Unpopular opinions thread: No trolling edition

Unpopular opinions thread: No trolling edition
>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated
>Imperialism should not be a dirty word
>Democracy should be
>there's nothing inherently wrong with racial discrimination in certain contexts
>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin
>all music made after 1950 is terrible
>hardcore pornography is degenerate
>softcore pornography is wonderful
>baseball is the best sport
>the minimum wage should be abolished
>19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen
>atheism is irrational
>learning classical languages is a more valuable exercise than learning modern languages

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>>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated

That's not '''unpopular'''. That's scientific.

If you graph the actual population data from any '''official source''', you get absurd figures that clearly don't sum up. Examples:
- African women giving birth to 6 children EACH SINGLE ONE OF THEM (already netted out mortality and other causes)
- immigration adding up everywhere, as if it came from nowhere

TLDR: we humans are probably half the actually claimed 7+ billions.

>>Imperialism should not be a dirty word
Ameriturd spotted

>>Democracy should be
because "exporting democracy" actually means "bombing"

All pornography is degenerate

this post makes no sense
the utility of bombing is often enormous

>atheism is irrational
The burden of proof lies not with the ahteist.

Your opinions are rightly unpopular because you're wrong and obviously a moron. Nice bait tho.

>democracy should be

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Burden of proof is a legalistic concept that no relevance to philosophical discussion.
Wow your logic has overwhelmed and I am now convinced you are correct. Thank you sir

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Your opinions are unpopular because they're about 150 years outdated. Fucking fag.

Homophobia is outdated

>No trolling edition

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Have sex, incels

Manson was right

>hurr durr I believe in some unreasonable shit but the burden of proof is on non-believers

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>7-Up is better than Sprite

Estoy de acuerdo con esto

Whatever it is you think makes no sense there is scientific proof for it.

This post is a copypasta. Kys.

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It means you can't prove any of your supernatural beliefs.
You can however disprove a lot of it.

1935-39 Germany was humanity's peak civilisation level. We have only massively degraded since then.

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>whites are not superior (but not iferior either)
>all races are of equal wortj but racism is good
>primitivism is the best ideology

Pure silliness. the existence of some kind of God is the viable explanation for the origins of consciousness

Kinda ironic that you'd favour a society where all the mentally retarded were euthanised


The material cannot produce the non-material

Imagine believing anything the (((Allies))) and (((comintern))) "documented" post-WWII.

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ah yes, Stalin and FDR, famous for their love of the Jews, you're only digging yourself a deeper hole /pol/tard

why not?

>>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin
That's unequivocal proof you're 12 years old.

He's being blackmailed by... uh... can't say such an anti-semitic thing.

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stay mad faggot. your time is coming.

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cool beans dude

>hurr duh jooz

Fucking Everyone did Communism at that time in the world.

the "da jooz" meme isn't dead yet?

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u wot m8?

Israel != all jews

For that matter, hitler killed mostly working class jews who were in the same position as everyone else in Germany before the nazi movement began.

Theism: because an all-powerful god is so much more likely than that.

Dr. Pepper is the king of soft drinks

nice try, Schlomo

great response
both can be true
but in reality

gr7 b7 m7 i r7 it 7/7

sorry, my 8 key is broken, but you get the picture

oh yeah for sure I agree with the 7-up post, sprite is lame

adulthood is realizing the existence of God is strange but the most likely of many strange options. Sorry if the universe ain't all neet and """""scientific""""" for ya

OK ill read your t-cell starved fuck-list here hmm..
First points.
The world is heavily overpopulated and full of trash everywhere. Its so bad that the run off is killing wildlife.

Imperialism is for sci-fi conventions, have a nice day at the con.

Democracy is a real cognitive way of life, there is nothing wrong with an elective process.

Racial Discrimination is a survival mechanism that is repeatedly proven a effective one.

Trump is busy to even to know what blackmail by a white person even is. Is that some plebi-form for welfare?

No music made was ever good. And promotes the onset of a satanized planet.

Hardcore pornography is a cult following with several people in celeb status

Softcore pornography is eccentric and for sheltered idiots.

Baseball was a favorite sport of Castro.

The mininum wage should be do your fucking job or die out.

19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary business men, this is how the mafia flourished.

Atheism is a computer programmed to kill, the very definition of logic.

Learning anything other than Board approved subjects is ritualism and promotes sadist ethnic cleansing.

Are you even woke?

Aside from the idiocy displayed of your post image, what does make a deity more reasonable then?

Agree with 1,2,3,4,7,9,10,11,12,13. Hi there Luke Smith!

this isn't a truth bomb, this is a truth MOAB

Explain how having more humans on this planet would make things better for whom and how.

"Overpopulation" is a blurry term, but we definitely have "enough" humans for the foreseeable future.

the inexplicability of several aspects of reality through purely material causes, to wit, this conversation.

>the minimum wage should be do your fucking job or die out

my god we are all fucked.

Like what?

Well most obviously, existing would be better for the additional, currently non-existing people, plus all their friends and relatives, at least on average Some people are miserable sad sacks who hate their lives, but most people enjoy living more than not. l

everything that human beings do that isn't focused on eating and reproducing, like making music, telling stories, playing games, and engaging in philosophical speculations like this very thread

the world cannot be underpopulated, what are you even measuring against? It can only be overpopulated because of minimum supply.

We could be 1 person on earth, and the only way that can be seen as underpopulated is that mankind would be over.

More than 1 and it's just in the process of growing?

utter nonsense

so many contradictory and confusing statements here... I give up

Underpopulated as in below what the earth could support before a marginal additional person lowers average living standards for those already alive.


People thinking OP wrote:

>Unpopular opinions that are TRUE thread:

when he actually wrote

>Unpopular OPINIONS thread:

The words of someone utterly ignorant of science. Humans simply cannot know with certainty that which we cannot measure; I will admit that I do not believe there is no god. There could be an infinite number of ways in which we came into existence, dividing one by infinity nets you an answer of zero. I don't put any stock in any one answer because it is equally as meaningless as any other if it can never be known. If we do find out the origin of the universe, great. Until then I remain skeptical of anyone saying they have an answer.
I believe that evolution can account for human consciousness. What suggests it doesn't?

I didn't know anyone could be as dumb as OP but oh boy.

Pro tip to both of ya. The US is an empire.

Then the original statement should be:

>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated if the standard of living is to be the same or better

There's motivation for growth added to the equation not apparent in the original text.

That said, constant growth (so we can lend money from future growth) will without doubt end sometime when the resources have been depleted.

"Overpopulation" is considered regarding the resources, seldom considered regarding living standards as only retards would focus on this moment and not the future.

sandwiches are better than pizza tbh

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About 10% of the responses I've received have been actual attempts to deal with the argument i've made. the rest are just either vague insults or ipse dixit fallacy.
Disappointing people

Physics describes a universe that evolves according to cause and effect. In newtonian physics (and in QM, with some complications), a particle does not change its velocity unless another particle hits it, or the two particles experience a mutual force between them. Gravitation, electrostatic attraction or repulsion, etc. When you say there's a designer, you are requiring that somewhere in space and time a particle was accelerated without physical cause, or matter was created, or energy was created, or some other physical event occurred without physical cause.

Unless you mean the big bang, you'll need to provide physical arguments. Cause and effect have been sufficient to explain just about everything human beings have ever observed. Where we're unsure, we have plausible hypotheses. For gravitation, we have multiple theoretical frameworks under investigating, like spacetime curvature possibly emerging from bulk quantum entanglement. For abiogenesis, we have a few promising biochemical hypotheses, like RNA world.

Consciousness appears to be purely the emergent result of activity in the brain. See Phineas Gage. See people who developed brain tumors and experienced drastic personality changes. "You" are persistent over time because you have working memory, short-term memory, and longterm memory. All your thoughts and perceptions consist of sensory information from whatever sensory modalities you were born with. You're conscious because that's the informational structure your brain generates.

we have large brains. We're social animals. Lots of the extra stuff we do is social. Everything humans do has an evolutionary basis.

>Consciousness appears to be purely the emergent result of activity in the brain.
If you can't break it down into brain english you don't really understand it

So how many fedoras do you own?

that is plain english.

Your consciousness consists of information, right? All of this information is reflected in the state of your brain at a given moment. Changing the state of the brain changes the state of your consciousness. You are conscious because the information of your consciousness exists.

this is a very elaborate non-sequitur, the mind is non-material

It's possible you might be right.
>most of the history of this country is secret
>making a no trolling post that involves history won't help your quest for answers.
>history in general is a troll, you benefit from reading between the lines.

no it's not.
>Changing the state of the brain changes the state of your consciousness. You are conscious because the information of your consciousness exists.
It exists in physical form. Your brain has hardware. You are the information represented on that hardware. You are conscious because that information exists.

>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated
Disagree, the fact that if we crammed everyone on earth into a hive city the size of Texas there would be lots more room does not make us over carrying capacity. Optimum population is ~2.5 billion
>Imperialism should not be a dirty word
There are good and bad examples of and aspects to imperialism so sort of agree
>Democracy should be
Democracy is not an inherent good but if it works for your local polity (it doesn't in the US) then fine
>there's nothing inherently wrong with racial discrimination in certain contexts
Of course
>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin
Russia conspiracy theories are fake and gay
>all music made after 1950 is terrible
Vaporwave and slasherwave-style synthwave are not, metal is occasionally okay
>hardcore pornography is degenerate
>softcore pornography is wonderful
>baseball is the best sport
>the minimum wage should be abolished
>19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen
Yes but only in that the society in which they lived was morally superior; the merchant class is inherently morally depraved
>atheism is irrational
>learning classical languages is a more valuable exercise than learning modern languages
Depends on your goal, but every English speaker should have a basic grounding in Latin and Greek vocabulary imo

I think Hitchens' razor applies here, even if there weren't a material basis for consciousness.

Somewhere between athiest and whatever here, agnostic maybe...

Remove the books, remove whatever has been said about "god" beforehand.

God is the cause to create something with a purpose, currently nothing has purpose (a word that we can discuss as well but let's not). "God" creates something that is perfect in the sense that it will always bring life. Life is this new purpose. It is made to spread, made to live and keep living. To face adversity and thrive, always evolving. Everything is made to make sense (reason/science) and nothing is made without the borders of science (made without a reason).

If there is a "god" a purpose, a cause, we would all be given free choice to work within this world of reason however we want.

This is the easy part of "god" imo, the hard part begins now with the contact between the living and "god". I would say religion has then misunderstood what are morals are if we are truly made in the image of the creator. Religion today is far more the connection between humans ONLY and nothing else, rather than the connection with that which made all of this, with it's cancer, it's hurricanes, it's rapists and killers...

Very sorry if I leave out too much making it hard to follow my line of thought on this subject.

>Hitchens' razor applies here
explain, i don't follow the work of heavily drugged Trotskyites too closely

I’ve never seen so many retarded statement in one post before

Congrats user you dribbler

>Russia conspiracies are fake and gay
How do you explain pic related then, Drumpflet?
Claims made without any evidence backing them up can be dismissed.

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>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated
This is not an unpopular opinion, it’s straight up stupid
>Imperialism should not be a dirty word
>Democracy should be
Democracy is a result of imperialism, dumbass
>there's nothing inherently wrong with racial discrimination in certain contexts
You have a point here, hell it worked for the romans
>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin
Tinfoil hat much
>all music made after 1950 is terrible
You obviously didn’t grow up in the 70s, again not unpopular, just uneducated
>hardcore pornography is degenerate
But it’s what we do irl. Why is watching it degenerate
>softcore pornography is wonderful
Yeah, I like tits too
>baseball is the best sport
Except, it’s boring af to watch. Soccer is the best ya fuckin dipshit.
>the minimum wage should be abolished
Yeah, people who work at McDonald’s shouldn’t make any money. They should just be happy there’s something for people with no ambition to do
>19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen
>atheism is irrational
Honestly dude, this statement is why I replied. I’m no atheist, but if you believe this you’re fuckin delusional. It’s human nature to question
>learning classical languages is a more valuable exercise than learning modern languages
Except, they’re not used in modern context and therefore has no value.

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"Purpose" implies intent. Your wrench has a "purpose" because you're holding it, because you use the wrench for some purpose.
When you say god exists because the world has a purpose, it's a circular argument. That's like saying you exist because your wrench has purpose.
The world does not have a purpose. Life does not have a purpose. There is no purpose outside the context of sentient organisms giving things purpose.

What you're doing is projecting your own subjective sense of purpose onto an inherently purposeless universe.

>Claims made without any evidence backing them up can be dismissed.
I dismiss this claim until evidence is presented

I didn't say I liked Trump. He's not as radical as he needs to be and he's woefully inadequate to the task of fixing the problems that face the country. That said, if you have illiberal tendencies (as he Mr. Magoo-ed his way into with A-B testing at rallies) you will come to find yourself admiring the Russian government.

When people who obsess over Russia "iNtErFeRiNG in OUr DeMoCrACy" obsess over Mexico and Israel in the same fashion I will give a fuck. Not before then.

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>. Soccer is
yeah a sport where 11 homosexuals kick a bladder around for 90 minutes, pretend to get injured and never score. Just riveting

Shut up pedro

>This is not an unpopular opinion, it’s straight up stupid
Why tho

Most of these arent opinions, youre just wrong. Its like saying the earth is flat, you might believe it but youre still wrong

>Except, they’re not used in modern contex
this is
1. Not true
2. If true, would be nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy.

No, you misunderstand 100%, I have good reason to assume you placed other peoples opinions on mine because of prior arguments you've had. I say that science is the purpose, it's the intent. I'm not saying love is our purpose or some crap like that. Us the humans aren't the focuspoint of the creation. Creation itself is.

Holy shit you sound like such a humongous cock gargling faggot.

>muh jooz AND muh browns
wew lad

>people who work at McDonald's shouldn't make any money. They should just be happy there's something for people with no ambition to do.
Are you joking?

You're essentially arguing that our society should not have dignity, and that human life does not have inherent worth.

This post is a troll wtf

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wow your logic is just overwhelming me

>muhh soviets!
I bet you unironically complain about fundamentalists too, you washed up retard.

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look man if you seriously can't tell the difference between hostile countries (Russia), semi-obedient client states (Mexico), and highly obedient client states (Israel) that's your problem not mine.

>hostile countries (Russia)
I like a lot of the way Russia does shit, but yeah, geopolitical rival.
>semi-obedient client states (Mexico)
uhh I guess, I'd call them hostile but unlike Russia they're not a serious country so their tactic is demographic
>highly obedient client states (Israel)
Imagine having this ass-backwards understanding of the America-Israel relationship lmao. Newsflash, Chomsky, if the client-suzerain model applies at all in that context it's the other way around. Britain is an example of a loyal client, not Israel.

>f the client-suzerain model applies at all in that context it's the other way around.

>no response, just has to pretend that America's golem status is just some laughable conspiracy theory
ok retard

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That's self-contradictory, but okay.

Begin totally wanted us to save Yasser Arafat's ass right?

It's not actually, Hitchens razor however is.

The Israelis sat back and watched while Saddam sent them gift packages labelled "SCUD" out of the goodness of their hearts?

Hitchens' razor isn't a law at any rate, I was just stating why I find that you don't have anything of value to say.

They haven't annexed the West Bank and abandoned Gaza because the hordes of Arab teenagers carrying slingshots are too much for them to handle?

>ipse dixit again
keep trying

I can't tell if this is a Semitic name or a typo. Anyway bringing up shit like Yasser Arafat and Cold War events in general is pretty disingenuous considering the status of Israel was in flux and the Jewish people had two potential carriers to attach themselves to.

Try criticizing Israeli involvement in American politics. Watch yourself get unpersoned on the right and slammed on the left, only saved by the fact that brown people in general think Jews are white and therefore hate Israel.

>They haven't annexed the West Bank
They haven't? Okay, retard. Also they're probably gonna rename the Golan Heights to the Dolan Heights on account of our retarded president, but America doesn't exist to benefit Israel amirite

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>Who is Menachem begin
>stop bring up evidence that contradicts my thesis
>what are the Oslo accords
"I literally know nothing about Israel or its history: the post"

>>what are the Oslo accords
Shit that Israel doesn't care about and violates freely?

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>If I type it on the internet that makes it true!

>muh historical justifications
Yeah I know you weird fuckers have a book that tells you you have a divine right to all of the land between the Nile and the Euphrates, but I can tell you about the behavior of Israel in relation to America and America's behavior in relation to Israel for the last 30 years and it's definitely not a case of Israel existing for America's benefit lmao

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>onsidering the status of Israel was in flux and the Jewish people had two potential carriers to attach themselves to.
also your lack of knowledge of the Soviet Union's views on Zionism is pretty fucking hilarious since all you can do is spout washed propaganda they spread throughout the world

also your lack of knowledge of the Soviet Union's longheld position on Zionism is pretty fucking hilarious

:settles in your country:

Something something "Zionism vs. Bolshevism"
Also more specifically the Soviet position on Israel (which changed, but the position you refer to) existed in part because the Soviet Union -already was a Jewish state,- and then later created one within its borders

Cry about Stalin somewhere else lole

>Stop debating using facts that's no fair!
/pol/ltards continue to earn their reputation. have a nice night Ahmed

I'm not stating that as a fact, it's my opinion. Feel free to change my mind.

>we're just a client state goy, honest!
>"uh so what exactly do you do for us because it seems like we do your bidding and not the other way around"
>shut up goy, learn your history, owned with facts and logic!
ok kike lol
I guess that explains your obsession with Russia too

oh my god the brave keyboard warrior called someone a kike oh my go he's so powerful and brave!

umad lole

>No trolling edition
