celeb thread
Celeb thread
Can't you just fuck off back to facebook or whatever cancerous place you crawled out of?
It’s officially Dazzy day. Cutie birthday girl
hot chick. who is she?
anya taylor joy aka ayylmao
Cocks out boys
What, am I supposed to jerk off for Karen or something?
mine is out
Yes please
Good boy.
I guess she is pretty hot. But what if I was planning on someone else?
i need to cum before bed..
Then I wouldn't be very happy
no way?
Don't worry honey. I'll make sure you do xx ;)
yes please...shall I stroke it?
Yeah way! She’s 27 today.
Of course. Be a good boy for me
34 today
so many fap on her...
she is damn sexy. And have lovely tits
this pic is real or a fake?
alright, post your favorite ones for me user
You gonna make a big cummy mess for her?
lovely ass
yes... i want to..i need to cum
Praise B(ri)e.
Good morning everyone!
Do I look nice in these undies user?
It's Daisy Ridley's birthday today
Say something ni-
oh :(
well if you insist
stop it please
Happy birthday Daisy!
Post some zieglers
i love this small ass
you look perfect..
I just finished to her sexy tummy and thighs ty
Despite the popular opinion, i liked the stars wars movies
Kenzie >
Thank you. Got anymore in you babe?
I didn't but it's hardly her fault they were bad
Hey, nothing wrong with more than one person wishing her a happy birthday! She deserves all sorts of love.
Same! Daisy is extra cute in them.
Is that you stealing my birthday announcements Billiam? >:(
Now how am I supposed to feed my family??
oh hey friend
must have missed you back there
I lied, i didn't really like them. I simply didn't think they were too bad :/
Also, this
Blame Disney for letting that Kennedy whore gut the franchise for SJW reasons, what a waste
Jew pigs
Hello there, how's it going today?
I take it my bae still hasn't leaked then!? Sadface.
I don’t think I should be blamed for your slowness my friend. If you wanted them to eat you should have been faster.
I think she was really good in them, and brought back a sense of wonder we hadn’t seen in Star Wars since Luke in episode IV
What SJW reasons?
Happy day
I prefer to tease babe ;)
...no words
just woke up nothin much happening
there can only be one
Same stuff on my end
Any Swedefags here?
I really need to post Daz more.
I’ll die on this hill user. You should know that.
jesus christ dude, star wars has been dead for 20 years, now it's getting a proper burial
this means war
Fuck those tits are insane
You sure do
Such a cute smile
Alison *was* STACKED
Yeah it’s a shame what she did to her tits but at least we got to see them in their full glory
Did we ever
So much nut lost to those tits
One of her best features
Damn, I wanna fuck Brie
Agreed. Total cutie.
That's my only Brie unfortunately
No worries user.
Sunny days wouldn't be special if it wasn't for rain
Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain
Death gotta be easy cause life is hard
It'll leave you physically, mentally and emotionally scarred
Whew baby
mmmm madz
Keeley Hawes? good choice user
I know Rooney doesn't have a lot of fans around here but to me she's just so unbearably cute
As if Yea Forums isnt a cancerous.
Classic scene
She is really cute
Probably would have laughed if I didn't have to use google to understand the reference
All I know is I get less replies from anons (not that I care) and any thread I OP with Roon struggles (I do care about that), but I'm glad you appreciate her too user :)
Probably just because she doesn’t get lewd much. She’s definitely pretty enough though.
Dubs confirm. This is definitely why, thanks user
In the bible it says, what goes around comes around
Hommo shot me, three weeks later he got shot down
Now it's clear that i'm here for a real reason
Cause he got hit like i got hit but he ain't fucking breathing
I disapprove of your celeb, but i will defend to the death your right to post her
Unless she is younger than 14, but that's unlikely
If you don’t think I’ll got to war for daisy you don’t know me.
She is oh so lovely and deserves to be posted a lot more. I’m gonna do my part to fix that.
LOOK HOW CUTE SHE IS. At least we can almost agree on the pedoposters
Post ass.
Easily done
Love her dumper. Thanks user.
It says a lot of bollox in the Bible, and you choose to believe that bit???
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Just realised you're lilyposter btw, hello
Cock out for Karen
lol, hi there friend, how's it going today?
those are some nice tiddies
swedefags post more of her!
It drops deep as it does in my breath
I never sleep cause sleep is the cousin of death
Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined
I think of crime when i'm in a New York state of mind
Slow day today, plenty of spare time. Decided to spend some of it here
How about you?
open e5b57c7c
Woke up a lot earlier than needed, just figured I'd start the day with some cute celebposting
I am certain there are better ways to start the day with, but none come to mind :p
Fuck yes
Celebposting is an important part of a balanced breakfast :)
That’s an arse anonymous
Hell yeah
No wonder i've been feeling a little weak lately, my diet has been lacking a significant amount of celebposting :)
stop posting clothed celebs faggots u make this thread every day atleast make it nudes only
Baby got back, #sirrmixalot
You need to increase your celebposting dosages by at least 50%, doctor's orders
Yep. That ass comes out of nowhere. Fucking love it.
makes me wanna cum
Eat shit and die
But lurking is fun sometimes, y'know?
And she worked hard for it too.
Love that smile
Oh, absolutely. It's the yin to the yang of posting, both are needed
And it shows. Easily one of her best features. That ass is phenomenal
thats an understandable reaction
Her smile, perky tits, and that ass? She’s one of the best.
Agreed. I hope she shows that bare ass one day. My cock would fucking explode.
she is growing up nice
Nevertheless, i will try to sneak some cute celebposting in whenever i get a chance for you, doc ;)
God, I’d never be able to stop. I’d get addicted to her bare ass.
Fucking same. Just imagine being able to hike that dress up and exposing that juicy, pale ass.....
sry, daisy abort thats Suki or Immy Waterhouse
God it’d look so fucking good
How sweet of you, I'm sure you'll find your strength returns in no time :)
Stroking, post moar
So damn good. Id have to bury my tongue deep in that asshole.
I can’t stop imagining those soft cheeks on my face. I’d be all over her.
You got it.
Numbers really seem to agree too, second dubs in a row
I feel noticeably better already due to the celebing
Or maybe it's just the effect of talking with a cute like you ^_^
omg that sole hnngggg
Hope you are still here. Good morning!
Either way, I hope it's a lasting effect :) unfortunately I'll have to be starting my day and heading out in a little while
This is a hardcore child pornography sharing discord with an emphasis on preteen little boys.
Every time it is spammed here, just report it to discord for CP distribution and also to the FBI.
Pass it on.
Here for another hour or so, how are you today friend?
Do you think someone here cares at all? Fuck off
I just wanted to say good morning since everyone else here is so unfriendly
I'm good. How are you?
I'm doing pretty good myself! Any big plans for the day?
Yes, huge plans! Working and groceries. Amazing right?
What are you going to do?
>How are you?
Reminded me Alizee is jacked in the head
Happy bday to the best sw girl
What's wrong?
Well that makes your plans slightly bigger than mine! I've got about a half a day's work ahead of me planned and that's about it
Good morning Katenon!
A clean work environment is mandatory for maximum productivity.
go on
Morning! I just woke up not 20 mins ago, and slept really well. I hope you slept well too!
Absolute gem