I don’t enjoy living What do I do?

I don’t enjoy living What do I do?

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What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do, I.e. get in a street fight, cuss out someone, buy a gun. Anyways do that and if you have a job you hate then maybe try talking to your boss to get a raise or start looking for a new job. Fuck the world and do what you want amiright

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do drugs or something. fuck traps in thailand maybe

Shoot up a feminist rally.

Co-signed, that was some real shit

Go outside for a walk to start.

Love your haters, do something nice for yourself even if it means going for a simple walk.

Do the opposite of everything you've been doing.

Ask again tomorrow and I'll have the answer

Go to /r9k/ you fucking waste of space. Or save us all the time an hero

Do you have any tips for the “love your haters” thing? I try to do that all the time but I can’t help but get infuriated when someone is an annoying shit


Like OP, I do not enjoy living either, everything is a chore, and while I manage to entertain myself, All of my passion for things have left.
The things I "wanted" in life aren't things one can just put effort in and attain, like strong foundations, a happy family, work ethic, education, a body that isn't full of drastic imperfections or not having incurable mental and physical illnesses.
These aren't things money can buy or I can will into existence.
My life has been filled with extraordinary difficulties and unfulfillment. While I'm not some depressed faggot with victim complex, all this crap has just left me in a state of void where I have virtually nothing, no one and am living a shit day every day just waiting to die.

>do drugs
This is a good option for a while. Take a few years doing LSD, sparingly, like once a season, increase your doses each time you may find some life changing experiences.
Prostitutes are ok for temporary happiness, if you want a longer term happiness look into religion, experiment with them.
Buddhism has answers to you sorrowful life OP but it isn't gonna cure the truth you probably know, that life is a shit journey.

Find a reason to live. I was there with you. I was late 20s and severe alcoholic with literally no ambition to live. I just saw no point, so I was drunk 24/7 to somewhat enjoy existence. Find a reason to live. It's not so bad. I promise. I can't find it for you.

Not OP but care to share how you turned things around?

Here's to all Yea Forumsrothers out there. Let's keep on pushing. If you can't well... the choice is up to you old sport.

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Op, if you are serious, talk to me, let's see how we can bring a purpose back to the days

This. Find someone who makes you happy. I hated life till I had my girl

If you haven't get bloodwork done. Depression sometimes is associated with autoimmune diseases, tell them to check hormone levels.

How to maximize misery by CGP grey


And maybe talk to a professional - godspeed OP

A: Get your life onto a track that will end up with a career, activity, location you will enjoy long-term
B: Radically change your life by moving long distance or job
C: Do what everyone does and complain while you kill yourself with alcohol and gathering fake social credibility
D: An hero

I've been miserable for 6 years and it'll be at least 3 years before I can get out of it; I took A despite being a brainlet, short term it's made it worse but I know it'll eventually be better than the alternatives

Eat some ice cream or
>freeze water
>crush ice
>add some flavour
>mix until "me" appears

The whole secret to it is "doing it feels better than not doing it". If this current life sucks why keep it up? For comfort? Avoid embarrassment in front of people who make it suck? Why do you want to impress those guys?
I'm not saying turn into an asshole and knock everyone over in your way, but godamn go out and get yours too. No one's gonna give it to you.

"If you have no plans for your life, you'll usually end up following someone else's plans. And guess what, they don't have much planned for you"



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