Hey Yea Forums
Just wanted to get your opinion.
My mom is a 67 year old vaping fanatic. She used to smoke cigarettes and now she vapes. Which I guess is an improvement, but it’s still kind of annoying.
Anyhow, I don’t mind too much if she vapes on her own, except that she vapes in my house. And especially when she hangs out around my kids. She’ll be reading s story book to the grandkids or whatnot and just start hot-boxing the room with “Menthol brain freeze” vapors or whatever kind of idiotic vaping juice she likes and I’m kind of concerned that it’s making my kids retarded.
She is convinced that vaping is harmless to children. I want to kick her out of my house (she lives with me and I pay her rent).
Anyhow, just wanted to get Yea Forums’s opinion.
What should I do?
Hey Yea Forums
Lincoln Morgan
Other urls found in this thread:
Jackson Turner
ur house.
paying rent.
lo iq with kids smdh
Kevin Garcia
Shameless self-bump.
C'mon Yea Forums - I need your opinion!
Jordan Martin
Tell her to cut the shit or get the fuck out. I dont vape around my kids and not in my house
Jason Murphy
Maybe you should get your kids Juuls so they can be dope af like their granny.
Adam Allen
Your house, your rules.
Blake Jackson
Hudson James
tell her to start making some money
pic related
Adam Brooks
Delete her wow account
Leo Gutierrez
vapor that she leaves behind her vaping is no more harmful then the vapor water leaves when boiled .