Is there a good way to get major revenge on someone without exposing yourself...

Is there a good way to get major revenge on someone without exposing yourself? I’m fed up with the shit my ex has been putting me through

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you gotta walk right up and punch them in the face
if they dont respect you, they'll just take whatever happens as bad luck, and they'll be back to take their stress out on you once again

there are companies that will ship literal shit for you anonymously

The black people solution...

make an anonymous account about her and make the entire account about roasting/slut shaming her. Dont give any inclination that its you. Anonymously share the acc around school or wherever you know her from. Profit. Did it once before myself too. Made an account all about whales, then posted pics of the girl on there with whale emojis. Pretty soon the entire school was calling her a whale/making whale noises at her in the hall. Good luck user

I don’t exactly want to “harm” her in any way btw. I was thinking something like preventing her from getting into her college of choice or something that might just seem unlucky. I know she has a huge scholarship that I KNOW she does not fucking deserve but I wouldn’t know what to do about that

get her caught with drugs and she can kiss that scholarship goodbye

people dont learn, she'll be back to mess with you again
because she knows you're harmless
she deserves whatever she gets, you understand that much
you should learn to stand up for yourself

I know you’re right, but she has slandered me to the point where all of her friends and her parents hate me. Saying I was abusive, an asshole, etc. I’ll be honest, yeah, I could be a dick sometimes, but she cheated on me and I didn’t leave her because I knew she had a troubled childhood. Now she leaves me, and I’m the bad guy. I tried to forget about it but I can’t help but get depressed, I withdrew from my first semester at college because of this. I feel like I won’t be satisfied unless she gets a taste of it, as shitty as it is


Do the crime if you already did the time

this is a good one. Get some hardcore drugs, enough to be a distribution charge, then sneak it somewhere in her car like the trunk or in a crevasse somewhere. Then anonymously tip the cops about a car you saw someone selling drugs out of. Make sure you put a time and place where you know she was in the tip, so it seems plausible, along with a description of the car, the license plate, and vaguely what she looks like.

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She smokes weed but is really good at hiding it since she only smokes other people’s weed lmao. But I have no chance of seeing her in person again since she’s already blocked me on everything

>I have no chance of seeing her in person again
just stalk her irl and learn her routine

>with the shit my ex has been
>not together
>don't need to communicate
ur the faggot for still getting rekt by your ex, it's easy to not be involved with them. I don't feel sorry for idiots

You should stop being such a cuck.

Who cares what some random bitch thinks about you?

Google abundance mentality.

there is, but why would I tell you that? I don't care about your love life or anyone elses for that matter. Most of the time its all bullshit fake anyways

Whether or not she’s my ex, she still doesn’t deserve that scholarship. She’s a borderline sociopath

Fair enough

>major revenge

>a bag of poop at someone’s doorstep

you gotta pick one bro

it's not up for you to decide what she deserves anymore, she's fucking dudes with bigger checks and bigger dicks now that are in full control

OPs ex here he is a tiny dicked whiny bitch
i'm doing much better now

Honestly this

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then fuck her up, plant some drugs, fuck, in this climate, say she used to call blacks niggers and it would ruin her

accuse her of raping you #metoo

It sounds like you’re both pretty shitty. If you dropped out of college because of some bitch and now you’re on Yea Forums trying to plot with a bunch of retards on how to get back at her... you gotta do some self evaluation dude.

By the way, is this your first fucking breakup? You’re complaining that your ex’s parents and friends don’t like you? And you’re going to drop out of fucking college because YOUR EXS FRIENDS AND HER FUCKING PARENTS DONT LIKE YOU? This is mind blowing levels of faggotry OP. You should be depressed. This is fucking pathetic. I’m so glad my life isn’t like this

Chill, it sounds like OP's first break up, let him vent a bit

Yeah and sometimes people need to grow the fuck up, this shit is sad

The best revenge you could do is hurry up and get over her you fucking obsessive pussy.

First you fall in love with her because you're a basic bitch boy, and now you want revenge because you don't like being a bitch and you blame her for it now.

GO fuck yourself white boy.

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Didn’t drop out, just withdrew from the first semester. And yeah I’m not gonna try to defend myself, I just want to see something go wrong for her for once

OP, work hard, dominate in school, become her boss

then you can call topkek

It is my first breakup and I honestly probably won’t go through with anything, but there’s still a lot of pent up anger from watching her succeed in life having done the things she’s done

Something will, and if you were willing to stay with her after she cheated because of her “troubled childhood” doesn’t that mean half of her life was fucked? Move on. Obviously her fucking friends and parents aren’t going to like you. Welcome to a breakup. Did you think you’d still be chatting with her mom and dad at church on sundays? Go back to college, meet some college hoes so you can move on, and grow the fuck up

I honestly couldn’t tell you if I’m posting for ideas or for sympathy. I sure as hell cant ask anywhere else though

thanks for the blog post! Be sure to keep us updated on all the meaningless drivel that happens in your worthless fucking life.

The best revenge is simply to walk away and never let them know they "got to you". That will drive them crazier than anything you might feel.

It's just not worth trying to "get even". It seldom works because they will have the upper hand if it bothers you more than them.

Leave them wondering how it affected you. Don't confirm it to them by attempting something that could get you in trouble. Even if you don't do anything on the wrong side of legal, the girl can get a "restraining order" quite easily, and that will haunt your police record, screw up a possible future job or promotion or something else (like being prohibited from owning a firearm). You would also be a "suspect" in any adverse thing that might happen in the future even if you are not involved.

Walk away and don't speak of it with them at all! Even if they call you , just don't respond.



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this. move on and try to not be a little bitch

The best revenge I always got on my ex's was moving on and finding a better girl.

My history of dating has literally been, the next girl was always either, hotter, smarter, or more fun. God did I date some terrible girls early on, but my standards got better and I became more happy.