Canadian girls

Canadian girls

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Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: D86F76CC-E1F6-4EC2-8744-D55A00516664.jpg (640x692, 528K)

Which province ?

Mel 519

Attached: PB2oozyaxxkXmEjm.jpg (464x900, 33K)

It's in the God damn name


Need some 905. Preferably Brampton

Anyone from Whitby/Oshawa? Kik?




Attached: 234769576832.jpg (640x960, 82K)


there's almost never some 514 in these threads

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Attached: 2536421.png (717x868, 1.02M)

Feel like driving down to the abandoned rona backlot at night and fucking the GF there know a car tuner crowd chills there wonder if they might see.


Attached: SC461.jpg (1200x900, 358K)

Also looking for 709, who you got?

Elan 403

Attached: 1D2E683A-23CE-46ED-96AD-B35FC0045D81.jpg (352x640, 18K)

Brittany R/B is prime fb fap.

Attached: BritR.jpg (1080x1078, 97K)

Hit me up if you want to talk / jerk about Canadian girls /519 kik rusty1277

how lonely do you have to be


Forgot area code doubt anyone out in the burbs north 905 would even take the chance.


Moar of my chubby slut?

Attached: received_2291891714414185.jpg (3024x4032, 496K)

905. Looking to pig roast her with a stranger. Anyone around niagara interested?

Attached: 20190209_224423.jpg (474x843, 174K)

down! i'm in 905

Also in 905 and down to fuck her

first name?


Attached: SC458.jpg (1200x900, 436K)





Attached: 0FBC7ADA-24B9-46C9-AFE0-356CB4B21B88.jpg (640x797, 398K)


You know her ?

Attached: D64F03CF-7291-4667-839B-B5A8B8D9B5FB.jpg (536x586, 248K)

no, just would like to see more

any oakville?

604 bump

506, post em

Attached: kn.jpg (480x480, 21K)

We need canadian girl in uniform


Any 709 from whitbourne area?

Ah the repost vola

Any 807?

Ask and you will receive,

Now post ur 506

Attached: kil.jpg (1014x1014, 93K)

Anyone got any girls fro the owen sound area


any 418?

No 902? Here’s a 902

Attached: 6848A631-98A7-4959-A05E-25778EF7B79C.png (562x1000, 805K)

Any Barrie girls? Essa area?


Moar 902

Where’s that guy who’s all about some high school in Oshawa? You’re slipping pal, I was just about to post those pics too

Oh wow. Post more of this one.

Steph B

Attached: 54512416_396080981172395_4329876538129200523_n.jpg (533x533, 53K)

709 ^^

New room vy7kgf88


Attached: img_2d5h63.png (713x1071, 1.33M)

Any more 709?

more steph b

Attached: step.png (451x822, 400K)

Looking for hers

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-13-23-44-51-1.png (1405x2051, 1.06M)

london vola v8c8arhr

Anyone else? Looking for Victoria L

I’m actually from niagara haha north end st kitts

Need more Katia if anyone has her.

from where

St. Johns, or any George Street frequents

Where all them 905 girls at?

niagara falls here

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-28-22-23-34-1-1.png (1177x2220, 1.87M)

Any Bobbie boom

I'm here, still looking too, add Galfgar on kik.

Attached: IMG_0302.jpg (640x480, 92K)

or Emily S?

Anita from the island?

Any interest? 778/250

Attached: 55E40CA7-8389-484F-AC99-160EB32F71A2.jpg (540x960, 146K)

Anyone has nudes of Shelby H.? I think she's from London or around there.

i have some Sault somewhere, but from like 7 years ago

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Attached: inCollage_20190224_222916315-1.jpg (924x1920, 215K)

Recognize her? Where u from?

Attached: Capture4.png (810x1212, 994K)

Looking for pics of girls that went to Eastdale in Oshawa, add Galfgar on kik.

Attached: IMG_7129.jpg (480x640, 61K)

Hell yes

cute, dont know her.

Inverted nipples? Ew!!!!

Attached: AB4829E7-D55F-4836-ADE7-AF01CBA0BF52.jpg (654x960, 144K)

Nice rack

Where from? 250 here

Yo I got barrie

I dont have any, looking for AA in 506

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Attached: AE3BBA22-754E-43CD-A1F4-5CB17372C92A.jpg (768x1024, 66K)

Ayy fellow 506. What area? Moncton here

That's hot. Got any more of her?

You have Hannah S from guelph?

Who do you got

Attached: Capture8.png (613x934, 422K)

905 Markham

Attached: IMG_1424.jpg (1136x640, 156K)

need some asian 604/778/250 friends

No I do not.
You got Sam R?


Post what you got.

Post whatever.

Bump for more Markham!

post some then

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Port Hope Cobourg?

Any Brittany T?

Last name rhymes with?


Attached: {292E2B20-C2CA-4D7F-B0}.png.jpg (1146x810, 315K)

What type of uniform are you looking for ?


Attached: pepelaugh.jpg (251x242, 10K)

Who had Barrie?

She's fucking fit got a name?


Any more of her that was a hot minute 30


Attached: 1524271550264.jpg (454x453, 85K)

Does her last name rhyme with compson?

got a pic?

Nope post anyway

Hamilton Burlington

You know the Brit with the last name Thompson?

got a bunch, who you want?

250 - b5e4bytw

Attached: oms47YG.jpg (480x640, 38K)

Meg D

604 cloverdale nudes


You have a shelby H

more pics of her? i am in niagara


905 Northumberland

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Who is this?

709 vola?




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last name?

Kay who is

need some downtown vancouver

Anyone have any 519 woodstock or ingersoll

Any bros in Markham wanna start up a vola??


any 416 / 647?


Kik rsmith980 for 604 trades


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Attached: Capture11.png (564x698, 675K)

Is there more ?

There's always more. But I'm not op

You have any girls from her area ?

Attached: Capture12.png (535x820, 755K)

A few. You?

Yea a few. What’s your kik?

Who you got

More Oshawa?

Do you have kik? If you don’t just make one it takes literally a minute

Dont kill the thread with this trading bs, you hosers

More Kelowna?

Last name start with N?

No but do you have anyone?

Taylor from Flesherton/519/KW

Attached: 4593b32f-52da-4cb2-9698-769b2e643dee.png (1326x1600, 1.18M)

>Anita from the island

Sounds like a Lucy Maude Mongomery erotic novel that got censored.


yes, sure...

Newmarket wins/trades
Kik nytb65

ottawa e8d3femw

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hot. regina? fuck. Lol

kik me for 506 saint john jacktayloranon

who is it



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More please

Lookin for girls from east van 604. Non-nude's fine with me, just hopin to see someone I recognize

More please user

Hint to name? It may be the slut I fucked. That'd be hot af

Yes, you recognized her from that?

When did you fuck her?

That time she said "oh user, I'd love some pink champagne" and sent you off to the LC. I had your sloppy seconds while you were out.

250 - Kelowna sluts here

Attached: 20190316_023333.jpg (2896x2896, 776K)

Ah, a good Christian community. They all look like the type that take it up the ass because they are saving the other chute for marriage. Please continue, user.

Did brooke w. ever get leaked ?

All I know are the girls in that pic. Idk brooke w.

A while ago. It was at a party

Bottom right?

Just from hair, chin, and tits. Looks very familiar. What does her first/last name rhyme with just so I can be sure? I haven't talked to or seen her since but I'd love for her to ride my cock again

Any 905 hammer girls??

Know her?

Any more user? So hot


first name?

more of this girl?

Don't think its her

Anyone recognize?

Attached: MKSnap1.png (720x1280, 660K)

not yet
maybe from behind

Anyone recognise?

Attached: 86_15B0mQh.jpg (640x418, 54K)

Tell me about fucking her

any 416/647 sluts that's available

Man up and just say her name already
little bitch

Honestly can barely remember it cuz I was kinda high and pretty hammered but this is the best I can remember.
>at party
>see chick with pretty nice chest
>realize I had gone to school with her
>start to talk
>she's kinda cool and totally into me
>I ask if she wants to go hangout in my car
>she says yes
>we make out and feel eachother up
>she takes her top off and I fondle her tits
>we both strip
>we fuck like mad for about 20 mins
>finish on her face
>we leave car
>can't remember any more cuz I got stoned af afterward
>some of the story may not be correct cuz I was super drunk and high that night
>and possibly might not even be the chick in the photo

Now can I have name, name sound alike, or even more pics to confirm who it is so I can get some sleep?

Holy fuck are you ever one persistent faggot.

nah bro, he won't. he is too much of a pussy

Titface McGee, now get some rest.

shit. I know her. I fucked her too

Yes I am. She was a good ass fuck

sure you did

Prolly did. She's a classic whore


We all did except him apparently.

interested in trade?

Attached: IMG_1580.jpg (787x640, 109K)

I have nothing to trade. You could be awarded good boy points though

does last name starts with m?


Name Des. ?

Any Sophie, Laurel or Arabella?

If someone had any, do you really think they'd just post it?



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Any more 306?

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Attached: 20190201_234521.jpg (640x932, 145K)

Attached: Maribelle.jpg (3342x1536, 727K)

More Brantford?


post some yourself first


905 girl (Toronto)
her mega
mega nz/#F!Nz5QFCwK!bvn5J4rghvH9waFRCrTghQ

Attached: IMG_7085.jpg (600x800, 92K)

post some more of her

Attached: 0KGbI0n.png (1417x1912, 1.52M)

where she from

Now post some Barrie/ Newmarket girls

Attached: 571AF683-7B5E-4E14-ABED-E7B23F5465D9.jpg (1514x1239, 189K)


Attached: 20190308_125602.jpg (2178x2572, 1.93M)

Ya who you got

so hot any more?

Any Elmira 519 girls? Kik me jjstamos


Attached: 20190308_132705.jpg (640x832, 163K)

VR - Richmond Hill

Attached: 9A67579C-ACA6-4EA5-A2C7-B48988269033.jpg (640x1137, 83K)

my dream girl, at least from the neck down

Wow who?

I second this. More girls from Newmarket/barrie


Neck up too

Attached: 31FDD11E-1859-4D0F-93B3-BBBC9716FA0E.jpg (559x459, 102K)


Wait... which one is ?

Name? I know her Reddit account

I’m real SOArry that I don’t have any pics to post eh.... got any smokes and kraft dinner??

Keeping it alive

Attached: 66CA7778-33F8-43D9-97EA-8089541D9E89.jpg (720x537, 50K)

Whats your kik?

Any Niagara people wanna trade ? I have Tiffany N pics

hey scottie

A fucking leaf.

Drop Kik for Oakville pawg

Take a guess
You have any other mj sluts?

What's your girl's name?

not necessary

Attached: gghgg.jpg (630x703, 106K)

her initials KL?


Hot moar?

Drop yours

Left apparently

What cities you got?

905 Vaughan

Attached: 20181107_100230.jpg (960x720, 144K)



First initial is right. Think her last name is different but she might of hanged it

Attached: Monica g(il).jpg (638x1136, 129K)

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lets get some 902 yall

looks like someone I know from ottawa, her last name was lorimer when I knew her

Any gets for 250 east kootenays?


Correct, she's on the left.

Attached: C005644A-CE77-44DA-9CB2-19577BD1CE8D.jpg (612x1088, 96K)

take away the "e"

Any Cambridge bros around? OP of yesterday's thread here

Cambridge girls, anyone know em?

Attached: 10B54205-341F-45B7-B4B5-29BB8702EE8F.jpg (640x470, 81K)

HR - Cambridge

Attached: 7038B83F-F418-4AC5-8ED1-2FC13BA64C6D.jpg (750x1333, 193K)

GS - Cambridge

Attached: 3172F7D0-62E4-4034-BA52-43D5672B4E1D.jpg (640x961, 59K)

Attached: D5F34FE2-6B1E-43C2-8FB2-D2F93E59FCDC.jpg (640x424, 31K)

MH - Cambridge

Attached: 9E7F4F95-8558-4878-980C-65CB6A6CFE17.jpg (640x800, 71K)

Where in 705? Moar?

Kik- angiebaby1010 905/Burlington/Hamilton trade

Any blowjob?

Sadly no

Attached: 4431D46C-84F8-4D07-98C8-EFECE6F0E0ED.jpg (612x970, 117K)

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Attached: 20190201_234529.jpg (640x1088, 156K)

MS - Cambridge

Attached: A51EA0D5-9504-4060-9ABF-DEB945997349.jpg (640x853, 108K)

Attached: 20190201_234512.jpg (640x852, 199K)

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JW - Cambridge

Attached: 59EE2EB5-B0E6-42DD-9EAA-DD5DFBEAAEAF.jpg (612x1086, 81K)


Attached: 5D8F5C81-3A97-409A-8156-41706FCAD854.jpg (640x478, 69K)

Who is she ? Got anymore Guelph

Only two I've got. I have some of her friends though.. TJ (same maiden name as leeeeeroy)

Attached: 63830E79-3543-482B-98B1-03C945953709.jpg (640x640, 58K)

Attached: E35AC4D4-552F-45EE-BA11-941F7BE9EA06.jpg (640x562, 44K)

Are you the same one who posted Gabby up there?

Need help with this one. Initials EL from Hespeler. Anyone recognize?

Attached: 9BE4E438-5BF2-41AB-B3F4-C070DA2423C7.jpg (640x883, 84K)

I am

Could be Emily lacoste?

CL - Cambridge

Attached: D5477B64-9209-4D4E-A279-9B2D8689FCD9.jpg (640x650, 73K)


Moar Guelph

Attached: 20190209_125919.jpg (794x1060, 292K)

Does someone want to start a new thread? This one isabout to 404

Any strathroy or London wins?

I second that

Motion passed. The House votes for a new thread Mr. Speaker.

We nominate you, mother fucker