Pathetic 21 year old man crying alone in my room on my birthday ask me anything/ give me a reason not to an hero

Pathetic 21 year old man crying alone in my room on my birthday ask me anything/ give me a reason not to an hero

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You've got another 60 years or so ahead of you. That's plenty of time for things to pick up.

Of course, I don't really like other people so being alone on my birthday isn't something I'd cry about anyway.

if youre crying, why do you need cocaine? Sounds like the worst time to use it tbh

and ummm, cant really recommend a reason to live if i dont know anything about you. other than you enjoy depression and cocaine.


Not on cocaine atm just don’t have any other pictures been sober from coke for two years though

You got coke. Do some knife hits of weed now. You might forget about killin.

Not crying cause I’m alone just because of my life

thats not cocaine its heroin

Hey it's my 21st birthday too, ur my birthday twin n therefore can't be a faggot and scum up the day for us both

I had a crappy 20s, hit the skids in my 30s, but I'm having a great start to the 40s. Life is shit, get used to it.

Shit man Ever made a bunch of chocolate pudding and just fucked it?

ah. well as a depressive person the only drugs that i fuck wit nowadays are weed and dissos.

why are you like this? what do you want? a job? a gf? independence from space and time?

got a closer picture of that card?

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LolSound like a dad

I Have a good job would love a girlfriend probably obviously that I’m a virgin not kissless at least

If u zoom in it’s a gift card so good luck

damn.... you had a regular access to coke but youve never been inside a woman? thats some weird shit. thought they usually came together

is that the source of depression though? Girlfriends are just a symbol of something else. Everything is just a symbol.

Dress better, have convincing body language and act friendly. That's literally all you have to do, provided you have a job and are more interesting than the average female (easy!)

youre only 21.

I’ve always dressed and looked good and right I always saw my boys puking random hoes but I never could

your 21 you dumb potato and you're poor obviously, can tell by the picture and the cocaine
1) quit drugs idiot, go to rehab if you have to, don't keep doing it because ''I just like to do it and I can quite when I want'', just stop doing drugs, go somewhere where you can't get them

2) get training in a career that actually pays decent to well, to the best of your ability and actually apply yourself, you are still young and can do this, take out a loan if you have to and don't fuck it up, if you gotta, get rid of all your dealers phone numbers, cut your cable/internet off so you can focus on school

3) find out where you can obtain a reputable financial advisor, I suggest Berkshire Hathaway, take the money you earn, stop spending it on drugs and dumb shit like booze or what ever other waste of shit you spend it on, and invest ALLL OF IT, EVERY SINGLE LAST CENT OF EXPENDABLE INCOME on a moderate to high risk mutual fund that your financial advisor suggests to you (high risk just means the portfolio will be geared towards equities over securities), invest in what sounds the most reasonable to you

4) once you are clean and have a stable job, and actually are investing your money instead of spending it on dumb shit, get a hobby to replace drugs, if you want to be social go join some hobby clubs or something in your city

5) after a solid ten years if you follow the above, you should have some decent money saved up, don't spend anything above 10% of your captail gains ever within a year, but up to 10% is your play money, attempt to specifically seek out equities that pay quarterly dividends with a strong ten year history of growth, make that your homework, once you have a few million dollars, you won't want to kill yourself, because your life will be socially empty, but materially superior to virtually everyone else's and you will have the freedom to literally do what ever the fuck you want, JUST DON'T DO DRUGS, BECAUSE THEY MAKE YOU RETARDED AND POOR

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then youre simply not even taking any chances. Youre in the environment, you have the aesthetic, you have a job, and you're 21. You must never take a step

Lets be honest here OP, you are way too much of a pussy to an hero, you won't do it, you wouldn't be posting it here if you were planning on doing it, so, that out of the way...
we all have bad days, sometimes those bad days occur on days we were hopping to have good days, you know, like on xmass or on your birthday, there is nothing bad about it, it is just how things are to some people sometimes, relax, get high, jerk off a lil bit, and get some sleep, you'll feel at least a little bit more calmed tomorrow, then you'll think on what to do


being rich will fix the majority of your problems, besides being antisocial or drug addicted, that's basically it

but it can enable what ever you want in society, you can go out and do what ever you want as long as you have the income to do so, and investing can eventually lead to just not working at all and just doing what ever you want any day you want, any time you want but making more money becomes addicting and finding better things to invest in can become fun and add meaning to your life

it also makes everything better, fake people want to be your friends because they see a gain in it for them, and women want to try to have kids with you because they will get a good life out of it

it adds purpose to your existence, stop doing drugs and feeling sorry for your self and get your ass in gear, clean your house and get rid of your distractions and get to fucking work on making some money for yourself

Should I go do hard drugs that’s what I really want more than anything and that’s why I hate myself fuck the being a virgin and alone I just am too smart to be addicted to pain pills and Xanax and all the cocaine and crack I smoked when I was 17 like I’m a little overweight but I dress nice sober up except from weed ik I’m a lil ugly too I just want happiness and I don’t know where to find it

Ik ur right but I’ll never be able to do it

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those are basically famous last words before you live a life thats exceptionally worse than the one you have.... especially since you are being greedy, i.e, not seeking relief from pain but actual euphoria to spite all the injustice you feel you've accrued.

do some ketamine if you have to get loaded. That way you can get nice and distant without having this happy switch in your brain that youll just press repeatedly like a lizard till you wake up a shell of a person.

Yeah real life dosent let you have raw euphoria without a price to be paid, especially if you are already unhappy. Sorry.

find it in making money you fool

chasing ass is a fucking suckers game for teenagers, become a somebody and your life will change

women don't respect coke addicted borderline homeless men that can only afford to rent out 400 sq ft boxes, but I swear on my life when a girl goes to a dinner party at a million dollar 4 car garage home, if you ask her on a date, she's going to fucking 15 minutes early and sucking that dick, and if she plays some ''you gotta wait for it'' card on you, YOU best believe that when you stop calling her she will be BLOWING up your phone, compared to being some poor loser living in poverty when you ask a girl out she says she has a boyfriend or she agrees then last minute she'll hit you up with that ''sorry but some dumb bullshit came up so I can't go anymore teeehee''

money makes the world go round, I suggest you aquire some

Eh. Kill yourself. Or don't. 100 years really is not that much longer than 21 years really. Not when you consider how long everything has been around for. Blink of an eye, half a blink of an eye, what's the difference? That's the only reason I decided to hang around. If the alternative is oblivion, I'll stay and watch the shitty movie.

Lol fuck you

this is bullshit
you can do it, literally just do it, go right now while high, google where the closest rehab is in your city and just go, that's the first step, look for one that will help you get clean and hold you for an extended period of time so that you can't get drugs

go through it, and do it, you can do it if you just stop being weak and use your brain to make it happen, you absolutely can

If I can lose over 70lbs, and become a multi millionaire before I hit 40 and go from losing my virginity at age 29 to being able to fuck girls I wouldn't even have thought I could talk to in my 20s when I was in my late thirties, then you can do something as easy as getting a better job and quitting cocaine

don't be a pussy, you only let yourself down and no one is going to fix this shit for you but yourself, you care about yourself, you're just being lazy, stop being lazy, it's a choice and fix your problems, don't avoid them, that's for pussies, life is suffering but facing the suffering makes your stronger and it gets easier if you face it every day

At least you don't masturbate to stuff like this. There's people (and enough to actually produce a video of it) who masturbate to girls pissing on an octopus. You can't even see the vagina.

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Thank you

I fully support yourself in killing yourself. You'll be making the one, if not only independent expression of your pithy existence.

Well, you are smart, you are actually very smart, we both know that, more than the average and definetly more than anyone you know, and that intelligence plus the drugs is what makes you feel empty and sad, because you see the world and the people from a very peculiar perspective and your body doesn't create as much "happy chemicals" and you use drugs to replace that lack.
My advice? don't fully sober up, nobody is fully sober, but stay away from crack and maybe cocaine, those make you more anxious, i would stay with Weed, booze and /you should try this one) Aderall, so your brain can function even better in you situation.
Get a job, get into a sport so you get in better shape and read
that last one is my biggest advice, READ LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER, i'm serious, read books like a retard, get into thunderplace or any other men forum and stop convincing yourself that you are worthless, because we both know you aren't
(Sorry for the broken english).
But just as i said, do that tomorrow, today is your birthday and you NEED yo calm down, get a little bit high, jerk off your frustrations and get some good fucking sleep, you deserve it, OP

I love you

What's wrong with masturbating to girls pissing on an octopus? Whatever floats your boat man.

I love you Yea Forumsro

Also, happy birthday man, another year bites the dust


You've got more time than you think there bud

I am sober now I have been for two years

Oh well, congratulations man, that is amazing, i know people can and do get fully sober, but when i was in that situation i didn't wanted someone to tell me to sober up, i eventually did, but you need to be ready to actually do it, 'cause if you don't you just end up in the shithole again