TL;DR Chest hole big big make me sad sad help

TL;DR Chest hole big big make me sad sad help

Do you have ANY advice to live the rest of my life with this ungodly shit or just I kill myself? Besides my chest I do want to actually have a life and career. Go to college and get a PhD. Oddly enough this hasn’t affected me having friends or a gf or sex or even really health wise. It just really, really makes me super depressed about it and makes me feel like I’m just a freak and everything is pointless.


This is my chest. I have a serious case of pectus excavatum. I believe the hole goes in 3 inches or so. I’ve had to deal with it 18 years of life with my parents just ignoring it and there isn’t much to do because I’m basically full grown and the surgery works when you’re still growing. My whole life it hasn’t done much. It’s basically cosmetic. But it can affect health like pushing back the rest of my body and give me a humpback and scoliosis and can give me breathing issues like COPD. Lately I have been having health issues like pains but it’s not incredibly bad.

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can i drink milk out of it?

Yes, actually.

Chest hole = cereal bowl.

Ive the same thing bro, it just merely affects my breathing but its much smaller compared to yours

I have done that before.
Good for you ig lol

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Jesus fuck kill yourself you fucking abomination

dog lick pp

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Just get fat

Dear OP
this guy is an idiot.
Your options are: Get rich and pay for surgery

or if you live in somewhere like the UK with nationalized healthcare,

convince the docs you'll kill yourself unless you get surgery

The first option is more reliable.

You could also learn to live with it, whatever you choose I hope you stay healthy.

i wonder what it would feel like to rest my head on your chest

You don't want to get a PhD.

Also, inner pectoral muscles are built differently to regular outer pec. I forget, but i think you are supposed to hold the dumb-bells and bring both arms across the chest like an X rather than just too the middle. anyway, hit the gym. the end.

Fill it with salsa and get you some tortillas chips. Have your self a party?! Don't forget the GUACAMOLE..

OP i think I have a milder version of it. Does it affect your heart? I've always had a ridiculous fast resting heart rate and I often get pains in that area.

I really want to fucking touch it. I actually like how you look OP. But this doesn't matter to you as I'm but a simple wizard.

Dark Souls Ringed Knight detected

Thank you, sounds super fucking complicated but I'll try I guess.
I don't know. Probably not good.
Well I wanna get a PhD in like math or maybe physics. Just because I love them. I don't really care about all the debt, time to get it, or the fact that a master's is just as well as a PhD and cheaper and less time.

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Your parents are twats, sorry not sorry

Shane dawson is that you

Yeah, most girls don't ever have a problem with it at all, which I think is weird. It's just me that does amd it makes me so so so fucking depressed alot.
Not right now, but I have been having pains in my lower back and in my chest a bit. I imagine it'll get alot worse. For 18 years I have't really had a single health problem.

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why don't you just study physics/maths then?

I have a PhD in Genetics, although the last few years were mainly computer science. Giving up so many hours of my life for other people's non-productive ideas was a big waste of my time. I didn't need it. I also get slightly sick when people announce they have a PhD like it means something. Perhaps it once used to, but these days anyone can get a PhD if they are good at taking orders. Particularly in Physics. Maybe Maths is different though.

But for the chest thing, i'm not an expert, but i think if you develop your pectroral muscles it will pull your chest out and back towards your arms. maybe that sounds weird to you, but muscular imbalance is the disease of 2019. ok diabetes is, but muscular imbalance is in the top 100.

you're kinda hypotrophic as it is, and strength training could do you a lot of good. Don't wait until you're older, develop your body now and then enjoy it for longer :)

it will take 6 months of weekly effort until you#d notice a difference tho. But after week 4 you'll find it more fun than inconvenient.

Have a friend with this. He just bought a house with his girl
He’s done this with it too

logistically this makes cuddling face to face easier

Alright. Thank you. I will actually try this. Then what do you suggest that I do for a job or a degree? Just do a BS or a MS in Comp Sci? I'm fine with that.

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My brother had that. He had some crazy major surgery to fix it. Is that an option?

I don't know your motivations well enough to tell you how best to spend your life, all i know is that you'd be wasting 4+ years of your life pursuing a PhD. I think, hm, experience would be better. Just try and maximise your self-actualisation. I think you'll probably naturally do good stuff. without knowing more about you i can't really say more. best of luck!


use it as a snack bowl so you can eat while laying down + practice party tricks with it to impress the ladies

Thanks fag
Yes, but it works by like putting rods into to direct the bone to grow right. I'm 18 and probably not gonna grow much more than this so.

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Step 1: Get buff
Step 2: Get Evil Ryu costume
Step 3: Go to conventions and dominate as the best Evil Ryu in cosplay contests
Step 4: ???????
Step 5: PROFIT

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Not quite how it is done, they put bars under your ribs and crack them into the proper position. Then leave said bars there until bones are healed, but it's rarely done on people late teens or older unless it is required to stop serious complications. Basically, it's fucky plastic surgery.

But it's really no big deal at all, I have this too and it's made 0 impact on my life beyond laughs here and there.

1. install nuclear reactor in hole
2. buils mech suit
3. you now iron man son

That's kinda uplifting. ALSO HOW MANY FUCKING INBRED ASS HILLBILLY WHITE PEOPLE FROM VIRGINA GO ON Yea Forums, DAMN. I've legit never met another person with this to any degree.

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Ahh yeah my brother was 14.

Same lul is it that common ?

If you don’t like white people tumblr, not here, is the place for you, please report to immigration services.

I was saying my family is a bunch of hillbillies from the virgina mountains lol

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I've bumped into a couple that have had it, but it's not exactly a common thing.

But legit don't worry about it, I just made use of mine for body shots at parties, or stupid stories abour things like open heart surgery to see if people would believe it.

People always ask if I was in a car wreck.

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well middle america certainly isn’t the only or even biggest center of inbreeding, the joke is just so overused anyway, and genetic diseases can have many causes, inbreeding just being one of them.

Come up with a funnier story.
You can push it to dumb shit like cannonballs, people will believe anything lad.

I'll say a bowling ball fell on me when I was 3.

One of my friends is retarded like this, he's in his late 30s and is fine. Stop being a faglord. Don't let it control you

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Do more exercises to grow your upper body muscles like your pecks. It won't change your skeleton to much but it will cover the hole more.

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