If Satan would grant you one sex slave on earth before giving you a comfy middle management position in Hell to punish...

If Satan would grant you one sex slave on earth before giving you a comfy middle management position in Hell to punish IT feminists, what kinda sex slave would you take?

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I'd rather fuck a 7/10 suicide girl freak tbh but yes

This again
Why do you keep making these

I'm just very curious about what is seen as most attractive.

I want a 10/10 Eurasian.

Satan does not rule hell he is its first prisoner.
He can offer you nothing.
He will be too busy screaming in pain.

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By whose standards are the women judged to be 10/10?

if he's imprisoned how does he mess with people on earth?

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Zero scriptural support for that claim.

By your own of course.

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Moar SG

I'll take my Khazer Khueen

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Exotic, racially ambiguous, mixed girl! Oh wait I already have that right now

Hell existed for many eons.
Christ emptied it.

Now Satan is behind Gods throne accusing us all until he is finally cast down by God.

Then among us as a super natural being he will lie and claim to be the second coming here to rapture folks away.

After the destruction of mankind.

There will be a time where Satan is held bound in a pit while we are all reeducated to understand his crimes. After that will be a White throne Judgment where all of us will be given a final chance to choose. If we choose wrong we will join Satan in Hell for eternity.

The end.

God does not judge anyone now until the end of days. Days of all not just you or I...

When you die you are either found worth and go to the Kingdom of Heaven or are left to sleep until the final judgement. We sleep in the void where we can see God but can not affect him.

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Then you did not read your scriptures.
Isaiah 14

Imagine being dumb enough to believe in religions.

Honestly surprised by the poll, people actually like niggers

Funny the Bible says of religions: The teachings and traditions of man that make void the word of God.

Try to develop a personal relationship with God.
Actually read the Bible and avoid all the churches and men in funny hats.

God had a lot of men write you letters read them.

No need to join a church and pay a guy in a funny hat. The Bible is available on line free or at your local library.

Honestly would be hard pressed to suggest any particular church or religion to you these days.

It is late just try not to be a dick to anyone else.

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My slave of choice

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someone who liked me and I would pat their head and tell them they were good and blah blah
and we could have a dog that barks so loud peoples head explodes and a cat and meows lasers

Glad that you found something that makes you happy but still astonished that people would actually believe any of it lol

>giving you a comfy middle management position in Hell
like isnt that 100x better than anything else you could get in this life? knowing that there is an afterlife then knowing you will live a cushy eternity as long as you work a little?

>Honestly surprised by the poll, people actually like niggers

Nah, that was someone "hacking" the poll or whatever. I remember having posted this over on pol once and suddenly, black girls went from 2 to 200 or something. It's just strawpoll after all, I guess there are ways to bypass this duplication checking systme or whatever.

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Usually, it seems that whenever I post this on /pol/ the number of blondes goes up. When I post this on reddit, the number of Asians and Suicide Girls goes up.

Where's the loli option?