You fall in love, you lose

You fall in love, you lose.

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It's fookin raw!

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Dear sweet fucking christ

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patrick star is my favourite character

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You're welcome

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lol burger, no wonder why you dying

Three helpings of diabetes, 6 heart attacks, and one stomach cancer. Fantastic!

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i'm so fucking confused by this

is... is that real?

Yeah, she posts on reddit. I forgot her username but it's Jay something. She uses penis pumps and can suck her own dick.

Probably. People inject their sacks with saline solution to get this effect.

Yea Forums really doesn't post weird shit much anymore, huh?

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excuse me..what, no, why the fuck is that?

huh. cool beans.

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I lost, I cannot say I hate corgis, they are my favorite dog and I want to get one once I can get a place that allows them

ah, the /ck/ meet-up from a few years back
good times


>fat amerilard detected