I'm 20 and I've been secretly bisexual since middle school.
I have a pretty attractive gf and do things to her that I wish a guy would do to me..
I think about sucking dick almost everyday.
Should I tell my gf this or should I try to find a guy to do things in secret with.
Also am I gay for getting turned on pretending I was her when she's giving me a blowjob or while I fuck her?
I'm 20 and I've been secretly bisexual since middle school
Staying closeted is worse than anything being out will cause. Go get you some dick user.
Tell her you have some bisexual tendencies that you might want to explore, and see if she'll fuck you with a strapon or something like that.
Have a threesome with a bi guy. He'll fuck her but you'll get to suck him off
I'm not letting anyone else but me fuck her
But you're willing to cheat secretly? Nice
1. Get Grindr
2. Find a hunk (preferably a black one as they have superior genitals)
3. Arrange a meeting with said hunk
4. Fulfil your fantasies
>I've been secretly bisexual since middle school.
What happened in middle school?
Well I've always been a little gayer than most but in middle school I stared having crushes on boys
You should tell her. Cause if she’s not cool with that, YOU gotta be cool with letting her go if this is what you really need. There are plenty of people in the world, some other chicks would accept this and even be attracted to this. But be upfront. Also present some research. Kinsey scales and shit, to help reassure the normalcy of it all.
I knowww but I really love her and would hurt me a lot to lose her
If you can't communicate then the relationship will die. It might take 6 months, maybe 25 years.
Also you obviously are willing to cheat. Maybe you need some time to yourself. Find out who you are.
>secretly bi
>have gf
>wants to suck dick
>am I gay bros?
No your fuckin bi you said so yourself right at the start
Well it's not that I want to cheat but I want to see if I enjoy it or if its something that would be better than being with a girl
Maybe fish for her opinion on playing with a guy’s asshole through manipulating your words if you’re afraid she’s not on board, but most girls wouldn’t drop you if you tell them how you feel bi so I wouldn’t worry about it.
My ex would love to stick her fingers in my ass and suck me off so i was lucky i guess.
Lots of girls are into it, others arent, but i also think how nice of a butt you have may sway her willingness
But I feel like I might like guys moreif I try being with one
Ok but I don't really want her to do anything to my butt. I really only just want to suck dick
Would you fuck another guys butt though?
I just want to suck a big, black dick. Why can't I do it? What if my girlfriend doesn't like bi and gay guys? What do I do then?
Fucking learn to reply to posts nigga
I feel like my gf would accept me but fear she'll see me as less manly or something
Well no I wouldn't
You are not gay. You are a straight-acting closet bisexual. As for what you do, that depends upon how it is between you and your girlfriend, open or committed, relationship-wise.
Nigger faggot