Why humans failed to deliver the future promised since 1950s?

Why humans failed to deliver the future promised since 1950s?

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civil rights movement

because humans suck.

>clean, safe cities with high speed public transportation
That's reality, user. That exists today.


Next question

>public transport
Maybe in fucking China.

It isn't the Boomers' fault. That's a meme that you've fallen for.



Feminism, niggers, and kikes.



LOL yeah they did great things with communism but I was more referring to Singapore, Kuala Lampour, loads of very old cities in Europe with clean, safe, uncontested streets and high speed public transportation that is similarly clean, safe, and well run. The biggest problem in a lot of modern cities is traffic, user. Why don't you live in one?


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Jews and their golem, the niggers.

>not boomers fault
by 1982 they were the majority of the electorate, so yeah, it is their fault.

Kek. Believing in promises. You must be a child.

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The Jews.

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Jews and their pet niggers

The degredation and politicizing of the public education system.
Teacher's unions.

People forget that the head of the APOLLO space program was a Nazi Scientist who was also a Head in the V2 program bombing britain using slave labor of jews in part. Freemen were beaten to space by Bolsheviks who died by the 10s of millions under their government, and without them, we've degenerated into our slovenly selves.


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He got a free pass BTW.

Because humans think that's what they want. But that's not really what humans. Humans want pic related.

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because people in the 50s believed they were some sort of savants, yet they left us with rottened climatic change and cancer

Reminder that the futurism of the mid 20th century was entirely viable and that it was stolen from the human race by Jews.

Rest in peace, von Braun.

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Sup moshe

Because Jews keep holding everyone back.


>Muh climAtE ChAnGe

Sure. That's the focal point you invasive libtard.
I went to the space center in cape canaveral and got a history lesson with no science lessons that made me more knowledgeable about the subject.





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>Muh Free stuff

I don't know about all that. Maybe that user made some bad choices in his life.
But Jews are definitely the reason that you can't look up at the moon and see lights on its surface.

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I want a loli over a smartphone.

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Privatization and austerity.

Clean and safe? What fucking world do you live in lmao

No. You just want a girlfriend and you don't want us to know your a 12 year old.



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This is technically true but it obscures the reality. You make it sound like state funding was cut back in general. Rather, funding was removed from monumental projects like space travel and autobahns and put into more prosaic and degenerate things like endless AIDS research, gibs to African-Americans, and R+D to develop more efficient ways to kill Arabs for Israel.

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TV and social media, consumerism and marketing, societal and cultural pressures, shit schools, overpriced tuition

Need I say more?

Religion and anti-science movements

Fuckin androids..

I prefer 10yo tbh.

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Technological leaps disrupt industries and profits, so the patents get bought up by the richest companies and filed away until the entire industry collapses.

idk what the 1950's told you but we've already invented all the shit and more. THe problem is it's more expensive than the 1950's predicted.

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We've been infiltrated by Jews and no longer a White Nation. The blacks have taken up alot of attention with their crime and need for public assistance.

Oh look an image of some hick that totally absolves every jew. Good job.


Before we imported the third world and gave them a voice. The Government was set to educate the general public on Independent Nuclear Energy Production.

Can't do that anymore. Too much rift raft.

Islam maybe.


social issues

You are deluded. Most public transit is run by the government. Heck Amtrak IS THE GOVERNMENT.

niggers, muslimes, etc.

You are correct. However a government should be ruled by the people. Slaves are ruled by the government.

Third World Immigration has robbed us of our future.

You want Nippon (japanese for 12 YO) Railway, you go private, or penny pinching government that hates immigrants.


Stupid regulations. Ever drive around and wonder why homes look all the same? Cars are looking all the same basically - the technology of roads never gets implemented. We have pretty strong drones now but no personal flying transportation....
When you build a house you need to follow XYZ of regulations - so they never change and all look the same. This applies to roads.. this applies to cars... everything has been regulated to be in a box and so you never got this cool 1950s vision of the future.
>Liberals and do gooders did it.
Yea basically. We do not have a cool sci-fi future outside of computers because it was all regulated for our "safety".

FYI 5 companies own the Shinkansen bullet train lines. Not the Gov.

Space-X you government loving reformist apologist

>because humans suck.

Is the right answer.
We are just not good enough.
Our current world is 70+ year old science engineered to the breaking point.
We need huge breakthroughs to really go forward.

Holy shit this is the dumbest take I've ever read. You're a wonderful idiot. Don't ever change.

+1 because you gave me a good chuckle.

Spaceship technology didn't change for over 50 years because of capitalism, but one autistic fuckup wastes billions because he wants to be popular and you think Capitalism has saved you.

Buy a fucking clue you gullible little shit


Spaceship technology, LOL. We don't even have fucking spaceships. Everything is still rockets and nothing more. It is absolutely embarassing.

Elon Musk is not a capitalist.

His private ventures waste billions, he only makes profit from government contracts. You lose

Literally. Look at all that money gone... look at all time babysitting, look at the projected population over the next 50years... and that’s just Africa.

American niggers are a perfect example, a microcosm, of the huge expense and zero return civilization in the current year and past 100 years gets from sustaining parasitic niggers

futurists always forget that the 1/2 the population will have less than 100 iq. idiots dont make a wonderful world.

No unity
Too many Cultures
Too many races
Too many countries

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Humans will always form tribes based on ideology and proximity, there is literally nothing you can do to stop it.

Give up on trying to control everyone, there are better ways

Because niggers and leftists.


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Because racists and conservatives

>Muh regulations
Absolute bullshit. Regulations exist because assholes keep trying to save money by making shit unsafe. It's cheaper to cut corners and increase risks for users, and while that won't save money in the long run, the person responsible for that decision will be retired with a golden parachute by then.

Houses look the same? That's because the developer saved some cash by using 1-2 boilerplate blueprints instead of customizing every hourse.

Cars all look the same? Again, it's cheaper to make minor changes each year than redesign the whole damn thing.

I'm NOT saying every regulation is needed, but the idea that we would live in some kind of retrofuturistic utopia without 'em is just absolute bullshit.

It's time to shed the lies of the republican jewish puppet elite, friend. Climate change is happening. The noble aryan soul demands we protect our land before our children inherit a toxic waste dump.

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And Europe. Actually most developed countries except for America due to the powerful automotive industry

This tbh

Probably lives in North-west Europe where cities are actually clean and safe.

Honestly most of the money goes to the military. The US army is so ridiculously expensive. If that budget was cut the US could achieve so fucking much.


Two reasons:

1) Our version of capitalism focuses on short-term profit, which needs stability. That's why markets freak out so often when there is change and instability. It's not like innovation is banned, but it's a trickle instead of leaps and bounds.

If a company is making profit now, why risk a huge, expensive change? Why not just use that money to expand market share and make cosmetic tweaks to products? It's the same reason that bookies try to balance the line; they don't want risk with their own money.

2) People in the 50s only thought about what could be technically possible and never accounted for the human element. Can we make super fast, safe, and convenient mass transit? Sure can! But Americans are too into their cars.

Conservatives hate change. That's literally why they are called conservatives.

But sure, blame the folks who want change for a lack of change. Makes total sense.

The real reason is that the USSR was defeated therefore profit started ruling again and human will was set aside.

...capitalism is not the only social model and USSR is not the only thing that can motivate people

There are dumbasses saying vaccines cause autism, climate change is not real, and windmills cause cancer. That's your answer right there.

You can't create a future if you are willfully ignorant.

Exactly - we need more pure geniuses like Albert Einstein.

soul nazi
soulless jew

Anachronistic waste to society Nazi

Productive successful Jew

Honestly - consumerism + democracy.

All creative profitseeking minds look to do is make new products that can sell well to the masses, therefore it has to be liked by the masses, therefore it will inherently just be boring and comfy because that's what people like.

We'll probably feel more futuristic in a decade or three but the real cool stuff needs a well coordinated semifascist structure with someone mad enough to put alot of resources into it.

Social politics. Up to the 50's, we were striving to become the new force. Creating the atomic bomb, fighting against the Soviets to get to the moon, etc. We were a threat that no nation dare fuck around with. Hitler wanted us done, and planned to team up with Russia to take us down a peg. But Japan fucked that all up for them by striking us prematurely.
And then the sjw emotions kicked in.
>why black people treated bad :(
>why women treated bad :(
>why gay treated bad :(
Granted, that yeah it was a problem back then, but this completely derailed all attention towards technology. Now we as a universe, cater towards muh emotions more than expanding our livelihood.

Cuz we live in a society

We got distracted

you couldnt be more wrong. if you really think catering to peoples emotions has haulted technological research youre a huge dummy. our technology has progressed faster than ever, the ideals the people from the 50s were just unrealistic

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ding ding ding

Blacks and Jews.


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Space X is still a private company that actually holds real prospects for getting to Mars, No thanks to the ULA and NASA. Heck for 50 years NASA couldn't make going to the MOON traversible.


PS sorry I was at gym.


Except the 2008 collapse was caused by their "Change" with clinton and his push for subsidizing affordable housing from 30% to a later 50%, encouraging the banks to invest heavily in properties which were rubber-stamped with triple-A ratings to unsuspecting investors that didn't know what the actual investments were

Whining about being hungry, if this bitch cut a single slab off one of her arms she could feed her family for a week


Have you ever TRIED shutting down a NASA legacy site in a state? You idiot

The government

It's a fact that the public is always 50 years behind the most State of the art technology. Durrr

>Germans and Rockets

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Because everyone is to busy arguing about tribal politics. Oh and greedy fucks all racing to meet end stage capitalism in a free market.

Not an argument. You're just pointing blame. This is why cant have nice future city.

Honestly? Lack of vision.

We went into fucking space.....and STOPPED. We stopped the colonization of space.

No. It's also the fact that the government and uninformed people can't market for sh**.

Look up government telegraph company. I mean HOW DO YOU F**K up that badly?

Accurately pointing blame dipsh**. Pointing blame and responsibilities foreign to you?

If you can believe that some kind of gods created this universe, why would you assume they've stopped messing around with their toy.

I'm a physics major and I just want to focus on space and reading books like Compliant Mechanisms by Larry Howell, but dipcraps keep electing idiot politicians that make it harder for billionaires to invest in my $500,000 initial ticket price for the wealthy to Mars so I can use their money to make space flight cheaper and affordable to the common masses through R&D, like the initial bulky calculator became a cheap commodity used commonly in public schools.

I'd be happy if regulation were laid back, We wouldn't have so much to argue over.


All of my what.

Without someone pushing fat washington nobody moves.

We suck at predicting the future.
There has been a complete IT revolution that wasn't predicted this early, you can now find ads for legitimate AI services during sports games.
But there are no flying cars, laser blasters, space travel, etc, because there hasn't been an equivalent revolution in clean cheap energy. So we're stuck with the same normal transportation (except where IT is revolutionizing that as well, like driverless cars).

Oh, and the root cause of most problems: the average person (white or black, nazis) is pretty damn stupid, and that's not helping things.

The Soviet Union was the best thing to happen to space travel.

Active /r9k/ Discord, stay out normalfags:

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That and german babies.

Because this

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It's far easier to draw a picture of utopia than create it.


There was no solution given. Just blame. You can't make a sound argument if you dont follow with a solution to the problem. The problem isnt just this guy or that political party. Its society as a whole.

Because of pro wresltling

Because we only know how to spread but can’t maintain shit. It’s why everything is falling apart.

The solution is less government. the problem is that society as a whole is addicted to it.

By identifying the people responsible and who openly advocate for bigger government and targeting those who voted for them, you are improving society.

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Hungry lol. Probably some kike arranged for her to be there.

Wtf is this real?

Less government just leads to more greediness. Would the states have gone to the moon if they just made a big piggy bank and asked for donations?

Sometimes a society need control because one of the fundamental flaws in human nature is to be personally conservative.

Efficiency and production is the key.
"Work Sets You Free" some fantastically beautiful gate somewhere that brings back good times.
Then again I'm german american and physics major and raised in a certain fashion. My parents don't approve what I call UnAmerican activities.

Just kill them all them except for yours then simple

The Soviet Union is what kept the Federal Government in line. The only thing that changed was something threatened the Existence of the Federal Government and it's citizens.

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>Less government leads to more greediness
>Implying that greediness and ambitions of 10 people to make commercially valuable and affordable services is better than government often overpaying it's workforce


Different poster. We exterminate all the jews, blacks, muslims, mexicans, people making over 200K and anyone who has an issue with this. The vote is restricted to property owning males. Society is properly realigned and we can finish developing fusion. Energy issues solved. Use fusion drive to colonize solar system as first step to stars. Now watch poster complain that it isn't a "good" solution.

>Implying the State Government doesn't know every trick in the book to milk every penny off the books if they can with all the Italian beaurocracy lovers
>Implying that personal responsibility wasn't and can't be enforced by communities and societies and through small responsible government.


This is in reference to NY

This . Only this is the real answer. No niggers, no jews..just this.

The short answer is "Because Republicans"

If the US actually spent the money being hoarded offshore and by domestic and international billionaires and parasitic government contractors, etc. on infrastructure and THE PUBLIC WELFARE we would have systems like this. It's too late now. Inefficiencies are standard practice BY DESIGN, and 20 iq retards that think it's "inherent in the government" contribute to it daily.

Personal responsibility is only individual deep. In a community or society its other people who aren't you for the responsibilities to keep the society running smoothly.

It's the same principle as rights. Your rights, are other peoples responsibility.

If all the garbage men decided to quit their job, would you step up to the plate to tackle the issue or rely on someone else?


You are not an engineer.

No It's Democrats

Nigg*rs not earning their living to be considered African Americans

spoken like a true boomer


Black people

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It's the social contract and people with similar interests in enforcing a codified set of Laws for the good and rights of all citizens within the community. Your rights are your responsibility and others responsibility to enforce

People come together and vote to pay a portion of their taxes to elect a Sheriff to deal with law breakers.

No. I don't use a garbage man. I live in a big house on 30 acres of lush green land in Florida in the country right now and am going to a community college for a $7K Associates degree, in physics, so I and my family have to take the garbage to the local dump ourselves.

they over-promised cos they didn't know any better.

We have trains

It's everyone's responsibility ESPECIALLY YOURS to enforce the law of the community.

Who defends you in court? Who would you rather have defending you in court as an accused? A high paid, high qualified private Lawyer, or a county lawyer?

and who would've picked the cotton over all those years to make a new america rich? White people? yeah right. "niggers" made america because without their labor we would've never done the work ourselves. It must be sad living such a hateful life as you, +1 or making me reply.

Rothschild Zionism needs more slaves.

this, we are meant to live together, without walls, borders. We can still have our disagreements and still choose to live under a flag of love!

>powerful automotive industry
Is everything a conspiracy to you? Did it ever occur to you it’s American culture to drive cars because that’s what Americans want to do?

Do the remote Brazilian tribes remain remote because of the powerful spear and stone ax industry?

social media + cellphones + apps

people cant do shit on their own anymore

we tried

Personal efficacy and preservation is always a priority in any dealings you do, even if mutually enforced by a community does not diminish your personal and active role being required, the same as everyone else's. Ultimately your responsible for your own safety, your responsible for earning for your family, your responsible for finding a significant other and not dying alone, as it's not someone's job to take care of you at their expense especially if they have a family and matters of their own to attend to.

White house wasn't built out of cotton. Declaration of independence wasn't dreamed up by cotton. Our laws and social systems owe nothing to cotton.

>without slaves literally no one would ever do the work


wow you are a prime idiot.
The lack of empathy in this world is the problem. collective trauma and such. I can sense a lot of that trauma in you, it's why you think the way you do. Maybe one day you will wake up and deal with your plate. Or you will just continue living a miserable life thinking empathy for others is a sign of weakness. Your parents may not of held you enough as a child, but now you're all grown up and it's time to act like it

>Conservatives hate change. That's literally why they are called conservatives
So liberals don’t want to preserve anything? Well yes I guess you’re right because the tearing down of culture going now is exactly what we saw during the Great Leap Forward.

How many millions can you kill this century under the guise of “progress”?

>Ever drive around and wonder why homes look all the same?
Because developers are cheap and don't want to spend money on architects

>Cars are looking all the same basically
>because of regulations
>not because of basic aerodynamics

Goddamn you are a special kind of stupid.

Declaration of Independence is made out of hemp.

niggers invented the future you racist bastards

lol yeah except all the people who know half a thing about fusion will be dead. all that will be left is a bunch of honkeys who think they can do it themselves. Sorry, you can't . :(

So that means that Eli Whitney did more for this country than ten million niggers, right? Thank you white man for your world changing inventions

Let the Muslims start WWIII.

We wuz scientists n shit nigga we even invented duh peanut buttah*

*did not invent peanut butter

Do you live on a farm off the grid?

Who gives you a salary? Or who do you employ to make a living?

wow a special kind of dumb here.

>white house wasn't build of cotton

But it definitely required money, most of which was acquired via slave labor. You think white people would've pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and gone out to the fields? nice try.

because you killed ze evil nazis

and you literally posted evil hate speech

yup exactly, and once he made the gin, we realized how bad, we had truly fucked up. bringing all this slave labor over an OCEAN and now we have to live with those repercussions

Our history says yes. Whites would go on (like we have every single time) to build a wonderous civilization that is the envy of all the lesser races, who want to come and live in white nations.

Do you remember who freed the slaves? Hint: it wasn't niggers who did it. You're welcome. You should be glad that whites are so kind and caring. Do you know what the ottomans did to their black slaves? They gelded them. Neutered. Do you know why? Because they viewed blacks as incapable of coexisting with them and wanted to make sure they didn't stick around. You should be glad that whites are such kind and gracious rulers.

Yes and you were going good for a while, but then you went from Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole, "In the Still of the Night," "Mr. Postman" by the Marvelletes, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, to an overall group of welfare sucking parasites who think Lil Wayne and Ice Cube is the Epitomy of Black culture you uncultured n*gger.

What followed was the man leaving the company, which he is free to do at any time, and finding work elsewhere. With a better boss, he received higher pay putting such hard work into his job, and, through bonuses and salary, he was able to pay for such a car.
>Believing that all bosses steal from their workers' labor
What a failed meme. He is your boss because he manges you. If he is incompetent, be so overwhelmingly competent that when his boss is looking to replace him, they pick you. Make sure every one of your peers knows it should be you, so they respect you when you are the boss. Finally, when you are in charge, don't act like this asshole. He is incompetent at inspiring employees.
This is just advice user, I want you all to be successful business men.

fully agree

All those things you see in the picture are possible with the current technology. If we are not building those cities is for economic reasons.

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When I have records including Nat King Cole's A Blossom Fell, And "The Great Satchmo's Greatest Hits as a white blonde haired blue-eyed German American, when the average black child haven't even heard of them... there's something wrong with black culture.

You can still find speeches where Honest Abe talks about sending them all back. That was his original plan, mandatory deportation for all freed slaves. Instead some foolish whites convinced him to let them stay. Too nice for our own good, as always.

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isn't that exactly what you are saying, just slay them so we can get it over with? Maybe the ottomans were smart: kill all the slaves when you're done with them so they don't integrate into future society and wreak havoc. The white man's "gracious ruling" is the cause, societal break down the effect.

I love how now you've flipped your moral switch acting like you don't want blacks gelded & neutered. It must be hard being so racist, all those misfiring neurons. You're almost as brain dead as a libtard! It's okay though, when (if) you use the consciousness you were gifted, you can make a change.

so I think we've determined the reason we don't have the future is the white man's false sense of morality that has left us exactly where we are ;)

Not just a farm, a farm house.

And then a full fledged large House $350,000

My parents are retired police.

Then there's a personal shed with living quarters fit with directv, air conditioning, it's own refrigerater and bathroom, and washer. It houses a full fledged assortment of tools, Harley Davidsons, and Cadillac's premium racing car.

Then there's me, their physics major german american son.

Lmao I'd like to argue my points but you seem to be having so much fun with this fake ass genocidal boogeyman that you've convinced yourself I am.

Mandatory deportation is as hardline as I get. Honest Abe should have gone through with his original plan.

>ur hitler and u wanna kill all of dem
>also ur dum XD

Wow these are some big brained championship debate tactics that I'm witnessing kek

yes, since possession is the only way to value something...spoken like a true _____-american

False sense of equality more like. We have this high minded and noble idea that the savages of the world just need a fair shake and they'll be just like us. That's not the case.

>Literally. Look at all that money gone... look at all time babysitting, look at the projected population over the next 50years... and that’s just Africa.

>American niggers are a perfect example, a microcosm, of the huge expense and zero return civilization in the current year and past 100 years gets from sustaining parasitic niggers

this is the original comment I was addressing, which I'm not sure if it was yours or not. but Is it not clearly the genocidal boogey man shit you mention? Since you've yielded to this big-brained debate, go ahead and go back to lurking, bruv.

>i don't think it's fair to act like slaves were responsible for this nation's prosperity when they were forced to work and had no agency

The simple answer is humans just aren't that smart. What exotic technology do we possess other than the laser, which is almost 60 years old? We still depend on wires to deliver electricity. Can't come up with a new clean energy source. We're in a period of stunted growth that won't be changing anytime soon.

This right here, a perfect refining of my original thought.

Thanks user!


Liberals and their pets

In the real world I said "yes sir" and continued slaving away, because he knew that jobs don't grow on trees and it's better to have a bad boss than no boss.

The 1% care nothing for the future. Profit over people.

niggers and feminists

>except for yours

You can't even control your own kids, there are no people that are YOURS. You're a fool for thinking it's even possible

Appreciation, use for, as well as possession. When you acquire Louis Armstrong record from the 1950s for $2 in near mint condition, you didn't go out of your way, nor pay that price for something you didn't value.

Why does one possess a calculator? To use.

Why does one own an entertainment system and not rent one? To have free use of it whenever he/she wants it.

Why does one buy make-up?

You deride me, but have not been able to best me in reason.

how did you translate:
>i don't think it's fair to act like slaves were responsible for this nation's prosperity when they were forced to work and had no agency



I asked God to make my enemies stupid so I could hunt them like game, and now after reading this I realize I should've never abandoned my god.

Conservatives fight social change like a gang of spoiled babies, it's why nothing changes


History gives all they deserve, regardless of what you think or how noble YOU view something. Responsibility, competency, and capability are utmost for survival.

Not my comment, but:
1. It is not calling for killing anyone
2. It is the truth. In the US at least, blacks are overall a net loss (they comsume more funds with governmemt programs than they put in with taxes) while whites are a net gain to the communal pot of taxes.

Now I wanna go watch those old Tex Avery house/car/farm/tv of tomorrow episodes

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Spoken like true-trash that doesn't have nearly as much owned by his family nor personally most likely in efficacy and quality.

For some reason everyone of my professors like me, and my Guidance Councelor seems to think I'm really smart, and says he can't wait to see me again.

Active /r9k/ Discord, don't join normalfags:

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Uzbekistan. But the rest isn't good at all.


Any remotely capitalist society will have inequality and socially abandoned demographics.

If it's not black people, it's some other socially vulnerable minority. The only thing that changes is who gets blamed for being the losers in a zero-sum game where rich people hold all the power.

fucking racist asshole

Becouse of you kys

you think black culture doesn't appreciate it's own? you use modern children not appreciating a past-gem as your evidence? I didn't know a god damn thing about any of those artist until I was educated -which was a privilege that not everybody gets.

But guess what? I still don't give a fuck, or own any of those records. Still incredible music but I don't feel the need to own it. That must make me idiotic by your narrow view.

If you want to talk about the people of color who invented the techno your Germans now adore so much then lets talk. Juan Atkins, Eddie Fowlkes, Derrick May, Jeff Mills, Kevin Saunderson, Blake Baxter, Mike Banks. Any of these ring a bell? They should, because German techno and a large part of German society that revolves around it, have a deep respect and relationship with Detroit - The founding city of techno.

So, If you don't know about any of these people, being "german-american" - or own any of these records, by your logic, you are stupid? Black children now may not appreciate the incredible work that was done by their predecessors..but quite frankly I see just as many idiotic white kids out there playing the same sprinkler-music fucking trap or whatever it is.

My tutor for Calculus 2 was from Uzbekistan. SHE LEARNED IT IN HIGH SCHOOL! and had a master's degree in mathematics.

Denver, lol no sorry bud. I live at 12th & Pennsylvania Capitol hill, its filthy -our public transport is a disaster and most people who have lived here for 5+ years before the population boom will tell you the same. Do you live here?

Eh, lazy copout.

Blacks do not have a lower average IQ because of crapitalism. In fact the only people who benefit from this modern influx of third worlders is the wealthy business owners. Mass immigration and multiculturalism is in the interests of capitalism. The wages fly ever downward and a million new consumers fork over their money to McDonald's. But does this benefit the common man? Even a little bit?

Because dimethyltryptamine was made illegal

I hope in our time the white man can experience being the socially vulnerable minority, then reality will start to piece itself together again.

seems your big-brained debate tactics have receded into boring defenses..Good talk!

Generations of disenfranchisement is a big deal. So big that white people burned down two continents to get themselves where they are today.

Black people try to do the sane thing and you start whining like an entitled bitch

>only wealthy business owners profit from increased production

You have no fucking clue how the economy works

what do you take with you after this life? all those possessions? will they ornate your throne in death? You'll understand one day, sitting on your kingdom of worthless possessions, how little you have found real fulfillment.

If everyone's a boss, who will execute work. You cannot even start imagining how much work it takes. Its not a one man job to manage a business. (I actually manage my own business)

It's like saying all doctors should have only their private practice. But then where are the hospitals in that reality?

These examples can go on.

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Nuclear power didn't become prevalent/cheap enough for the utopian vision of energy.

>be me
>american living in Sweden
>everywhere I need to go is within walking distance
>always feel safe
>everyone is nice
>realize last week that I have never felt in danger since I got here
>if I need to go somewhere further I can take the space-ship looking light rail which takes me to any part of the city within 30 minutes and also leaves every 5 minutes
>soon I will return to the poverty and misery of America who hate countries like this for some reason that they can't even explain



I know about the Kaiser. I've listened to the history of Otto Von Bismarck as inspirational as he played the European Powers as pawns and expanding Germany's borders despite being surrounded by powerful nations that would rather not see the aquisition of geopolitical power by what could be a powerful adversary if unwatched. I know about Ludwig Von Beethoven as I've listened to both his 5th and 9th symphonies, I've listened to Richard Vagner's Lohegrin prelude, his ride of the Valkyries, I've listened and scene parts of the rich beautiful play Der Freischutz that inspired some of Richard Wagner's works.

I know of the fairytale King Ludwig and his famous fairytale castle Neuschwanstein built upon a mountain and the eery (most likely assassination by subordinates) death. I know of the evolution of Germany from a series of states into being united under the Kaiser's leadership.

Because Reagan lowered taxes from 70% to 28% so no more government sponsored R&D.

I agree, I visited Sweden and had a similar experience. Not even a cig butt on the ground! However, I hear they are struggling with crime that is related to an influx of refugees. who's to blame, the refugees? or the Imperial states (US) who displace them?

did it ever occur to you that its well documented that the auto industry lobbied for the decommissioning of public transport systems, and in some cases even bought the companies and then shut them down? its whacky shit but its actually true. America is really that way because of the auto industry, its not on accident

is this your intellectual retort when you realize you are racist? Seriously it's like you're some kind of wind-up toy or something.

Nuclear power is SHIT

taxpayers have spent BILIIONS subsidizing the technology and it's nowhere near as safe and cost effective as solar panel technology driven by private enterprise.

There is literally NO redeeming quality to investment in nuclear power, every single metric of its use is inferior to some other source of energy.

I haven't seen any of that stuff my self, and think it must be isolated to just a few cities or even areas inside of those cities. There are refugees/ immigrants in my city, sure, but they actually seem very normal and integrated. The kids especially are just normal kids that hang out with other swedes and dress the same. there are also a surprising number of asians

I love Sweden, I want to go back.

What do you know about Africa?


I love Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, and Classic America.

Do you think I listen to Lady Gaga or any Hollywood trash...?

Germany was called Prussia under the Kaiser, though now merely Identified as Deutschland to the germans, or (literally) "German-Land"


Isn't solar power just nuclear power with extra steps?


No, you see they work for each other and pay each other money.

solar power has absolutely nothing to do with anything nuclear you fucking retard.

I Know a bit of german theatre and one of it's most significant genres Sturm und Drang

No. The sun is a nuclear reaction, but photovoltaic cells do not rely on fusion

i never said a thing about german theatre, I'm really unsure how we got on this topic. There's this "german-American" in the thread on about how much he know's about his heritage lol.

What do you think is happening a million-times per second inside the sun you twat?

git smart, u jus got b8ed

American conservatives have a weird hate boner against trains. I can travel across Europe at 120 miles per hour. It's a very relaxing vacation because I don't need to touch a car the whole time I'm there.

this right here is why I come to /b, this exact sort of autist right here.

trains are for niggers

Buffett Life Advice (Pre-Boomer Billionaire Pill) MUST SEE


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fusion isn't nuclear you fucking twat

Not like the Dems have done shit about it, either.

Sturm und Drang or storm and stress, emphasized the dichotomy between rationality and human emotion in decisions. for instance the human emotion involved in the nobility's actions driven by affection and familial bonds, as compared to reasons which might disparage rash actions, preferring calculated actions for those situations whose results and outcomes have been influenced by human emotions at times to the benefit of the individual as a tribute to human nature, and at times with condemning consequences giving increased emphasis on rationality. The drama was as much about human emotion as a source of rationality as it was for problems and seemingly contradicting proposed theories of rationality.

Because kids stop caring about their toys when they break them

>weird hate boner

It's simple. They don't trust other people with the power to appropriate private property. They'll kick people off their land to build a wall, but liberals like trains so they don't trust the concept.


nu·cle·ar fu·sion
a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy.

it's nuclear my bb, just not fission we make here on earth. it must be hard living a life ruled by semantics, you should go see a comedy show.

nice attempt at trolling

game of thrones has been teaching me alot about this, thanks for clearing it up


I'm referring to this because I've listened to notable musicians of my nationality and like some of them, but you've heard Louis Armstrong and seemingly don't comprehend the absolute magnificence and beauty his ragged voice and trumpet holds as much as I do, which bothers me. Most blacks I've seen at my college listen to hip-hop and RB, while I've met a considerable number of whites that listen to classical music my age. Sometimes even playing classical music out loud. When I go to the Symphony house, it's almost all young and old white, even though their's maybe 20% of my town being black.

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let me suck your pooper for 1000$

Blame the niggers

Reminds me of that clip from family guy with the kid and the dog

You're totally right. A lot of people don't realise the amount of work and sacrifices it takes to manage a business


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My question to you... is this a vision of blacks future, as an indicative sigil of the steepening socio-economic divide and decline of black culture?


Your society is weak bullshit if it doesn't offer equal rights to most of the population


Imbibed in the class and philosophical depth of their music?

Your society is weak bullshit if it doesn't offer equal rights to most of the population. Weak bullshit societies fail to progress, it's inevitable

damn, good job

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Am I going to listen to drugs money and sex everytime I listen to black music...?


Because they didn't understand radiation, ecology, pollution or plastics in the 50's. They didn't realize all their "Advances" were creating a trash society.

Louis Armstrong is great, I may not hold him to such high esteem as you, but that's the beauty of a subjective reality is it not? it seems like music choice is the way you pass your idea of a logical judgment upon someone. I'm sure there's people who think the same about you and your jazz, classical inclinations! Here's what they say, "oh wow that german-american doesn't know (insert shit rapper here) - he must be stupid." Everybody resonates with different things in different ways. It's okay for black children to not understand the legendary jazz the came before them. Believe it, it's okay! Just like it's okay for you to have such a hierarchical view using music as your clues to where people lie inside of said hierarchy. All I know is your life would probably be much easier if you gave less fucks about others' music choices. At the end of the day, music is supposed to bring us together no? I'm sure if you could talk to Louis Armstrong right now, he'd be elated that you cared about his works so much, still, in 2019. He definitely wouldn't be scoffing @ your german heritage.

That world exist in japan, not the USA
Because jesus land freaks hate science, and actively work to subvert it, they make laws against stem cell research and renewable energy

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Was this before or after Seth stopped writing it? Did Brian die for his sins?

...I have no idea. I dont watch family guy but I've seen loads of random clips for some reason.

Japan has interesting zoning. Cities built for people instead of cars. In much of the U.S., we're forced to drive because there's no foot path between places close enough to walk.

This. But let's not pretend that the reason Japan is like that and not the same Imperial Japan they've been throughout their history is because we bombed them and educated them on how to grow their country. Japan was North Korea before NK

Do you watch The Orville? It's pretty great.

Because hitler lost

Nope, but it looks interesting, I'll add it to my backlog

you use one genre of music to make blanket assumptions about black culture, for a german-american majoring in physics, you sure don't collect a lot of information before making decisions do you?

nice shop, he almost had us though. he just mad he got schooled on nuclear energy

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wow u so edgy, xan u sharpen my knives?

That's what a boomer would say.

Don't you think it would be better for children to be taught at home if they so much as say single curse word, even if just blindly mimicking a song they'll get a bar of soap in their mouth?

Louis Armstrong's lifehood songs "black and blue," "What a wonderful world," Nat King Cole's "A blossom fell," or "I wish you love,"(classiest breakup song and most perfect voice you'd ever heard).

Or perhaps one of the greatest African-American singers in one of the greatest African-American musicals of all time Showboat, WILLIAM WARFIELD.



For a non musical Thomas Sowell:

Instead black youth listen to wrap, are introduced to a more materialistic outlook rather than personal worth like that of Thomas Sowell. Does it not bother you? Heck it bugged the fire out of my parents when I was invited to play a wargame when I was 12.

The rail systems in Japan are operated by the following entities that make up the Japan Railways Group:

Hokkaido Railway Company (JR Hokkaido)
East Japan Railway Company (JR East)
Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central)
West Japan Railway Company (JR West)
Shikoku Railway Company (JR Shikoku)
Kyushu Railway Company (JR Kyushu)
Japan Freight Railway Company (JR Freight)
Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)
Railway Information Systems (JR System)

Of these entities, 5 of them operate high speed shinkansen lines. They are JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, and JR Kyushu.

>not realizing the first PC was created by a guy on LSD. Not realizing software designers regularly use LSD and mushrooms for creativity.

Your "red pill" is a turd. The hippie movement revolutionized computer science before it was destroyed under the wight of heroin addiction. Occasional bohemian type movements are an absolute necessity to progress.


Conservatives also can't think objectively. They're always stuck inside their own heads.

maybe it's not so fucking easy like in movies, idiot

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>AIDS research
Kill yourself

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>spaceship technology
Are you 10?

no it's what i see in dreads and frizzy hair that look like they barely put any effort into their hair when they deliberately styled themselves as such. to me, a white boy with an afro looks just as wierd as a black woman with it.

alsi I CAN NEVER FIND a younger black that likes classical music and you be surprised at how many whites knew Armstrong vs. blacks. that is what i suppose i callously based my assumpions based on my experience in the college cafeteria

Nearly 30 businessfag here. Worked HR, coding, engineering, even publishing and graphic design, lots of fast intense worlds in my life, making sure I get stress for my hair loss to become a full fledged boomer.

Here's my take.

Media, families, and an overall accumulated culture which emphasizes and rewards apathy and laxity. The accumulated aforementioned which also begets poor life choices, and the ability to frequently convince oneself that what they do - however mundane isn't worth putting time into to do well.

Cultivating a strong mental attitude, so that you don't use others as a crutch for shortcomings which you can correct, along with even a meager amount of pride in your actions can push results that sadly seem phenomenal compared to our status quo.

I encounter a fair share of people who honestly don't think what they do matters. They live for breaks and taking lunch, are lazy, and generally don't give a shit. Some of them are damn well paid too.

If that's you, I guess you have your reasons, I can understand being pissed at low pay. Maybe some are legit. But you don't even have to barely try to stand out in some places I've worked to get recognition. People are just that poorly fleshed out.

>TLDR Example:
I was part of the hiring process of about 15 devs about 9 months ago. Only one of them is still at the company they signed up for. What's the magic?

Nothing. He showed up on time, got his shit done (never worked more than 40 hours), didn't shit around all day.

That's fucking it. He did his job, he did it mediocre, and when he was free he asked what he should work on next.

I'm just rambling now, fuck it all.

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You guys are dumb as shit. You're definitely not part of any stem industry, capitalism is the only reason we even have modern rockets, electricity, computers, or any of this shit. Get fucked. Soviets were just copying american tech during the space race. The race was overblown to motivate americans to excel even more.

"On 16 March 1926 Robert Goddard launched the world's first liquid-fueled rocket in Auburn, Massachusetts."

>His private ventures waste billions, he only makes profit from government contracts. You lose
Gee I wonder if it’s so godamn hard to make money off space travel because of government regulation and oversight.

>government regulates the shit out of private ventures and gives it back in subsidies
>not profitable
Pick one faggot

This. Slavey made americans a super power. None of it's success would have been possible without them. We should have taken better care of them after the civil war, integrated and educated rather than wait until the 50's to give a shit as the pot started to boil over

>IQ is total package to productive society
See people that lack self awareness aren’t productive.

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The economy that built it was built on cotton.

ya, but they did more with that than we did.


>pigeon hole entire group of people
>free thinker

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You mean Henry Edward Roberts? You little hippie loving libtard? Even if you went back to the first construct you'd find even straighter laced types creating Darpanet you twit.

>being so scientifically illiterate you don't realize that progress in one branch of science improves all branches.

The breakthroughs in medical research are the basis of new tools used in space travel and vice versa. All properly done scientific research is good. More data is always good.

As well as the hardware that housed it.

Agree. Once we have an automated robot military costs will drop, and we can focus on the future.

all drone army.

>blaming clinton for subprime mortgage scam

fucking kek Mental gymnastics.

>regulations laid back

Look at american capitalism before anti-trust laws

Sorry to break it to you but The world is a whole lot bigger than your college cafeteria..