About to do it

About to do it
I've recently obtained some nembutal, and i just took some anti nausea. The one thing i thought that could save me has already left me so i'm no longer willing to live. I just thought i'd post one last time as a small sentiment of my life. i guess in around 5 hours i'll drink it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


No you won't

Do you want to talk abt your Problems?

can you post and update when you're dead so we know you succeeded?

post nudes

Tell God, he owes me $50

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So long, screwy. See you in St. Louie.

Post a pic of the nembutal with timestamp.


why kill self? you have time to discuss? are you female? or if a tranny go ahead and finish the job already

This post, consider it.

OP here, I took it and feel it working should not be long now.

That's a darn shame..

Man hands detected.
I mean you could add to the statistics of transsexual suicide maybe one day the other side will see it as it truly is; a mental disease.

OP here, i am dead now. because of the drugs. that i took.

RIP dude.

Would you mind subscribing to my YouTube channel first?

timestamp or fake and gay. show us your dick before you die

Not OP, but that's the cover of a Crystal Castles EP

here you go, about 4 hours left anyways so it shouldn't matter

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send nudes before you die

not too late to call 911 and get help dude

i've done it before, it doesn't help anything, it only makes it worse. The only thing that can help me is myself and i'm fucking over it

you know the rules

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where did you get the goooood drugs?

play minecraft on hardcore mode and see how far you get before you die

god speed. i'd like to think in another life I could have helped somehow...

Hope this is just a dumb joke.
If it isn't, I hope you call someone and get help. Anyone, hell, go ahead and even call or text those suicide hotlines.
If you don't, I hope you go peacefully. And I'm sorry it's come to this. Sincerely, I wish things had gone better for you.

is this veterinary products? They don't make liquid nembutal anymore for humans

Can I have your stuff?

Weird af that its actually a relatable picture for me. It looks exactly like an image of when i was living on a mountain with an ex girlfriend of mine, both of us slowly losing our minds in the freezing winter. We had a frameless bed on a wood floor, she was an avid smoker and would dress just like that. Looks to be about the same height too.

Anyways OP I hope you find what your looking for before you depart. Help is still available

yeah, i got them from mexico

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If there is an almighty up there and you meet them, smack them a few times for me. I’ll be up there soon, might as well double team the slut.

Dude trust me 3 failed attempts in my past it will get better. It always does it's just the eb and flow of life now i have 5 kids and a awesome wife seriously dude give it 6 months and see where you come out of but if you do take your own life I hope you go very smooth just remember it's never nice to die alone and scared really rethink what you are going to do

show tits AND timestamp or gtfo u daft emo cunt

thank you my friend
it seems what i've been looking for has left me out of my control, and i have bi polar which does make it way worse for me.

OP is not bullshitting. OP has access to a veterinarians med locker.

Fairly good choice for a painless way out.

You're not dumb, so what's got you to this point? What's not in or not leaving your life that brought it to this? You're here, tell us how you got here. Leave a record of it all.

I've been rethinking it for a year now, thank you very much for caring, though i've already decided.

Well, I guess if you're gonna go, this would be one of the better ways to go. Whenever I've been put out by doctors it is indistinguishable from death until I wake up.

Yeah, spell it out for us OP.
At the very least, you've got the captive audience of a few people that want to know what the story is.

OP don't go towards the light.


Their are inter-dimensional forces that will trap your "soul" on Saturn and then reincarnate you back down here only to do it again.

Don't let it happen

Out of all the fuckers in this world, It would be nice for me know that some faggot, like yourself, is still around.

Never know, I might need you some day.

OP tell us your story. lets hear your deepest darkest secrets. one last confession before you die.

I think everyone just needs to take a deep breath, beat off and eat some peanut butter

send me whatever is in your bank account im starting my new job tomorrow and have no fucking cash to get me through next week

What if OP is allergic to peanuts?

confess you sinner , before you die. also convert to catholicism. The true religion

Can only do this so many times a day

Just throwing it out there, 100% of golden state bridge jump survivors say the first thing they felt when they left the railings was regret.
If you gotta do it you gotta do it, but don't fix a temporary problem with a permanent solution.

Okay i might as well tell the story of how this has happened. around a year ago i met this girl and blah blah blah we were kind of a thing.
Then i started to fall into a deep depression and tried to kill myself once school started for university. juggling work school and a girl was hard so i dropped her.
I started to go to therapy and psychiatry and found out i had bi polar 2 and anxiety problems.
Skip forwards to about 3 months ago i started to talk to that girl again because i wanted to set things straight as I was going to kill myself that night. then over ther course of these few months it's been literal hell balancing emotions of her being with a couple different guys and decided not to be with me over my emotional disabilities. And now im back to where i was, she is no longer helping but contributing to my pain and i'm fucking done. Life has done nothing but rail me in the ass constantly for a couple years now and my emotional pain hurts so fucking much i'd rather float peacefully in non existence.

This is basically the short end of the stick, so i might've missed a few things

What is nambutal OP how long did you work on organizing this, just curious

A bitch REALLY OP?

topkek. Sorry about your bipolar and anxiety. All you need is some drugs, exercise, and a new bitch tho.

Do whatever you want tho

What is with all the passive agressive posts every suicide thread

Okay be safe you are going to want to pee and pop and cum before hand

it's a barbiturate used to euthanize animals, i've been working on this plan since mid February

Dude, fucking look it up you lazy faggot.


OP, I really hope you don't kill yourself. This girl isn't worth killing yourself over. As awful as thing might feel now, the pain WILL FADE AWAY. It most absolutely will.
You seem like a decent guy. Wish you weren't feeling so burnt out.

Is it single stage? All the animals I have euthanized need some kind of relaxant first because the loss of function is sometimes not gradual and comfortable.

That is a long time to be dedicated. Sorry it meant that much to you I get it.

Its a thread. I think asking questions about things in the thread, within the thread itself...is ok


so your ending your young life over a fucking girl. you are a fucking pussy OP. Get over it , go out fuck some random bitches , do some casual drugs , be a bit hedonistic without being a pathetic junkie. stop being an emo cuck over a fucking girl. holy fuck

Whats hell like?

Don't put all those problems on her, man. Take some responsibility and unfuck yourself from this dumb shit. Sell all your stuff and drown in Mexican pussy or something.

All that over a girl. Just get some guy to rail your ass.

OP, before you die, what state do you live in?
Maybe doing acid once before you kill yourself would be worth postponing. One last experience that you've never had before?

OP isnt gonna do it he hasnt sent me his cash. if youre gonna do it then do it stop being a fucking bitch. if you really were gonna do it you wouldnt have posted it here you wouldve just chugged those bottle as soon as you had the chance instead of cominng here and being a whiny pussy. just say you want some fucking attention and if you really wanna talk go buy a hooker itll make her day someone paid her not to fuck but to hear your whiny ass cry

Your life, your call OP. She obviously doesn't feel for you the way you feel for her. I'm assuming you are a girl based on the original pics, or are they her? Please clarify a bit for as it stands, I'll have it wrong potentially in my memory. I'd rather not disrespect you like that even by accident. It is also important for understanding the totality of your life and its end.

mad cuz ur not getting paid , you fucking degenerate beggar

Dude. Tell us your name. My name is Nick.

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Empty bottles kek nice b8 they fell for it

muh bipolar. take your meds cunt or don't and kys. but whatever you do TITS OR TIMESTAMP OR GTFO.
Also if you truly want to kys please livestream , it's not hard to do and some of us can get off on it and jack it while the live fades from your eyes. Make yourself usefull for once cunt

kek has spoken , now off to you battle stations

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dude instead going an hero, go live it up. get so fucking high that you do what ever you want. if worst comes to worst you can kys.

yeah me too, wish I had the balls

>April 9, 2014

Looks like OP could not get over all the millenial good vibes long enough to post their memior

Godspeed faggor

you're a fucking degenerate

After reading some stuff on it, and not being a doctor in the slightest, I think it's single stage? I honestly don't fucking know how stages and shit work, not for me to know. Seems it's a resperatory and nerve killing substance? Also causes extreme nausea which explains why OP took an anti nausea thing

A year ago I would have tried to talk you out of it, but your call user.

Just remember, your dog will never know why you left him.

Yeah, so?

My point is that it is not a comfortable slide down a grassy hill. You usually prestack a benzo

if this is actually real you shouldn't do it. your life is valuable. no matter what you've done or had done to you, there's always a chance for a new day. if you're in the states you should call 8 0 0 2 7 3 82 55. it's not too late op.

Do it faggot also make a livestream it wood be epic

The bitch aint worth dying over man.

>oh fuck look at that he fell asleep

Relying on an overdose to die is the worst thing you can do. Chances are you'll live, and your life will get a hell of a lot worse once you're on a watch list and everyone in your life looks at you like a vulnerable suicidal snowflake.

You can take time to make your life better. Everyone has to live through this bullshit world not just you, you're not half as alone as you feel. But if you're gonna do it, skydive headfirst into pavement.

can I have ur video games brah?


please don't do it

Least leave a note.

look up Nembutal, it's extremely lethal, and there haven't been any cases of people living after taking over 10g, i know what im doing
Name's john

are you gonna fap one last time? if so what will you fap to?

What are you studying?

What else are you doing with your four hours?

I say just fuck society and run away to the mountains and become a hermit. Build your own cabin and shit. Just piece out. If you are contemplating suicide then you have nothing to lose. So why not run away and start over?

Are you excited?

nothing, hoping time goes by faster

yes actually, i've been waiting to die for a long time now

no im mad because OP is a fucking faggot attention seeking whore who fooled your dumb tard ass with a 9/4/2014 tag. stay in your lane you sack of worthless shit theres people actually going through shit and this faggot is larping about it

What would you have done differently?

how much of an idiot are you

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Why have you decided to wait 5 hours, tho? Is there some sort of plan? Are you waiting for someone? Why 5 hours? Please explain.

i would've definitely gone to the gym and gotten out in the world a lot more, maybe talk to some girls at the gym, or gotten a different job

One more sunrise ismy guess

im such an idiot i know this faggot got you with a solid shop and hes not gonna off himself. people who kill themselves dont go looking for sympathy as theyre about to kill themselves

What kept you from it

i'm waiting till night so everyone is asleep and i can send a message to a specific someone without them seeing it till im dead

depression and my bi polar

What's the message?

Sounds legit

>indistinguishable from death?
retard detected

how old are you?

I wish I were near you, OP. Just wish I could give you one last hug before you drift off the abyss. I've always been afraid of what's on the other side.

I hope you persist, somehow; here, or there.

livesteam it faggot so we know youre going to do it cause you sound like such a pussy killing yourself over some dumb broad

what message are you leaving for them?

It sucks when your own head doesn't work right. You arent gonna shame or blame someone on the way out right? Just a goodbye that they can not talk you out of I assume

I have one vivid memory of walking into a room just like that finding no surfaces besides the floor and just railing my xan off the floor. One of the few memories I have from that time.

You should atleast watch this video before you make a call
Life does suck but you’ll never know what it could be like
And yes, we are living in the emotional dark age where no one knows dick about helping others on an emotional level but at least consider what it would feel like to find someone who wants to unconditionally help you. Things can get better if you face your fear of starting to open up to people irl about how you actually feel. Most people won’t help, and infact make you feel more alone, but there are some good ones out there. But you’ll never be able to tell if you don’t open up to anyone

That's what I thought. Is it the girl, perhaps? Are you planning on tell her "you made me kill myself" or something like that?

yeah, please don't blame your death on anyone...



i always watch this when im feeling down

Jesus im drowning in whiny bitches

That's a lie and you know it.

lmfao unironically killing yourself over some dumb cunt

i would say kys but you already plan to LMFAO

Pull your head out of your ass faggot. It's a dumb cunt or some huge faggot. Move on with your life. Fucking fuck.

lol that video does certainly cheer me up too. classic fuji tv.

op, get your fucking shit together.
>lost my dad at age 9
>lost childhood home to foreclosure
>saw sister suffer with alcoholism
>got hauled off to a temporary shelter for physically defending myself against my psychotic sister in law
>nearly lost mother to cancer and a septic infection afterwards
all of this and I was just diagnosed with cancer myself. i fucking hate comparing my life's situation to others, but doing this shit over a girl is absolutely stupid and you need to take a step back and truly consider if it's worth it.

Actually takes some pretty tremendous courage to kill yourself. You're the real fucking coward, faggot.

um don't? Seriously don't

If I was going to an hero I certainly wouldn't waste my last moments telling a bunch of spergs about it on Yea Forums. What a fucking waste.

Listen OP

op do you have any pets ?

>tremendous courage to kill yourself

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there are soooooo many fucking whores out there you still havent fucked, and still can. think of the possibilities.

Hey OP at least tell me you top 5 music albums, or songs. Come on.

it doesn't take tremendous courage if you're already broken, dipshit.
It's only one of the most hardest things to do if you're kidding yourself about being suicidal. Truly suicidal people see it as a release from some kind of torment or pain, something that is truly so bad you'd rather die than face it. OP is not in that category.

Abandon thread. Stop giving this attention whore attention. They're not going to do it and never were. Sage.

Post tits first

OP I'm just gonna be honest as I used to be a super depressed loser, killing yourself is fucking retarded just because you feel bad. Emotions you feel are temporary and when you get over them you get stronger and more well equipped to cope and handle them further. I almost went an hero a couple different times off overdoses and everytime I realized I didn't wanna die I just wanted to stop feeling the pain I felt. The reality is that I got over that shit and did better. So quit being a faggot and try to push on

Screen cap me redditfags

This. There are literally billions of other girls out there. Don't quit. because one of them hurt you.

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My name is Sid. I love you man. I was born with muscular dystrophy, shit is tough. I wanna see you get through this, honestly. I'd like to be your friend. Call someone, brother. Maybe we can chill sometime.

>just get over it

Gr8 advice faggot

Far out


No, the advice is that you WILL get over it. All things pass. Gotta push through until you get there.

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don't go into this discord
they are predators. you've been warned.

>being depressed
>also being white

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Stop fucking cross dressing trap nigger. Maybe that's why u want to go

I bet you have shitloads of money and a nice house near the beach with very few problems.

This girl is an emotional leech. Stay away from her.


>OP got "don't worry she knows"'d
Mate, life is worth more than a single girl cucking you

Listen I like to make rules for myself and follow them. If I didnt I would not be able to convince myself I dont have a problem


Please don’t do it, it not only a waste of your life, which is precious because it’s a human life, but a waste of drugs that could be used to kill someone who deserves it.

hopefully this helps op youtube.com/watch?v=RhllQAiEQlM

Wish I could be that dedicated

Call them immediately.


>trap your "soul" on Saturn
oh shit is that what keeps happening?
thought gravity had something to do with it.


dude do you have any animals op ?

Well reading this ruined my night. I just wanted to have a nice quiet suicide and checked Yea Forums only to see a whinny emo fag steal my idea and post it here. FML.

OP, if you decided you've had it with living, why not try doing whatever insanely crazy thing you ever wanted to do?

You got the goods in Mexico, so you know a bit about things down there... What would it be like to be a cartel hit man? If you don't care if you die, how could you ever be afraid of anyone or anything?

Everyone would be terrified of you once they figure out you could give a fuck about dying.

I make rules too. Beat until blisters and then beat through the blisters.

i had them shipped to me in the us
1 dog

Just found out my mom tried to kill herself recently and that I'm just the product of a birthday creampie between two meth heads. I've also wanted to kill myself since I was three and cant take any meds--even herbal-- for depression/anxiety because it makes my mental state even worse.

OP. If you're legit, I can't tell you not to kill yourself. I wake up everyday and go to sleep everyday wishing I would just kill myself already. I hope that whatever path you take-- any of us for that matter--brings you peace. A toast for you, friend. It's the least I can do.

F to pay respects.

all these fags saying dont do it kek its your life dude do what you want if you wanted to die that bad you wouldn't come to b so either get help or die

1 dog at least give the dog to a friend or family member gj letting him or her down when he will resort to eating your corpse because you are the only person in the house


i want to do the ole
razor wire around my neck, & then glue my hands to my head
hang self with razor wire
it'll look like i ripped my own head off

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your dog isnt gonna know what happened to you, OP...



he will be starving in a few days will start to eat him thats why i said at least give the dog away so he can live a fulfilling life

Pls watch vid before you make a move

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You are like reverse vultures

Well OP, I know I can't stop you so I guess I'll see you on the other side. Here's to you.

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Do you have any crazy ideas that you'd want to try?

Seriously, you obviously mean it, think of what you could pull off as someone free of any concern about dying. You seriously have a superpower at this moment.

Don't kill yourself over a girl you fucking idiot.

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Hey op since suicide go hang glide carmen electra hue

Shut up already


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hey op, ik how you feel but m8 it rubs off after a while, just wait plz.

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Yes you have super powers now. Act on them. Win win. Your life will turn awesome and you'll have a crack at all the girls including the one you're sad about.

Dont fuck over your dog faggot

OP here. Finally dead. Unfortunately I auto erotically asphyxiation so I didn’t get to use my bottles. At least I left a big white stain.

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Yo what’s with all the fucking YouTube links

Have you clicked on them?

this u

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every single one.

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Who hasn’t

no one cares faggot

Me. I don't know anything

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Aye stfu edge lord

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It's just songs, you fuckin' pussies.
I've clicked them all. Jeez.

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>me when y’all keep post sad pics

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OP, the only thing that got me through depressive moments was music. There is a shit ton of stuff on there. Just give some good shit a listen, maybe youll slap out of it. Freddie Mercury saved me many a time.

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A picture was too long for you?

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fyi op Yea Forums hates this kind of post because its considered attention seeking. its an easy way to get clicks but u cant prove it on an user board, so everyone knows u can lie just to get asspats. the internet is already full of that.
if you are serious though user, if you went to all that effort to get a deadly substance, you should experiment with substances that can heal you and make you feel better. try psychedelics and marijuana. neither are physically addictive. they have a lot of healing potential and can be used as a tool for spiritual growth and to work through spiritual problems and achieve spiritual death BTW, which u might be interested in.
plus if you fuck it up you might be retarded and tardrage the rest of your life that you're retarded and want to know what to feels like again to not be.

delet this

op did you died

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Drag your dick through glass

Sure, if you want an old man in a dress to buttfuck you

OP needs good friends, some LSD, good music, and good food

where do you live mate?

I'm tired of this, nobody listened to the random songs I posted. I'll check the archive of this thread in the morning to see what went down.

G'night ungrateful fags

Is op kill?

i mean if u fuck up the suicide shit u got not the psychedelics and marijuana. a lot of very depressed people say ketamine really helps them when they are suicidally depressed. also not physically addictive like meth or opioids but still has risks and is more risky than psychedelics. light a candle for your ancestors and give them an offering. thank them for your body and life. it brings you good luck.

newfag here, how does one find ardchives?

See you fucked that up he would have never known!

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I listened.

>dance around throwing sage and smoking pot

Thats alternative medicine for you

He came here to show us his appreciation by killing himself and you're saying dumb shit like this.

i listened, posted one myself

archived . moe/b/thread/797035656

Just one question before you do it.
Would you?

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just because your parents use drugs doesn't mean they don't love you. my dad has been addicted to drugs since before i was born but he still always worked to support my family (and his habit) and still loves us. i hope your mum is doing ok. sometimes it takes many, many tries of medications til you find the right ones.

It's a long picture

Listened. If you posted Crystal Castles, good taste. I posted Year of Silence.

Suicide by cop you fiend, take some niggers with you at least.

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C'mon man, what about garfield and oddie? are you going to leave them to starve John?

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A guy dreams of a "happy life", it's a dream, he's alone with a pillow in the darkness.

You really want someone to find your dead bloated faggot body? Blue and shit covered?

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hoshit. how far back does that badboy go?

if u do an hero pls take pictures of the body and death somehow. set up a tripod. stream it. we're morbidly curious. like that r9k dude that blew his head off.

He could call the police when he's about to die, they know what to do with dead bodies.

Permanent solution to temporary problems rarely work out well.
Don’t, user... just chill

He's going to be dead, why would he even care about the consequences?

That's depressing, why post it to anyone who wants to kys?

>he says, alive, able to tell the tale. conveniently
Be sure to believe everything you read online.

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stream it and make it a science experiment and human decomposition. first you need to set food in your room until it molds. then put all the moldy food in your bed. kill yourself in the bed. preferably when no one is home. see what critters grow on and in you. if u jack off before u die they can see what grows in ur cum.

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Simply participating

You got better days ahead of you, be safe and try to move on dude

Is OP kill? Talk to us OP.

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science experiment *on human decomposition.
roll in the sexy poison death mold, it loves you more than your ex!! it eats your body and soul!

I feel bad for my ex's because they told me that they loved me but I don't feel a thing like pic related. Love my wife though

fuck, dude, I am a pharmaceutical chemist and have bipolar 2. If you give me 1 month I will get you out of it, do not drink that shit

I got a feeling OP heard all this shit before. He came here because... Well I don't know why he came here but I know that this is not reddit so maybe you can go back there.
You will not help him to deal with his shit if he doesn't do it and you won't cry about it if he does so just STOP, ultimately it is his decision.
You are just pretending to care and you don't even realize that you are doing it just to feel better about yourself.

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gtfo reddit cancer

Im bipolar. Would you like to talk about it? ignore all the other faggots

Life forks, memories fade. Everything before made you what you are.


Not OP, but what's your plan?

shit load of top dose anti-depressants and anti-convulsives (for mood stabilizing), you dont even need a prescription for them. That shit hits you in 2-4 weeks, we'll see from there

XD truth be told user...I could probably use some brownie points with the big man upstairs though...
I did have a personal friend who did this though... different circumstances, different story, blah blah... nobody said one nice thing to him though, and ultimately he did an hero... sad..

Runaway train never coming back,
wrong way on a one way track

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OP good song to listen before you go

1) if you’re in Hs, your brain isn’t fully developed and the decisions you make now are tarded no matter how smart you think you are. Don’t make ANY perma decisions in HS... you’ll regret them all... even in death
2)don’t leave this girl a fucking note and ruin her life after you’ve decidedly come to ruin yours and everyone around you who loves you
3) grow the fuck up and realize a lot of people got it way worse than you.

My credentials: I’m 13 and I knowz shitz

He won’t. Fam will. user fam will to :( ;)

Anons I think OP is kill

Rest in peace.

Still, why would we help anyone who doesn't want it, doesn't need it, doesn't want our shit advice.
When a mind's made up to go ahead and die?

Rest easy, Brother.

Are you seriously white knighting a girl you don't even know in a suicide thread?

every once in a while, someone decides not to go through with it. OP has the power to end his life if he wants, and there's nothing we can do.

I just hope he doesn't kill himself.

That's actually lyrics from a song.
Suicide note part 2 - Pantera.

well tell everybody about your problems then fucking kill yourself. we all want to hear it

ah, i see

Attached: 1436330212594.gif (303x270, 732K)

OP, you still there?

shit, think this guy is offing right now

Not OP, but in 10 mins it's going to be 5 hours since he said he'd drink the thing in 5 hours.

Op I hope you're still there, if so wanna chat?

Don’t spread hate user

Why is it so hard to stream those things on cam4 or some shit like that?

stream ur suicide so i can turn it into meme for u

Attached: As-you-are-now-I-once-was.-As-I-am-now-You-will-be..jpg (600x323, 292K)

Participating for the lulz you dirt fed faggot, foh and go back to chode chomping

Gone I think. Some kid somewhere took his own life today anons. Shall we have a prayer?


Attached: 2a4e354ad40e81ecf3c1b0a933168319.jpg (236x224, 11K)

>not a 9

Please don't. Talk to a professional. Or at least call up a suicide hotline, see how you feel then.

>fapping to the porn ads on this page
>subsequently asking user not to an hero
>greatest night of me life?

Someone trace the exif data on those Nembutal photos and call the 5-0? ;)
How many skid fags we got in theis queer thread???

Gods work

I guess so. His mind was set on doing it, there was nothing we could do. I hope he rests peacefully.

Do you?

I tried but OP is behind 4 proxies

What the fuck is Yea Forums?

Who wants to start the prayer?

He will never have to see a chopped dick, terror promoted agenda, or ellen degeneres show ever again



Proxies wouldn’t scrub the exif data unless the proxy server was specifically scripted to do so on all pass through data... doubt this tard would have the smarts to scrub his pics unless specifically told he should, or operating directly off Tails... Calling bullshit on your stupid post.

Fuck outta here 12 yr old skid fag. Go back to your base Kali install

Where the fuck have you been nigger? Yea Forums started stripping EXIF literally years ago. Lurk moar.

Poop eat.

Attached: 1533226993439s.jpg (250x247, 6K)

You know Yea Forums gets countless amounts of these threads, but this one actually hit me. Poor fucking dude.

No guarantee, but you might look back on this moment years from now and be grateful that you didn’t check out.

People will miss this guy. This is why you dont fucking kill yourself. his poor family man. Hope he has a smooth trip to the other side. Live on Yea Forums.