Unpopular opinions thread: No trolling edition

Unpopular opinions thread: No trolling edition
>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated
>Imperialism should not be a dirty word
>Democracy should be
>there's nothing inherently wrong with racial discrimination in certain contexts
>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin
>all music made after 1950 is terrible
>hardcore pornography is degenerate
>softcore pornography is wonderful
>baseball is the best sport
>the minimum wage should be abolished
>19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen
>atheism is irrational
>learning classical languages is a more valuable exercise than learning modern languages

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Enlightenment-Now-Science-Humanism-Progress/dp/0525427570/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Enlightment Now&qid=1554857770&s=gateway&sr=8-1

>>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated

Idk how u can think this.

>infidelity is unforgivable

why would you think the opposite? Because other people have told you this over and over again but never given evidence?

No i think the there are too many people in the world because of it way too many problems.

Where's your evidence for it being underpopulated?

Why would atheism be irrational? You have 0 evidence god exists. The rational thing to do would be not to believe, given the lack of evidence.

th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen

Yeah, slavery and child labor were just peachy. I can see how seriously you're taking the "no trolling" rule.

Deep thoughts from a shallow mind®

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Can you name a social problem that was clearly worse when the world's population was half of it's current size? Several such as extreme poverty, infectious disease, hunger, access to clean water, and yes even pollution have have clearly been getting better for decades while our population has exploded.
The current population of the earth is far below what could theoretically be supported, and birthrates around the world are collapsing, in most industrialized countries it is already below the level needed to avoid population *decline*, which is a human tragedy on multiple levels.

Vocational education, or as it's detractors call it, child labour is a good thing, and we would be wise to bring ease some of the restrictions on it that were created in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The fight against the feudal institution of slavery was by and large made possible by capitalist businessmen of that era.

Btw people made a shit ton of babies because they lost 4 out of 5. The population is not raising much more in civilized countries anymore, because we're down to a couple percent. There's no reasons to increase the world population like mad fucks anymore.

Answer this faggot

the pre-emptive belligerence of internet atheists is one powerful piece of evidence for my assertion. People with calm reasoned positions don't need to go around screaming that their opponents are "faggots"

No people made a "shit tone" of babies because contraception was unreliable and because their moral values were different than ours.
Ben Franklin was the 15th of 17 children.

>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated


>Imperialism should not be a dirty word


>Democracy should be


>there's nothing inherently wrong with racial discrimination in certain contexts


>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin


>all music made after 1950 is terrible


>hardcore pornography is degenerate


>softcore pornography is wonderful


>baseball is the best sport


>the minimum wage should be abolished


>19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen

yes and no.

>atheism is irrational

>learning classical languages is a more valuable exercise than learning modern languages


user, grab that noose, and put it around your neck.

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Look at the stats for stillbirth per country. Superpose it with the stats of birth rates per country.
Change your mind.

google the phrase "correlation does not imply causation"

correlation with unreliable contraception and moral values does not imply causation of the population explosion

Arguing with 14- year-olds who don't represent anybody, and pretending they do is ridiculous.

Argue with Sam Harris, Daniel Dennet or Matt Dillihunty and get some perspective.

No but my story comports much better with commonsense, and is a stronger correlation anyway

No, it is not. And mine also fits with research done for "Enlightment Now".

I actually agree with everything except the Trump/Putin thing, it smells too much like a red herring to drive the left insane.

>Everyone should open carry a gun
>All guns should be legal
>All drugs should be legal
>You should still be socially ostracized for doing them
>Promiscuity should also be shamed
>Like fat and lazy people

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Sam Harris is a drugged up pseudo-intellectual.
Dennett is a smart philosopher but is trying desperately to intellectually justify intenable positions. As many reviewers of his books have pointed out, his response to serious questions about the origins and nature of consciousness is "Stop asking those questions!"
From what I've seen of Dillihunty I would say similiar things about him. He's a former JW i believe so it's not suprising he's psychologically damaged and embraces fringe theories to support his beliefs.

you seriously believe that couples who want 2 children in a high infant mortality country wouldn't just stop at 2?

Agnosticism is the rational choice actually. Atheism is for edgy retards who think they’re intelligent.

> Imagine being a drug user because its prescribed by your doctor for your fucked up disease (i.e. medical marihuana)
Why should you be ostracized for using soft drugs?

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It comports with everything we know about Donald Trump's character and the GRU that
A. The GRU would've sent prostitutes to his hotel room during his 2013 visit to Moscow.
2. Trump wouldn't have refused their services
3. The GRU would have this on tape for blackmail purposes.

They won't. Because high infant mortality rate is directly proportional to death rate for children between 1 and 5 years old. If they stop at 2 and they both die at 4 and 5 years old, you're fucked. So they pump out more of em and hope at least two pull through eventually.

Well the Earths population should start to balance itself at around 11 Billion so technically I guess you could say we are "underpopulated"

>evidence for my assertion
It's your opinion. Nothing more. You have no evidence.

Is it also your position for unicorns, cosmic grilled-cheeses or a giant sentient cake eating the whole universe? Because you'd be fucking dumb. Same for the gods as described by any religion in the history of mankind.

typical atheist response, when presented with evidence the reply is 'Nah nah that doesn't count"
Consciousness is immaterial and you cannot explain that without some kind of God. the truth of any particular religion is not an issue I raised.

Sowellposting is basically frogposting.
Dumb sowellposter

Clearly I mean for recreational use.

Way too many assumptions to base any real opinion on, in my opinion. I also think he wouldn't care enough about someone finding out he slept with a prostitute enough to commit high treason.

Cake eating the whole universe it is. Here's your god.

is it seriously your contention that moral values has no impact on desired family size? have you met any mormons, trad catholics, or ortho jews in our entire sheltered life?

mah point!

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> Recreational use

If you smoke let's say 2 blunts per week. Would you still not be ok with it?

>care enough about someone finding out he slept with a prostitute enough to commit high treason.
you have a much higher estimate of Donald Trump's character than anyone associated with him who can speak freely on the subject.

It is based on real data, while all you have is an opinion.

>care enough about someone finding out he slept with a prostitute enough to commit high treason.
you have a much higher estimate of Donald Trump's character than anyone associated with him who can speak freely on the subject.
And I made no assumptions, I made an inference based on known character traits of Russian intelligence and our President

you've cited 0 data, have a nice day Yea Forums troll

>>the minimum wage should be abolished


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Certain countries, including modern westernized nations, are better off, and should be under colonial rule.

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the minimum wage law is more accurately described as a law mandating discrimination against people with low skills. Do you support that?

the minimum wage law is more accurately described as a law mandating discrimination against people with low skills. Do you support that??

It should be one of those things you do behind closed doors and not a lot of people should know about. Something that would make you at least a little less reputable with your neighbors if word got out.

amazon.com/Enlightenment-Now-Science-Humanism-Progress/dp/0525427570/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Enlightment Now&qid=1554857770&s=gateway&sr=8-1

There's also a link to all the research papers used in the bibliography. Have fun.

lack of resources

minimum wage should be 10 dollars not 15 dollars universally.

You sound like a fucking retard ultra right wing

Should be regulated by the free market.

Julia Roberts is a man eating anal loving whore

answer the question

We're not running out of any resource that matters

It's much more socially acceptable to speak negatively about him and even more profitable to do so. The media spotlight is brighter on those who speak ill of the man.
That's an assumption. An guess, what ever you want to call it, based on your observations. It's something you make when you don't have any evidence and only go off of what you think people are more likely to have done or do. I don't think we should argue semantics.

Ok, I am fine with that.

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Do you think, based on his observed behaviour that Donald Trump has a strong reservoir of sexual or any other type of self-control?

Yes, I think he speaks like he has no restraint because of the impact it will have and the attention it will stir up.

Had me going for a second there! Keep on trolling, you glorious bastard!

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Small town retard detected.

Lobsters possess consciousness but what's their God look like.
You are making a category error - consciousness s not an entity - it is a process which some entities possess.