Hi /b

Hi /b

I just extracted this from my balls it was like a huge white spot that looked absolutely disgusting (like a big acne spot) and that was hurting me for weeks.

I finally decided to remove it, and now my balls are bleeding, any idea of wtf is this??

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Ball tooth

You have cancer

it was OP's testicle
You're sterile now

Update from OP, i exploded it between my fingers and god it was so hard to explode, i felt like my whole strenght was nothing for this thing
Somehow I suceed to explode it, and it was containing some white secretion, not liquid but not solid either

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calcium deposit, dont worry about it

Really? Its not something like a tumor or some sneaky balls cancer?

Wash your balls better you disgusting cretin

naw, its harmless

I had the same thing, but i didnt squeeze it out, one day it was just super inflamed and painful and it burst on its own. I wouldnt worry about it

A nerve gas tumor was developing in your balls, you are lucky to be alive.

Eat it OP

Trips and you eat it

Probably just due to an ingrown hair. Don't worry too much.


Rolling for trips

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dude you had a zit/cyst. as long as the wound doesn't get infected, you're fine. that thing is just the plug of dead stuff that accumulates.

OP here

After investingations I think k it was a Fordyce spot or a calcium deposit

For those reasons theres 0 chance I eat a sebum pack or some calcium deposit, go eat ur mom's ass

What u mean?

So many things are dead inside my balls

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