The guys are the same color. that's all I have to say

The guys are the same color. that's all I have to say.

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Other urls found in this thread:

omg did u just assume their races



you're missing the point user. We should all be ashamed that this is a picture of real people.

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More importantly, we are all real people. People living in a mentally created fantasy world are a danger to us all. any user may bullshit themselves to some degree, But where others see a fandom..... We see a cult.

>Is politics a fandom?
>Is it an interesting fandom?
>Are fandoms a good idea?

I say no to a curtain extent. prove me wrong.

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It's all over user. America had it good and now the sun is setting on us. It's been fun guys. I'll see you on the battlefield.

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I actually own a sword and wonder how useless it is. I bet 9/10 I'll be shot the minute I pull it.

Society will break down as the economy collapses and the government we trusted with our safe keeping run away to their private islands and bunkers. The Collapse is coming my brothers and sisters. Are you ready?

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I don't think things are as crazy as they make it seem online and on TV. The number of crazy people are a huge minority. And most people know what's real, they just don't spend as much time on social media so you never hear from them.

I'm fairly certain we will be fine my friend.

Trump is the result of the division, not the cause.

After that fucking hearing today, I tend to agree.

Pokemon is a pleb tier anime

I agree. what a pleasure it is to know the pleb is nuts but we need not be involved. We can chill with a beer cooler and just watch the hot action

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not 1 american is going to start a civil war because they are paranoid of not being able to argue online

Being able to argue online is an American meme. Nobody would ever dare stop it due to PR potential

>BTW /pol/ fag detected. I would say GTFO but you should stay in this thread because you know history.
We are doomed, sheeple. Prepare yourself for Civil War 2. We already went past the tipping point years ago.

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Honestly dude iv come across like only 10 people in the last 4 years who were extreme political crazies, and that's with me spending 3 of those years in college. And they certainly aren't people who are well equipped to make any type of change to their own crappy lives, never mind a society.

It's been a trend over the past few years but it will die out. It always does.

They are going after the core values the country was built on and demonizing white people at a literal Hitler level. Rule of law is breaking down and people are getting madder by the day. Not a good recipe for peace.

Dear god I hope. We all have to live in this shithole together. we might as well laugh about it rather than go to rallies.

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Most of us are bust taking care of our own lives. We have jobs, families, goals, careers, stuff that really matters. It's usually people who have nothing of substance in their lives who get involved in the extreme stuff.

Humans are met to struggle. And if we don't have anything to struggle with to feel like we have meaning, we start to make up stuff to struggle with.

We aren't going to lose our core values because we as people hold the values.

As long as we keep taking care of our own shit, and keep trying to better ourselves and pass those values to our kids, we will be fine and the foolish people will end up fading out.

Pokémon sucks ass. The girl's ass is nice tho.
>don't mind if hoes like pleb shit
>wanna get the hoes into memeing good shit
>be nice to hoes and infect them with Yea Forums ideology
>Hoes hate their real oppressors (which are actually older women who don't fuck, not men of any color)
Yea Forums style free thought becomes main stream.
> Bye universities
>Hello something interesting

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>We should all be ashamed
You mean THEY should be ashamed.
It's our job to shame them.
But that's racist.

yessir Yea Forumsoi

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based. i've unironically already moved to Canada. USA is done.

Political, not political, that doesn't tell me what I need to know right now...
Honestly- Am I the only American that didn't know Stephen Miller was Jewish?

Only if you are butthurt and/or a nigger.
>you are right tho.. sadly

>Civil War 2
what are you fags even mad about. i've yet to see one of you lefties or righties unambiguously and succinctly say what you're mad about. i'm convinced it's baby rage that's destroying your shithole country.

Is Canadian healthcare as awesome as everybody says its is? I have friends in Toronto I've considered a move many times!

wouldn't know, I couldn't afford health care in the US and haven't been to the doctor yet in Canada.

...Well, you know, ever since they declared Diaper Rash a pre-existing condition...

I'm Canadian and I can say that when it comes to our Healthcare, you get what you pay for.

In my city we are way understaffed for hospitals. Going to the emergency room gets you an 8 hour wait to see a doctor it's ridiculous.

Glad ur healthy user. after watching both my parents die before I was 25 I doubt my own toughness sometimes.

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That would be nice, but we're apparently past that. Did you not see that hearing today on 'white nationalism'? It basically boiled down to, if you are against globalism and try to object to it verbally or online, you are a neo-Nazi and need to be prosecuted as such. I highly doubt they will get anything through about it at this time, but their agenda is crystal clear. The entire room seemed to be jews and the closest thing white people had to a voice was a black woman that hated the left as well and they even treated her like shit.

He didn't start the fire but he's adding fuel

they both look like jews to me (trump's base)

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Pretty certain you lot were divided when Obama was in

All white countries are on the same path, the US just has much more stubborn people, that are not going to easily be lulled to sleep by the MSM.

>I doubt my own toughness sometimes.

See guys, even batman doubt's himself occasionally. We are all allowed down days. e believe in you batman!

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It's dumb to assume they don't all hangout
>but do they all like each other?
I doubt it

*rube oil all over body sensualy*
Fuck user, I feel sexy. I thin I'm gunna make it

I'm glad whites are so impotent that they can't reproduce. They'll be minorities soon.

I'm voting for trump though, I want him to kick his retards off welfare and end medicare/healthcare and social security. His voters will be decimated, and America needs them to be decimated.

tl;dr fuck trump's base by voting for him in 2020!

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It started after the dems got shellacked in the midterms of 2010 and erupted into the PC/SJW bullshit in 2012. It's 100% all them, but they just can't or wont see it.

it's like 1905 all over again, except back then, the Protocols of Zion were a Russian hoax, instead of the New Normal.

OP here,

>Be me
>start really bad thread
>have great discussion
>much love

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Only persuasive argument I've ever heard for voting Rump State Murika. Just never going to be that passive aggressive, personally.

We should all read more about WW1. It affects you today user, believe it or be comfortable

old candace owens? she's veen verbose in her support of Adolph Hitler, kid.
trump and his base are literally all racist black/Hispanic/white nationalists.

says the anti-science/anti-intellectual retard

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Acutely aware, unfortunately. I haven't been 'comfortable' since '98.

>not knowing that trump is a Zionist on steroids
>trump has the most jewish cabinet in US history


We shouldn't be worried about who was present. What they did was enough. These people don't care about humanity.

This guy gets it

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sun & moon is actually pretty great

they just rapped the line "let's get high" in the most recent episode during guzma's introduction

Canada leans farther progressive than the US. Personally, I think the left-leaning politics (besides environmentalism) are the death of the classical western philosophy that gave rise to the modern world. So from that angle, Canada is further along the line of destruction than the US, US is just rattling more because there are a lot more people ready and willing to say "FUCK YOU"

Which, from the outside, looks like racial tension, which is apparently bad. From the inside of someone on the right-wing, it's basically a matter of "Stop injecting yourself into my life or goals. Stop making me toe a line just to avoid offending your sensibilities. Unless I kill someone, leave me alone and let me have the shit that I earned."

Dude we lived through the 60’s. It’ll be fine. America will change and fall out of top dog status. Life is impermanence.

MFW my grandpa explains shit that affects me now
MFW I know why he drinks

> pour me some whiskey oldfag, I luv u

And they're all globalists, too. Yes. I know. Used to laugh about it. It's less funny now. Getting less so daily.

>Civil War 2
That's a logistical impossibility. Prior to the civil war the states were functionally sovereign and had their own state militias whose first loyalty was to that state. They also had localized economies which were mostly self-sufficient but revolved around a handful of major trade industries which dealt mostly with other states. State governments could declare secession backed by their state militias and be secure that their state economies would hold. None of that is true anymore. The National Guard has replaced the state militias and every town economy relies heavily on interstate and international trade. All the Federal government has to do to bring any renegade state to heel is blockade them from interstate shipping (e-commerce, anyone?) and air traffic until the populous overthrows the state politicians so their little lives can go back to normal.

No u

>America will change and fall out of top dog status
And this is fine, needed if anything. The elites trying to play god to prevent it, is what's going to end in pain for everyone though.

So you get domestic terrorist insurgency and political assassinations instead.

I think that's probably the main reason the US hasn't tried to stamp out the cartels. The second US directs any particular policy towards it, random families in texas, new mexico, and arizona are gonna get murdered and beheaded live on facebook.

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sounds like you don't have much to say. you're welcome for the reply, and thank you for making dead space on Yea Forums.

you better do arm day, vaginas got some girth nowadays

I don't think we are past anything in my opinion. A majority if us know bullshit when we hear it, and it's clear that there is decrease in how much people are tolerating all of the extreme identity race political crap. Major companies and corporations are taking hits for that kind of stuff more often now because of this stuff, hence the whole "get woke, go broke" thing.

A loud minority of people supporting the current political climate doesn't get rid of the quite majority that doesn't support it.

In Canada we have an actual law that states that you can be jailed for refusing or mislabelling someone's gender identity. Now at first glance it seems like the left has you by the balls, but what will happen to the person who puts someone in jail because they didn't like how they were referee to? They will become an outcast, because nno one wants to associate with a petty person like that.

Also, I seen on Facebook last year a girl from my old high school who identifies as a guy, went to a male barber shop to get a cut. They said sorry we only do guys. Instead of explaining herself, she was a huge dick about it and tried to put the business on blast on the local news. EVERYONE on Facebook called her out on her bullshit.

Stuff like that is the reason why I believe we are all going to be OK. Because we underestimate the number of us that still have our wits about us

Yer mad too admit it. They are showing this garbage to your children...

>I don't have children user, stop being a moralfag

It's funny til it happens to a loved one.

>All the Federal government has to do to bring any renegade state to heel is blockade them from interstate shipping (e-commerce, anyone?) and air traffic until the populous overthrows the state politicians so their little lives can go back to normal
This what we call a tipping point. The shot would hit the fan if this happened and accelerate division.

I’m not of the mind that America is heading for a civil war. I have guns. I believe in dying for the right cause. But the fact is the average American is far too comfortable and combat is something most people, me included, don’t have the chops for unless there is absolutely no other alternative. We aren’t even close.

The situation you described though? Hello Civil War 2 succesion boogaloo

You and I aren’t on the same side faggot. I just except inevitable change. You think communism will work THIS time.

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Just the continuation of a trend. It was more than it had been for a while under Obama too.
The fall of colour blindness and egalitarianism in favor of "wokeness", identitarianism and obsession with equity.

Maybe, but even that is unlikely. The closest you'll probably get is a rebellious popular movement like the anti-war protesters in the Vietnam era, which led to politicians deciding they needed to change policy if they wanted to get re-elected. The only scenario in which it would be more advantageous to take the path of open rebellion in a democracy is if whatever change you want to make would be unacceptable to the overall majority. And history has shown us that when a drastic change has popular support you reach the point where politicians are willing to concede for re-election reasons long before you reach the point where commoners pick up rifles.

accept *

Not that other user, but go ahead... Show me on the doll where the Commie Under Your Bed touched you.

lol no, the US would go in before with Marine Fore Recon Spec Ops and determine who all the players are, political/police, cartel bosses/families et al, and you kill 'em all. Just like Shock and Awe.
Mexico's a very poor nation and poorly-armed, you get FLIR aircraft flying up and down the borderline 24/7 and A-10's.

And I agree with the aforementioned poster, the notion of a second civil war is impossible.

As a Canadian I think I should clear up that from the people I have met personally, we are definitely not a lefty country.

A lot of people are not happy with Trudeau and his bullshit.

Whatever they paste on TV does not represent us, so we are there with you in terms of push back

I wonder if there was ever a betting pool on "will communism work?" and the ones that lost got firing squaded

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Long suspected Canada in fact isn't cucked. Explain CanadAnon, it benefits us all

>I have guns
you'd die by a C-130 Spooky strike, an Abrams tank, an Apache, or an A-10 son
You wouldn't have the chance to engage someone in small arms fire if you took up arms against the federal govt en masse.


and your faggy little militia's done

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>when they have no more buzzwords.....


Pick a French revolution. Any French revolution.

>Where did you serve user?
>Are you full of shit?

I'd say guilty. Boomer detected

>The situation you described though? Hello Civil War 2 succesion boogaloo
It's secession, not succesion. Also the situation I described is the exact reason it WON'T happen. No state economy can survive seceding, it's economic suicide.

This, basically. I'm not anti-gun by any means, but your 2nd amendment rights won't actually protect you from the modern government. If you want to do that, you need to learn chemistry.

Fuck. argument lost. That's pretty accurate

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>you'd die by a C-130 Spooky strike
Sure faggot. After the economy comes to a grinding halt and the 21 year old arming the fucker is told “Hey we don’t have a paycheck for you to feed you family at home but load up more arms to kill your neighbors” I’m sure that won’t stop. And let’s talk about the damage air strikes would do to a military destroying its own infrastructure and tax base.
>hey guys let’s bomb our refineries and factories and kill the people staffing it
I know faggot I know but all this shit takes manpower to get here.
>an Abrams tank,
Kek. Those are effective after they’ve been commandeered by the defectors. How do you not know the military is overwhelmingly right?
>an Apache, or an A-10 son
Yeah I just talked to the guy tonight who fixes those and knows how to fly em. Good guy. Fellow 2a supporter.
>You wouldn't have the chance to engage someone in small arms fire if you took up arms against the federal govt en masse.

Uh huh. Just ask all guerrilla groups who have done just that.

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The better question for all of this is, what countries do you think would support the cuck lefts and which would support the trash right?

>harping on me about grammar in the age of phone posting
Ok faggot you win im not doing this with you.

Honestly if you watch Jordan Peterson debating, he pretty much sums up how a lot of people feel on the issues. We don't need a bunch of ideological crap mucking up our values and politics.

That's why they seemed to try and turn him into a villain.

He clearly stated that on a 1 to 1 personal basis, he has no problem referring to someone as a certain gender if they ask. Which i think most people would do, cuz its a decent way to treat people.

However, he drew a line at the law forcing citizens to have to bend to whoever demands it, and for that, they tried to label him as a transphobic nazi.

Most of us In Canada and the US are the same. Just worrying about our own lives and families and bettering ourselves. And we prefer if some people weren't trying to fuck up everything around us.

Go bust your knuckles on an Apache and keep us safe. This isn't /helicopters/ Although there should be a board for helicopter pilots cuz they are some awesome dudebros

Here's the issue with with the 'but the military has hardware' argument. If you wish to frame this as a viable and overwhelming advantage you must first assume that firstly, no elements of the military who make use of said hardware would choose to defect during a civil war, secondly, that no such staging locations for such vehicles would not be captured during an initial engagements while they're all located within easy walking distance of the population at large, and thirdly, you must assume that these advantages meant that Vietnam and Afghanistan were overwhelmingly simple, one sided affairs where the insurgent opposition was put down effectively and permanently.
Should you say that the first two are untrue, then you ignore the historical tendency for any nationalized force to suffer severe defections and abandonments of post in times of civil war, but also that Vietnam and Afghanistan weren't embarrassing, pointless, longwinded failures.

Spelling, actually.

Was he able to prove this?

Prove which part?

I'm sure it's on YT, somebody linked a stream to it here earlier yesterday. 'House hearing on white nationalism' will likely find it.

You are correct. I remember back in the 90's hearing about a survey among the military where soldiers were asked how they'd respond if their CO ordered them to fire on civilians and something like 85% said they'd fire on the CO. In the highly unlikely hypothetical scenario of an open hostile revolution there would certainly be dissent among the military. My point was not that military hardware made revolution inviable, it was that AR-15s aren't going to be what matters.

That his points were true (they are) He must've exposed something worth you an me's time if they labeled him a nazi

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When asked cold, in an interview room, with time to think, people are going to respond differently to when they're in the field, having orders they're conditioned to follow yelled at them, worried about their own life...

History shows that the military WILL fire on civilians, even unarmed civilians, in the right circumstances.

I grew up in a town that was swamped by illegal immigration. Our Dad kept moving us north to get away from it, until he was driving 2 hours a day to get to work. You can't just stick your head in the ground and whistle happy tunes, it certainly can affect you.

>He must've exposed something worth you an me's time if they labeled him a nazi
Mate, you just have to breathe "wrong" these days to be called a nazi.

either way, thanks user I'll read up. that's why I come here

I'm pretty sure it was just that he was one of the first to openly oppose the law. And it was at a campus protest where protesters called him names and took tons of videos trying to expose him as a nazi or whatever. But it turns out a majority of people felt the same way as him and he blew up.

>This has happened before
>It's worth documenting
>there is a pattern

Free thinking takes effort my man. Thanks for the refs this stuff is all worth a second look

I absolutely agree. But I don't think people are just doing nothing. They make moves, and push back, and place votes, but they don't talk about it in public forum. Partly because they have other priorities, and partly because they don't want to be called a nazi or whatever.

I mean that's kind oof why people were surprised when trump got elected. Because all the load people were so busy screaming Hilary, they didn't think about all the people that aren't screaming. That's just an example of people keeping to themselves and acting on things.

Why did you capitalize commie under your bed? Are you one of those tards that struggles not to capitalize every word in a sentence?

Wtf do people even do with themselves anymore.

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-You really this new? Or are you LARP'n?

Well, as you can see, electing Trump meant shit all. So voting doesn't work and talking about it could get you arrested. Doesn't leave much on the table, does it?

People? We still HAVE those? I thought we just had a bunch of products coded to match certain brand appearances and appeals.

Are you really this gay? Or just a nigger?

so easy to mistake the two isn't?

>electing Trump
>voting doesn't work
Um...that is how he got elected. The system didn't want him. The media didn't want him, the democratic party didn't want him, even the republican party didn't want him winning the primary. He's in the White House specifically because voting *does* work.

>trolled by uncle sam
>at least he's probably a well read good dude bro
>worth redpilling

trump has nothing to do with the government. Trump has everything with pissing people off support the government.

Troll hard user. Nobody will do it for us.

*people that support the government*. god im trashed janitors kill this stupid thread already

>The system didn't want him
Key word here - "didn't".
The establishment (as in, the institutions, beaurocracy, and rich & powerful) have adjusted and learned to "manage" him. Forget the screaming politicians, that's part and parcel of the show.

Aww but I want to hear more wite peepl tell me how wonderful Jordan Goebbe- er, Peterson is.

I wasnt referring to trump as being an kind of vehicle for change, just using the election as an example of how under the surface the world had no idea trump would get elected because everyone who voted for him was quiet about it. Because all the loud people were screaming Hilary all over media, everyone just kind of assumed that's how everyone felt.

But there are lots of ways people make moves big and small. Voting with your wallet for example is very effective. Voting against certain laws or bills. Choosing not to believe someone is evil or a nazi just because someone else says so.

And I know that sometimes moves we make can only do so much, but at the end of the day people hold the real values. And from what I been seeing they are tolerating the bullshit less and less.

Unfortunately I have to get some sleep, but it was good talking to you my friend.

Dear god your all are gunna make me watch this devolve. Fuck it I'll stay up, Yea Forums is the shit.

At the fault of the left, they are the ones making everything about race and gender, to them there is nothing more important.
The American left pushes the same type of identity politics that the KKK used to push.

My point was, yes he was elected, but instantly tossed 'America First' out the window and brought in all jews bent on the destruction of the west. The simple fact that the 1% owns all media and pay for every candidate to get elected, means our votes are trash. We are going to get who they want no matter what and no matter what theatrics go on in campaigns.

>but can't show interacial violence to prove it.
>not a lot really exists
>#fuckwhitepeople anyway

where's the actual journalism I ask?

Sure thing, user. Sleep well.

preciate the convo bub

Except, as far as I can tell, it's not "The Left" pushing this. It's the funding machine that the Messianic Death Cults put together during Moral Majority days. Hardly Lefties, by any figuring. Sure, angry clueless college kids yell, but they have no money to speak of. They're not the target audience even. You're looking at the wrong enemy, just like they want you to. Because then you buy more stuff, and don't try too hard to get money out of politics. Particularly SaviorBuxx.

Some people adhere to political philosophies the same way people used to do so to religions. Best examples is how some liberals will just start reciting liberal talking points like they are scripture. The Republicans do the same thing as well, the liberals are just more of a problem now.

trump's been Israel's president.

he hasn't done 1 thing for the US. I'm not voting for that sack of shit again. I had to pay $3000 on my tax return

>brought in all the jews

DUDE! Are you blind and deaf? The Jews were there all along! The Steves, the Mercers, Yid the Kid Kushner, all the globalist banker dudebro golfing buds, Big Gay Cohn... He's been their man for a very VERY long time.

He didn't "Bring The Jews In" after the election, they came pre-loaded.

BINGO, trump the globalist jewbilee came as a globalist Israel-firster

his retarded base can't see him for what he is.
>mfw they think he's pro-white nationalist

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>b b but Obama hated Israel! We NEED trump, Israel's our best ally! - Stephen Miller 2019

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Oh, but he hates whites greatly, too. If they're great whites.

he loves their money and votes though

...He never could say "No" to a Benjamin...

or bruce!

Attached: trump 4 fags.png (277x182, 93K)

>media constantly creates a narrative of factions fighting against eachother
>constantly, numerous times a day, writes anti trump and highly political stories
>that same media: omg why are people so divided??

>under Trump
Is this meant to imply that it's his fault somehow?
Why phrase it that way otherwise?

One doesn't say "No" to a Bruce. One says:


>owns all media and pay for every candidate to get elected
>our votes are trash
>after acknowledging that the media and machine didn't want Trump
Our votes elected someone the machine you think is all-powerful didn't want.

This thread should be printed and attached in every major square in the world outside the US to function as a healthy reminder about how processed meals actually kill your braincells.

There is going to be no civil war 2, you massive bunch of ameritards. There's going to be nothing. The only thing that is going to happen is you are all going to shut the fuck up and gargle up the inevitable recession era you're up to face from the economical point of wiew.

The world is sick about your retardness. Nobody would ever step into a country where there is a serious chance go be shot if you meet the wrong lardass. Nobody wants your deranged stuff such as gender fluid mutant creatures roaming the streets or the massive amount of science deniers, anti-vax, or worst yet, the obnoxious amount of (self-proclaimed) christians with their insufferable bigotry, to the point that the very nation who stepped onto the Moon has people who actually think the Earth is flat.

You're what separates the world from a global era of peace and prosperity, you and (((those))) you like to worship, and as a foreigner, even if I despise them, I actually think the chinese are better and are due to be the only superpower that is going to truly influence the lifestyle of the whole world in the years to come.

The world under the States influence is a failure just as much your country is. It is time to leave you alone, and for you to do the same. Encrust your assholes in your chair and don't ever move away from there. Stay in the US and rot along your hellhole. Let the world evolve without your pathetic eccesses and fucking diaappear from history, without any honor.

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Goodness! Someone just doesn't appreciate all the wonderful Liberty and Freedom we bring to the world through our tireless efforts.
(NoEmpire, dude/b/ro.)

The only thing you bring up is havoc to any population you "visit", along with the stink of the shit smeared inside your pants, you fucking greaseball.
Eat shit & die.

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Well, okay, then... Spent several hours actually reading Jordan Peterson essays and such, and now both the thread and the night are nearly over.
I feel like I should at least get a fedora with a neat little Jungian cross on it for my troubles.

So, My point is, how is inciting fear of "Cultural Marxism" in any way better than, or even different from, fanning other identity issues?

Oooh. I'll remember your words while I enjoy the lion's share of your country's finest resources and tech laborers.

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You're one sad fuck.. anti-vaxx you say? Go inject yourself with all the baby parts and pig parts you want. Christians you say? Wait, didn't Jesus go around washing feet, healing and spreading love? We're glad you're not here. Good luck!

Not That Guy, but the way you just brought up six or so really gnarly fetishes in that one post was kind of amazing. The trilby I don't have is nevertheless off to you.

fuck wypipo

Nice try hahahaha. All you have are assumptions and character assassination attempts :(

>fuck wypipo
That is the ultimate solution to the privilege problem, yes.

Um, that was an honest compliment, I thought it was intentional, like you were playing 4/d/ chess.

Actually they might be transrace. Check yourself.

Lol hey why don't you assume some more? That'll get them on your side, yeah!

Didn't know they were on another side. Aren't we all Yea Forumsrothers here? If you cut us, do we not bleed?

declaring oneself liberal or conservative is retard level close-minded we can all agree on that right?

I saw Spock play that once.

what are you? a liberal?

Oh look a liberal REEEEEing in a person's face.......

Nothing to see here Yea Forumsros.


nah just a dude that realizes that i can have opinions on both sides. go abortion, gun control will always be a failure, and there are only 2 genders but a ton of attention seeking weirdos out there

Bottom line:

Free anything is shit.
The more we get taxed, the worse off we're going to be
The more we have monopolies/big corporations, the worse off we're going to be
The more they take away your right to defend yourself, the worse off we're going to be

You just have be take this from a logical perspective.
Why do you think the rich want you to not have a choice and give away all your money through taxes?
Why do you think the rich want you to not start your own businesses and own all the patents for everything?
Why do you think the rich want you to love criminals who are keep you occupied and oppressed inside your house and stop you from fighting back?

When are lefties going to wake up and realize that everything from the last 20 years that the left has shilled to hell has actually been a detriment to your well being? You don't think they're laughing at you when you're $200,000 in debt with a useless degree?

Attached: tumblr_nuzs3vfoxB1u8bprdo1_540.jpg (540x392, 37K)

didnt go to college? what color walls are in your moms basement?

i did go to college idiot

wow good job democrats

then you probably realize that a useless degree only exists if you get it in a useless or oversaturated field.


Eh? I don't remember anyone doing all that, Left or otherwise. And I've never owned my own gun, but I'm perfectly comfortable in urban settings. Where are all these dangerous criminals that I keep hearing about from the Alt? Not so much as a spooky scary skellington says boo to me.
Mind you, I have been run off my rural farmland at riflepoint by clueless white guys LARPing as badass marauders, but that doesn't fit the dialogue, so I won't bring it up.

because white people playing Hispanics and other ethnicities in tv/movies and in this case news media has been a thing for a long time. it's the only way white people can actually accepts them and identify with their cause.

"racially divided under Trump" does not mean racically divided BECAUSE of trump. The left has just driven this idea of orange man racist and now the blacks just think shit is worse for them than it is. "Whitey is suppressing us!" I mean yeah, but only because whitey just caught you looting a sneaker store.

You seem completely unaware of the fact that racist idiots like you are more vocal now that someone who you think is like you is president of the united states. Now you all came out of hiding and have shown yourself for who you are. There was never any white nationalist movement until Trump came into being. Now you're backtracking because you're not entirely sure if Trump is on your side. It's really pathetic and sad.

>never any white nationalist movement until Trump

...Nope. Never.
(Heh. Capcha made me pick statues.)

Attached: kkk1925.jpg (800x506, 89K)

SMH, here's a statue for ya.

Attached: Facepalm_statue.jpg (1024x683, 102K)

Facepalm For Great Justice.

That's what happens when you constantly try to divide the people. They get angry for no reason and start fighting each-other like the rabbid dogs they are.

Color is the most important.