You fuckers can argue on everything. So here's a dustbin

You fuckers can argue on everything. So here's a dustbin.

Attached: plastic-dustbin-500x500.jpg (332x500, 25K)

That is a nice blue dustbin.

That's a nigger disposal

that blue dustbin looks like shit

If thats what you want to use it for, go ahead.

That's a wheelie bin you fuck

Dust- bin? Why not just bin or trashcan


That's not a dustbin. It's a .jpg

Whatever the fuck you want to call it, we can atleast agree that it is blue, hopefully.

Oh shit didn't realize it was blue. We use the teal ones for niggers.

It's a trash receptacle.

why is it so neon? it should be white, like the normal bins

Ah, a nigga baby washing tub.

That, my sirs, is a salad spinner.

nah, you gotta use one of those bigger buckets with the huge ass rope handles for those. otherwise not enough water to clean the black off of it.

Spacebucket yo

what the fuck is a dustbin? ive never seen anything like that before in my life. why is the lid shaped like that? seems like it would be hard to grasp and open and close???


That's some serious anti-Semitism, fam.


Y'all niggas wrong and stupid. That's an aquamarine laundry basket.

Teal is a type of blue, isnt it?

Who the fuck would store dust??

The fuck is a dust bin that's a damn trash can

You mean TRASHCAN. Speak American.

Attached: 994864_559394314115137_1510976569_n.jpg (500x375, 28K)

So it's something you store your dust in?

Ok, but, which is superior, that piece of scrappy plastic, or THIS?

Attached: Trashcan.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Dustbin? Only dust goes in there? No crumbs? ? Nail clippings? Hair? Just dust?

Thats green

i feel like teal is equal amounts of blue and green idk. maybe it is more blue

You're all a bunch of retard crack whores, its obviously turquoise.

Are you blind

Bet you pronounce the S, don't you, shit-for-brains?

OP here, the metal ones can corrode in their lifetime. Better plastic.

How the fuck do you say it without pronouncing the S

>their lifetime of storing feathers and small bits of paper

Yeah until you throw something heavy in it and the plastic brakes

Public school retard. Illinois...say the S, don't you, shit-for-brains?

>dust bin
You mean garbage can

We were all having a great time, then this dustbin shows up.

Such a nice yellow dustbin

Why wouldn't you?

OP here, this kind of threads will exist until i burn all the synonyms for everyday objects. In american and british english.
Wish me luck.

It's teal.

You're so fucking stupid you can't even put a lid on a bucket. Just once I'd like to come home to a hot meal and a quiet night, but NOOOO, you're here playing with a fucking rubber bucket. I swear to god, Karen. You couldn't pour piss out of a fucking boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

Obviously the metal ones. Duh.