I like tits better than ass, flip cars for a living and I hate working on chevy, prefer pork over beef, and can't stand radio rock. I'm a pretty simple guy

though I wouldn't mind getting my dick wet with a local college girl. UCSD has some pretty fucking tight and toned bitches

You sound like a cunt

yeah well that's just like your unpopular opinion, man

But what about threat level midnight and south park ? There were some genuinely fun moments here

You ever play apples to apples?

You need friends to play the game

My unpopular opinions:

>> Anyone who's "pumped" for the new avengers movie is a child and should be shot

>>Watching television makes you mentally deficient

>>Items bought from the dollar store are going to give you cancer

>> People who listen to Mumford and Sons should be executed by gunshot

>the Chevy LT1 is a shit tier engine built to fail
You spelled Ford 4.6 wrong

Correction: the original deck is trash. Get the Bigger Blacker version. Much more edgy and nasty.

>The Virgin Cards Against Humanity vs The Chad Apples to Apples

And here's my unpopular opinions:

>Anyone who does not like feet but like anuses where shit comes out from should be stoned to death ISIS style

Seriously fuck these niggers. Most of these bitches say "muh ass is cleaner than my nasty feet you fucking pervert". If that's the case, take care of your feet instead you son of a bitch. I wouldn't fuck a girl who wouldn't let out my fetishes on her but she would let out her fetishes on me. It is really selfish and if you do that then see you in hell. If anyone is in a relationship like that then they should reconsider their life decisions.

>The world doesn't care about you, grow up

>People are trash, including you, excluding me

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Stairway to Heaven is a mediocre song and doesn't deserve its praise. The only reason people enjoy it so much is because the song has been repeatedly played on radio. Somewhat similar to most pop songs of today.

Feet? Do you put your dick in feet? Has someone given you penile pleasure with just their feet to the point of orgasm?

>Batman is a rich vigilante, not a superhero
>rape is morally unjustified but eugenically justified
>the intelligent are, and always have been, the most widely-persecuted and oppressed demographic in human society
>doomers are sadder wastes of space than SJWs - SJWs still at least stand for something (even if it's shitty and irrational)
>chan culture does more to reinforce learned helplessness than inspire constructive action

Attached: 8b1.png (1126x845, 666K)

> Entourage is a stupid show for NPC's
>Trump is a good president
>Traps aren't gay

>television makes you mentally deficient
>posts on Yea Forums

Look at me guys! This decades old classic song is actually TERRIBLE!!!
>being this contrarian

Fair point but i believe television is farm more harmful. At least posting on Yea Forums won't turn you into a fucking NPC

yes, thank you. cards against humanity sucks balls, and in my experience the people who love it most have zero sense of humor and are a drag to talk to.

Can't understand these shitfuckers.

Attached: faggot.jpg (340x255, 21K)

Nobody fucking does that. Good luck finding someone to fulfill your fucking retarded sexual aversion

Not him, but it is just an extremely overated song, Sabbath is better than Zeplin, Osborne has a way better voice and the guitarsame don't sound almost the same in every song, PF sucks, listen to Funkadelic, dogfeet, OM, Sleep, Herbie Hancock, and Ravi Shankar

i agree. needs more edgy

Yea, I really never got the appeal of that game.
My wifes younger sister was raving about how hilarious it was.

When she showed it to me, I was horribly underwhelmed. I though mad libs were hilarious when I was in about 4th grade.

Forgot to add, I never liked Star Wars, BTTF, or Ghost Hunters growing up and alot of other cult classics

I never said the song was terrible. It's just average. There is nothing really special about it.

>nobody fucking does that
Get your head out of your ass, nigger. People are doing it. More than you know.

I am not a movie watcher in general to be honest, As such I can't say that if I like them or not.

no theyre not
Id bet there probably more people who fuck dogs than do that lame shit